How to manifest guinea hens


Someone ponders:  What are those weird-looking birds on your road?

Answer:  Our neighbor’s guinea hens.

The first time you spotted the creatures you breathlessly ran up your neighbor’s driveway.

“Your birds have escaped from the woods!”

Neighbor rolls her eyes.

She does not look overly fond of guinea hens.


Passersby gawk.

What ARE the creatures?

You say to the Universe (not pushy):  I want to photograph guinea fowl.

Hint:  do not insist.  Do not fuss.  Do not REALLY plead overmuch.  Manifestation sometimes gets tricky if you’re desperate.

Next morning bring camera.  You are not thinking about fowl.

Out on the road, what’s that clucking in the tall grasses?


Yes, heart be still, the Universe hath manifested guinea hens!

You photograph.  Guinea fowl glare.  Guinea hens get agitated, clucking wildly.

You snap, snap, snap.

That’s how you manifest guinea hens, photographers.

P.S.  I once wanted a campfire chair.  Please, Universe, a chair?  Next morning…guess what? A dilapidated wooden chair had fallen out of someone’s pickup truck right in front of our driveway.

Manifesting is fun!

What have you manifested?

strange birds?

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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28 Responses to How to manifest guinea hens

  1. I’m currently manifesting a “sold” sign – details will follow once complete 🙂

  2. Marcie says:

    I’ve never seen guinea hens before. Very cool!

  3. Sybil says:

    I want someone to help me on my journey to find my place in the Universe, and the Universe manifested YOU.

    Oh darn — that wasn’t funny, cheeky, sarcastic or silly. Last time that’ll happen.

  4. Awww, cute! But the last two photos are slightly ominous — the birds look like they’re plotting revenge! 😉

  5. Karma says:

    Those are some very strange looking birds! I was able to photograph a bird I’d never seen before this past weekend, so I was pleased with that – but I wasn’t consciously trying to manifest it, so I guess that doesn’t count!

  6. lisaspiral says:

    I’ve always liked the idea of guinea hens, with the spots and all, but these birds look like they are plotting revenge.

  7. I am manifesting 200 words at a time because of you inspiration

  8. Joanne says:

    Aren’t Guinea Hens odd looking birds Kathy? I’ve been trying to get a decent photo of a Bush Turkey lately, and they are pretty strange looking creatures too.

    Manifesting, wow, I could write a book, but it usually happens to me when I least expect it, and I remember that I thought about the manifestation after it appears. That’s a funny story about the manifesting chair. 🙂

  9. Hmmm, I don’t think I’ve manifested anything substantial, lately, except maybe lunch!

    Great photos, btw, but those birds sure don’t look friendly! 🙂

  10. I once observed my friend, Linda, manifest a new tire for her car. We were on the freeway, headed for classes in Flint. Her car had four bad tires, but one had recently blown, so she was forced to replace it with the “donut” spare that should never be used for long. It was wearing on her mind, as she was dead broke. A truck pulling a trailer merged on in front of us. The trailer was piled high with tires. Linda said, “I’d love it if one of those tires would fall off and roll to the side of the road. I’d whip right over, and we’d throw it in the back.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, a tire bounced off the top of the heap and rolled gently to the shoulder. We pulled over right behind it, paused to see if the truck-driver was going to slow or stop, jumped out and loaded the tire into her backseat. It was like brand new!

  11. Heather says:

    Those are cool birds, and I can see why you requested a photography session from the Universe. I manifested a moose while we were hiking in Montana. I desperately wanted to see one, and had made jokes about meese. (You don’t think that’s the plural of moose? Hmm.) We just climbed out of the car to head off on a 12-mile hike when I spied a mama and baby climbing into a lake. I was (am) overjoyed 🙂

  12. Lovely pics.My grandma used to keep the but I never thought of snapping a pic.The eggs they lay are tiny.
    Mmm I guess I manifest my dreams but that seems to take about 7 years.I can’t do something like that fast.

  13. Val says:

    I manifested a wikipedia look up of guinea hens. Does that count? Soon I shall manifest a cup of tea, followed by a sit down, and maybe if husband gets lucky, I shall manifest supper! 😉

  14. Brenda Hardie says:

    hmm…I am manifesting a little place in the woods for Rick, me and Alex ♥ Pretty please Universe ♥ (I know my wish is much bigger than guinea hens or campfire chairs but hey…why not ask…right?)

  15. bearyweather says:

    Neighbors with wandering fowl of various sorts are common around here … locals know where to break for turkeys, ducks, geese … small town life.

  16. Susan Derozier says:

    Neat photos! I had made a visit up to Superior one year after having moved away several years before. Loved my time there but when I was driving back home, I had the thought…”Darn….I didn’t even see any deer this trip.” And then I had the immediate thought “but not in the road!” Two minutes later I drove up over a slope to see three deer standing in the green space separating the highway. I shouted my thank you out loud. Instantly following that, a blue heron flew right in front of my windshield as though to say “I’m here too.” Great trip!

  17. Barb says:

    Perhaps I’ve been hoping too much for rain. I may have to be more nonchalant. I like your hen pics, Kathy.

  18. I’m manifesting my own healing from a god-awful summer cold. See tomorrow’s post for details. Who knew there was such a thing as guinea hens? Thanks for the scoop.

  19. Chris Roddy says:

    How interesting Kathy. I’ve never heard of them or even seen one before. You learn someting new everyday. Thanks Kathy

  20. I manifest love. And friendship. And happiness. You’re right – it really works! (P.S. I think the guinea hens look oddly pretty, or is it pretty odd?)

  21. Bobz says:

    Joy and contentment

  22. cestlavie22 says:

    That is the strangest looking bird I have ever seen! I am not currently manifesting anything besides waiting for a few chicks to hatch- I guess in a way our incubator is manifesting them lol.

  23. Colleen says:

    I am manifesting an approval, a yes! and an extended stay in California 🙂

  24. Reggie says:

    Oooh! We also have guinea fowl like that! They are NOISY! But they’re also pretty, and their soft spotted feathers make great decorations for cards… 🙂

  25. Robin says:

    Guinea hens! Wonderful shots. My husband wants to get a few and let them run around our woods. That would probably manifest a red fox. 😉

  26. Dana says:

    I manifested Marty! Best manifestation EVER. 🙂

  27. manifesting flowers galore…and always love…love…love….

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