Spring is bustin’ out all over (and a blogging milestone)

Eagle ready to take flight

Spring burst wide open in the Upper Peninsula early last week. When we returned from our East Coast trip May 2nd a pile of persistent snow still melted slowly on the ground.

A week later the wildflowers graced us with a single marsh marigold bloom.

Then lime green buds appeared on trees followed by unfurling fiddlehead ferns and whizzing red and green male hummingbirds.

The thermometer soared, our spirits delighted…and we spotted our first crawling wood tick.

Yay! Spring is here.

May I show you some photos of our arriving warmth and expansion?

First wildflower–marsh marigold

Second wee wildflower

Unfurling ferns
Foggy morning at the beginning of last week–just before the green and yellow haze of buds

Let there be reflection

This is a big blogging milestone for Lake Superior Spirit. This post–this very one–marks 1,200 posts published since January 2010!

That’s a heck of a lot of posts, isn’t it, in almost twelve years?

Some years I’ve blogged over 200 posts. Other years maybe twenty posts.

Magic of a woodland path

Sometimes I go for months writing about my favorite topic–spirituality. Other times, like lately, it’s more about everyday living in our north woods.

They are the same thing, really. Spirituality and everyday life dance together without separation.

Hidden fishermen

Nature reveals herself everywhere on this blog with her falling trees, majestic lakes, foggy mornings and woodland paths.

She can be quite the teacher, revealing how life continually changes yet cycles back in spirals. Nature can be soft and sweet or bold and fierce. She blesses us with her soft gaze and then moans with her feral wind.

She teaches us how to dance. Forward, backwards, a little this way, a little that way.

Inland tides on the Huron Bay

Every once in a while an inland tide pulls the water out of our bays. They call this a seiche around these parts. Just like in our own lives there’s pulls and tugs and changes happening all the time. We’re being emptied and being filled. The trick is to keep dancing.

Lupines and stream bubbles

Wood stream

Oh those skies!

Now that 1,200 blogs have danced together here on Lake Superior Spirit, it’s time for another blogging break. The blue jays call to leave the computer. The firewood says split me. The garden seeds long to sprout as soon as it gets a tad bit warmer. I want to be quieter and more awake to this bustin’ out all over world.

Wishing you long spring days filled with what dances your heart quiet or out loud. Many blessings wherever you are now! ❤️

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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49 Responses to Spring is bustin’ out all over (and a blogging milestone)

  1. Anna says:

    Yes to keep dancing! I love the line ‘we’re being emptied and being filled.’ Enjoy the unfolding of spring in your neck of the woods. It’s full on summer here.

  2. nekkachim57 says:

    It seems that you’re an authentic woman, as long as you are interacting with unitary movement of the existence. The four seasons (winter, spring, summer, and fall) are merely a natural mechanism to change this movement according to the earth’s rotation around the sun. The wisdom it’s not here, the wisdom is what do you have learned from this natural cycle?

  3. dawnkinster says:

    We have already pulled 3 ticks off of Katie, and we haven’t even been on a walk in the woods! Most years she doesn’t get any. Yes please show us pictures of the UP spring!

    • Kathy says:

      It seems the ticks haven’t settled as much in the Lower Peninsula as they have in the Upper. I fondly remember the 80s and 90s when ticks weren’t seen much…

  4. Carol says:

    Always ready for pictures! Please.

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you, Carol. It’s funny—when I take blogging breaks I don’t take many pictures any more. We saw the most amazing field of yellow mustard last night down in lower Michigan and drove right past it….

  5. jeffstroud says:

    Yes, I am so glad spring has finally arrived in your neck of the woods. Grateful for
    the season of exciting beauty and abundance. It is certainly an accomplishment of 1,200 blog post

  6. Stacy says:

    Many blessings to you, too, Kathy. Hope to enjoy your words again in the not-so-distant future. XOXO

  7. Debbie says:

    Kathy, you’ve more than earned a break — get outdoors and ENJOY!! It’s nice to see early Spring again in your part of the world. You’re a tad behind us, you know. Such pretty wildflowers! But oh, I’m NOT looking forward to ticks. With a long-furred dog, that might just be a nightmare!

  8. leelah saachi says:

    YES – looking forward to your phots -always – HUGS!

    • Kathy says:

      Leelah, I received a fortune cookie once that said—When there are words, share words. When the words disappear, share photos. When that disappears, relax in the silence. 💗

  9. Susan D. Durham says:

    Hooray for Spring, and unfolding and dancing. Thank you for your words and photos today. For you. May a reprieve bring blessings and new forms of dancing. Much love.

  10. Congratulations on your blogging milestone! “Let there be reflection” What a lovely picture and reminder. I thoroughly enjoyed your springtime photo gallery and wish you the best on your busily quiet blogging break. 💙

    • Kathy says:

      Barbara, thank you so much. I will probably be offline for awhile but hope to enjoy peeking in on your walks and pictures from time to time…

  11. Val Boyko says:

    So delightful to see everything bursting into beautiful being 🌷🙏🏼🌷

  12. anniesjourney77 says:

    1200 posts! That’s amazing! Enjoy your break. Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  13. Ally Bean says:

    It’s the lime green buds on the trees that make me think Spring is here for sure. I see other commenters congratulating you on 1200 posts, but I don’t know how they know that. Still, let me say YAY!

  14. Alanna says:

    Seriously you deserve spring. Enjoy!

  15. Barb says:

    Congratulations – 1200 posts is a celebration of writing for 10 years. I like seeing your UP spring. It is snowing hard here on May 20. Nothing blooming yet, and buds on trees are just starting to unfurl. I’m hoping that we don’t get damage to trees and shrubs. Enjoy your break, Kathy.

    • Kathy says:

      Barb, you are one of the few readers who see winter linger even longer than we do. I hope your spring comes soon and the trees aren’t damaged. Much love!

  16. Tilly travel says:

    Enjoy your spring Kathy
    Bright Blessing to you all

  17. What a lovely post to read to the sounds of our own spring unfolding…I want to walk that beautiful woodland path and count all the emerging flowers…you live in a lovely part of the world and I hope you’re dancing through every moment!

  18. Did I never comment on this post? Darn double darn. And I’ve been missing you in the blogosphere. I get it. I hope you’re dancing. I find sharing with my blogging friends here helps – my heart and soul. I love the connection. So please, don’t be gone long. LOVE to you, my goddess friend.

    • Kathy says:

      Oh that is so lovely. Everything you said! How the blogging connections feed your heart and soul. I know that too. And then some other knowing comes in and Spirit guides in a different direction for awhile. I AM dancing—and so happy the last couple of days—feeling a deep(er) connection with Spirit and remembering that we chose to be here on this blue and green spinning planet. Love you too!

  19. brandielroberts says:

    Sitting atop Brockway right this moment watching the sunset. Your posts are lovely reminders of how our souls are set to peace when we’re up here. Thank you, Kathy!

    • Kathy says:

      How cool that you’re visiting the UP! I am glad it brings you so much peace–it is a beautiful place to live (or visit). Thanks for your kind words and enjoy the rest of your trip.

  20. candidkay says:

    Oh, I have to chuckle. You know we’ve both been busy when I’m responding to your spring blog post just as autumn hits. Oy. But it was a lovely reminder of balmy breezes and new life as we head into the season of learning to let go. Thanks–always enjoy your posts.

  21. Munira says:

    ‘They are the same thing, really. Spirituality and everyday life dance together without separation.’
    So very true Kathy 🙂 ❤
    You know, I wasn't into spirituality when you and I first 'met' in the blogosphere, but my posts were always about the everyday. Now I feel as if I am now where you always were. But we were always there, weren't we? No separation at all….
    Reading some of your 1200 posts once again has made me see you with fresh new eyes, and I recognize and fall in love with your shining soul all over again ❤
    Thank you for your photos…a glimpse of the astounding beauty of North America.

    • Kathy says:

      Munira, I absolutely did not know you weren’t into spirituality because every post you wrote shined with it! How sweet and absolutely wonderful that you now know this lack of separation. xoxoxo

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...