Happy Halloween dear readers! Don’t be scared…




Would you be scared if you met this guy in a dark alley?

OK, a skeleton with boobs. I am not scared. Honest, I am NOT scared!

(Are YOU scared? Do you have lots of little goblins and witches at your house tonight? I would be VERY scared if someone knocked on OUR door tonight. We haven’t had trick-or-treaters in the woods since our little ones were littler-than-little. What would I give them? An apple? A $1 bill? Scary thought indeed.. .)

Happy Halloween to my favorite ghosts and goblins readers here in the blogosphere!  BOO!!!!


About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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54 Responses to Happy Halloween dear readers! Don’t be scared…

  1. Brenda Hardie says:

    BOO! Great pictures Kathy! We’ll probably get some little kids tonight and some bigger kids, Alex’s age—his classmates might stop over. 🙂 I’m all ready for them, with a big bowl of candy. Hope your woods aren’t haunted tonight. Have a fun night, whatever you do 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Oh how cool that Alex’s classmates will come by. Have fun! Do you have any M&M’s or Almond Joys? (I think our night will be super duper quiet…not as exciting as yours!)

      • Brenda Hardie says:

        No classmates yet…just a family (all dressed up) who are friends. In fact the little girl, Emma who is in 1st grade absolutely loves Alex 🙂 They all came over with a goodie bag for Alex and a skeleton cupcake that they made. I took a picture. The Mom and Emma were Cleopatras and the Dad was a pirate and Noah was a Ninja and Eva was a little bumblebee 🙂 Soooooo cute!
        No Almond Joys or M&Ms…but there are heath bars, tootsie rolls, reeses pieces and tootsie pops 🙂 Plus hershey bars wrapped up like mummies and bats 🙂

  2. Kerry Dwyer says:

    No witches or goblins tonight. Very spookily quiet here.

  3. hard to say how many we will have — I am prepared for a few though as I live in town but on a quiet street

  4. Boo to you, too! lol

    We don’t get as many trick-or-treaters as we did when our kids were little, but we still get a fair amount, and they’re starting early this year. We just got our first one and it’s not even 5:00 yet!

    Happy Halloween, Kathy! Loved your scary photos! 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Susan, I am glad you loved these super-duper-ultra-scary photos, lol! You must be in Central Time Zone. Ooops, I hear your doorbell running…bet you’ve got another Zombie heading your way! Happy Halloween!

      • Yup! We’re down in the old Prairies. As a matter of fact, Winnipeg is only a few miles from the exact centre of the country. Manitoba isn’t called the ‘keystone province’ for nothing! 🙂

        Oh, oh! There goes the doorbell with the chorus of Trick-Or-Treat! 🙂

  5. lisaspiral says:

    A lot of your skeletons look like Dia de los Muertos decorations. Surely your ancestors aren’t THAT scary! 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      You are so right, Lisa! They were Day of the Dead decorations from Old Town in San Diego. I think I’ve used the last of our California trip photos now. 🙂

  6. Jeffstroud says:

    Halloween has been canceled until Monday here in NJ! Hey and you have been saving those photographs since your return from San Diego ! Nice!

    • Kathy says:

      How can they cancel Halloween, Jeff??? Well, though, I suppose they want to wait until things are a little back to “normal”. So glad you weathered the storm safely, dear friend! (And how did you know these came from San Diego, lol?)

  7. AHHHH! *runs away and cowers under the blanket*

    Happy Halloween!

  8. Georgia Mom says:

    i recall being at your house one Halloween. Chris wanted to be an elephant and wanted me to make him his trunk!! I think his mother sent him over to Grandma to construct that trunk. it was a real challenge.

    • Kathy says:

      I am going to look for that picture, Mom. I know we had a little elephant one of those long-ago years! And I remember that you “saved the day”.

  9. Karma says:

    I am LOL-ing at the “skeleton with boobs”! It is nearly 8pm and we’ve had a grand total of 3 trick-or-treaters.

  10. The neat thing is that I’m teaching my creative writing class tonight – we’ll all dress as a ‘character,’ and munch on chocolate Halloween cookies, and write scary cookies. Wish you could join us!

    • Kathy says:

      That sounds like a LOT of fun, Pam! I’m not big on the dressing-up part, but I would love the munching and scary cookies and talking about writing. Hope the evening was a big success!

  11. sybil says:

    Had about 15 kids — bought candy for 60 or so. Sigh …

  12. john says:

    We had the greatest day, we went to my 2 1/2 year old granddaughters school for her Halloween Party and Parade. Jenny hit the nail on the head, the best feeling in the world is when we saw the look on our granddaughters face when she saw us walk in. She ran yelling across the room “Nana, Papa, I love you!”.

    • Kathy says:

      That sounds like a really wonderful Halloween treat, John. Nothing better in the whole world I suspect… Sighing with happiness for you and Jenny.

  13. lucindalines says:

    Cool pictures. We had lots of children at our house. I tried to scare them from the bedroom window which is near the front door. My daughter kept telling me not to. It was great fun. During one batch of kiddees our orange cat sat in that window, and I made growling noises for it, I think I may have made one little girl wonder about the sound. It was great fun. Hope you all had a fun, spooky time.

    • Kathy says:

      I am laughing thinking of you trying to scare the kids from the bedroom window. How funny, Lucinda! And your daughter telling you not to. How the roles are reversed as we get older! Sounds like you had a more exciting spooky time than we did. (My entire spooky moment was posting this blog and a picture on FB.)

  14. Heather says:

    We don’t get trick-or-treaters out here either. I’m glad we have little ones in our lives so that we can tag along and enjoy in the festivities. Happy Halloween Kathy! Thanks for sharing your spooky decoration photos 🙂

  15. sonali says:

    Happy halloweens!!! Do you have a halloweens party? The skullies look funny… LOL!! Have fun Kathy, may you have a sweet November 😀

    • Kathy says:

      Happy Halloween to you, too, Sonali! I think I asked you on FB if you celebrate Halloween over in India, or any celebration similar? Glad you liked the skeletons.

  16. Munira says:

    Happy Halloween!!

  17. Zero kids for Halloween for us. We always buy some candy “just in case” since sometimes we’ll get a few kids. Mine are always happy to eat the leftovers 😉

    • Kathy says:

      Inger, well it sounds like yours were happy with the leftovers last night. I figured we’d have to hand out $1 bills if anyone showed up. Which they didn’t. Writing this post was my whole Halloween celebration.

  18. We were right there with you last night. NO visitors to our house on 4th Street either. Happy Halloween to you, my friend. Sorry to be a day late.

    • Kathy says:

      Hope you weren’t too lonely, Kathy. Thank you for the Halloween well wishes! Many treats for you and Sarah–hope you don’t get any tricks this year at all.

  19. Halloween was a roaring success with my little ones! It was a little drizzly outside, but that didn’t seem to slow them down one bit! Their excitement takes me back to the days when I went Trick or Treating as a kid. I hope they remember these days for a very, very long time!!

    • Kathy says:

      I am glad you all had a wonderful time, Holly. To think back to the time when a little drizzle didn’t dampen our enthusiasm. How utterly sweet!

  20. Dana says:

    No trick-or-treaters at our place, either, but we were always told never to trick or treat at apartment buildings when I was growing up. Too sketchy. Nobody but riff-raff lives in an apartment complex! 🙂

  21. No tricks; no treats, no goblins; just ghosts.

  22. Karen says:

    I couldn’t leave a comment on your post about the sunrise…tried three times so I’m leaving it hear. Thanks for sharing such a lovely photo of the sunrise and the wishes that went along with it.

    • Kathy says:

      Karen, glad you liked that sunrise pic and the sentiments, too. I turned off the comments for that post~~figured it might be a momentary “pause”. But thank you for your diligence in coming to the Halloween post to offer your thoughts. Have a great weekend!

  23. Barb says:

    I was helping with Sam again over Halloween. He’s 2 months now and starting to smile and sometimes even chortle a little. Otherwise, he’s a quiet little guy. He attended 3 Halloween parties in his bothers and sister’s classrooms and was patted and kissed by innumerable children. He needed a bath to rid himself of Halloween germs when we got home. He went to the first party as a spider but spit up all over his outfit so had to attend the other 2 as just a baby. I’m way behind reading blogs. I may need another blog break! (!!!!!!!!)

    • Kathy says:

      Your little Sam is so precious, Barb! And to think he’s been kissed by so many ghosts and goblins and germs in such a short time! lol…what a precious little spider you have. I think I am trying another approach re the getting-behind-issue. I am turning off comments until I get caught up! So far it’s working just wonderfully, although maybe the commenters are plotting insurrection!

  24. Reggie says:

    These are soooo creative, Kathy! So much work must have gone into designing and constructing these works of art.

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