It’s a miracle!



I am reading the book “Dying to be Me:  My Journey from Cancer to Near Death, to True Healing” by Anita Moorjani.  I first heard of the book through Marianne’s blog.  Monday night, at the township meeting held in extreme frigid temperatures, Doris’ brother slipped me the book.

It shows you good can come even when we’re complaining about treacherous driving conditions, because I am thoroughly enjoying reading about Anita’s miracle.  She suffered four years with cancer until her organs shut down one winter day.

They rushed her to the hospital and she slipped into a coma, appearing to the world that her life dwindled quickly.  Her perspective, however, arose differently in the depths of her coma.  She perceived everything happening with clarity and joy.  Her awareness expanded; she felt pure love.

I won’t spoil the story by telling in detail what happened, but you can probably gather that Anita experienced a miracle.  She returned to Life and embraced a journey of healing.  Her tumors disappeared.  She shares her story with hundreds of thousands.

Yep, dear readers, miracles are possible.

They sometimes exist.  Not always, not every day, but sometimes they happen.

May I share a personal story of a miracle?



I was ten years old, a wee shy curly-haired glasses-wearing sprite.  Our family loved a dog named Chopper in our ranch-style home in the Thumb of Michigan.  Chopper, a wire-haired terrier, cringed in thunderstorms and ran helter-skelter around our apple orchard in the backyard.

One fine summer day our Chopper ran away.  Disappeared.  Vanished.

My parents searched and searched, but no Chopper returned home.  My two brothers and I were heartbroken.

That night I kneeled in my bedroom and sobbed and prayed and sobbed and prayed.  It seemed like hours passed.  I begged God for help.  Pleaded.  Wept some more.  Finally crawled beneath my pink bedspread and slept, exhausted, scared for dear Chopper out there somewhere missing in the dark night, yet hoping God might miraculously hear my heartfelt prayer.

Dad and Chopper, 1978

Dad and Chopper, 1978

The next day–no sign of our dear pet.

My friend, Pattijo, called and asked:  “Would you like to go for a bike ride?”  Four of us would ride our bright and shiny Schwinn bikes out in the country where she lived.

Why not?  It felt agonizing to continue to wait at home for news of Chopper.

We rode into the sunlit morning.  We pedaled and pumped through the flat country dotted with farms.  Cows mooed from fields and horses clattered away as we approached.

We pedaled farther and farther from her country house, turning this way and that.  Pattijo seemed to know our destination and we followed, feeling freedom for one of the first times in our young lives.

Chopper opens Christmas present

Chopper opens Christmas present

Maybe five miles from home we turned again to the left.  We were in Unknown Territory now.  I never even knew this place existed so far from my in-town ranch-style home.

We pedaled up a driveway when there–

–no, it couldn’t be–

Chopper came running toward us.

Our Chopper!

Our Chopper!

Our Chopper.

Five miles from home.

Chopper ran exuberantly toward us, waving his stubbing tail, delighted, seeming to say, “Oh, yes, here you are, thank you for coming!”

In that moment I believed in God.  I believed in miracles.  I believed.

And that belief in knowing that Life pulsates beyond our five senses never ceased.

Have you experienced a miracle?  Did a single event propel you into this landscape of divinity and grace which sometimes reveals itself like a gift?

What are your thoughts about miracles?

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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60 Responses to It’s a miracle!

  1. sybil says:

    Tough one Kathy. I have trouble believing in the miracle of a found lost dog when children starve and die in their mother’s arms. I hear of someone who “miraculously” survived an accident while we ignore the lack of a miracle for those who perished in the same accident.

    I need to believe in something beyond ourselves but question the “rules” that save a dog and ignore so much “other” suffering.

    Wondrous things DO happen. But miracles ? I think not.

    • Kathy says:

      Hmmm, Sybil, I am thinking that you and I might have a different meaning associated with the word “miracle”. I could interchange the word “wondrous” without batting an eyelash.

      I live drinking in a world of miracles everyday–ohmygosh, the sun is shining and it’s getting warm after a week of freezing cold! That feels like a huge miracle. The fact that the birds didn’t all freeze in that polar vortex feels like a miracle. The fact that a fawn is making it through the winter is a miracle. If I make it through the day without compulsively checking email that’s a miracle.

      None of these compete with the fact that a friend died a painful death with cancer, or that a cat froze to death on the streets of NYC this morning. The suffering in life opens our heart to the pain that exists…it is sad, it can be so brutal and despairing.

      I think that miracles or wonders don’t involve rules at all. They happen just because. They happen by grace. They don’t happen because a person is worthy or unworthy. They happen, perhaps, because the person’s life path is meant to be a different. Perhaps there are other lessons to be learned. I certainly couldn’t guess. Perhaps they happen just at random.

      I guess I don’t think miracles don’t exist just because pain & suffering & death exists, too. It’s a wonder that some things happen when we expect them not to happen. That’s all I am trying to express.

  2. Brenda Hardie says:

    Good Morning, Kathy,
    The book sounds very interesting—I would love to read it too. And your story about finding Chopper just made my heart get all warm and fuzzy inside! What a joyous miracle! ♥
    I have been witness to many miracles throughout my life—and it makes me look at life through the eyes of a child, filled with wonder and awe ♥

    • Kathy says:

      You should read the book, Brenda. It’s inspiring. And it was a miracle to a little girl who found her dog–and opened her eyes to the possibility of wonder and awe. Thank you.

  3. Yes, I believe in miracles. Many have happened in my life – I believe many happen in everyone’s lives, but we don’t recognize them as ‘miracles.’ I understand what Sybil is saying (above), but if I only look at the horrible in life (children are abused, babies die, people starve and kill each other), I won’t be able to see the beauty that also surrounds us. I chose to believe that even those disenfranchised in our world, experience their own kind of miracles. Maybe it’s not food, or shelter, but something inside them that gives them joy.

    • Kathy says:

      Pam, I think it would be a sad world indeed if we simply looked at the negative and challenges and suffering which surround us daily. How painful! It feels like the sun shining through the window right now is a huge miracle after these days of cold. It almost makes one want to get on her knees and sing songs of gratitude. Hopefully, this song of gratitude won’t shut us down to our neighbor’s suffering, our financial woes, the heartbreaking pain of life. Thank you for sharing.

  4. There are amazing, wondrous things that happen – without explanation – in this world. Those – that we sometimes call miracles – help to balance the awful knowledge of the other, awful things that also go on. It is not wise to look at them as a “favor” from on high – because that would assume that those who suffer or those who die have fallen on disfavor. In my humble opinion, though, it is perfectly acceptable to recognize the joyous, wonderful and “miraculous” things that do find their way to our senses, on this crazy, mad, chaotic planet. I’ve experienced a few. Thanks, Kathy!

    • Kathy says:

      Isn’t that true, Cindy? That balance of life–the miracles and the suffering, dancing together in this circle of existence here on earth. I don’t look on miracles as “favor” from on high, either, although maybe some folks do. To me, miracles are grace. How many times have we prayed without answer? Sometimes, just sometimes, grace has her way with us and we heal from cancer or find our dog. Other times, it’s the opposite. And who is to say that the miracle sometimes is in NOT getting what we want? Glad you’ve experienced a few miracles, too.

  5. Bonnie says:

    This is a hard one, Kathy. Miracles. When wonderful things happen to a person, perhaps they ascribe it to a miracle, but what about the loss and sorrow of others? It is a big question, and I can’t answer it. I think that miracles happen every day, but we don’t notice, or if we do we don’t think of it as a miracle. I think the birth of a child is a miracle, the transition from caterpillar to beautiful butterfly also. I could go on, but perhaps you get the idea. I agree with cindyricksgers.

    • Kathy says:

      Bonnie, how I agree about everyday miracles! Please read some of the answers I’ve typed up above about my definition of a miracle. To me, it doesn’t compete with loss and sorrow. It’s a gift of grace, and we can perhaps never know why or how. Some people equate miracles with worthiness, but I think miracles are simply Life expressing itself. Some fawns with survive the winter; others will not. Is it a miracle when some survive? I think YES! Does that somehow diminish the suffering of the ones who die? Not in my heart…

  6. lucindalines says:

    I was stuck in a snow bank on the way home from college. Another young man ran off the road a few feet from me. We didn’t know about each other, but a trucker found us both and with the joint effort of the two men, they got my car out of the snow bank and the young man and I found a house to shelter us through the storm. The trucker drove on through the night never to be heard of again. I believe he was sent, an angel perhaps, to save the both of us. I have always been thankful that I was worthy of being saved because I would have frozen to death without a doubt.

  7. Heather says:

    I like Bonnie’s answer: “I think that miracles happen every day, but we don’t notice, or if we do we don’t think of it as a miracle.” And I think that Chopper’s return was a miracle, as was your cycling waaaay out to find him. Life is a miracle. That we’re still blogging in this desperate cold is a miracle 😉

    • Kathy says:

      I like that thought, too, Heather. So many miracles! I was thinking all morning that it was a miracle that the sun is shining and it feels warm after all those days of c-c-c-cold. Thank you for seeing Chopper’s return as a miracle, too. It so shaped my life. It made me open to so many wondrous possibilities–mostly to be able to SEE the miraculous which arises daily.

  8. What a heatwarming story! Of course there are miracles, otherwise I wouldn’t have survived the silly things that I did while I was younger. 😉

    • Kathy says:

      Ha ha, so true! I can think of one or two things that required a miracle to survive in my youth… Thank goodness! Glad you enjoyed the story.

  9. Kathy – I particularly appreciate part of the beautiful response you gave Sybil:

    “I think that miracles or wonders don’t involve rules at all. They happen just because. They happen by grace. They don’t happen because a person is worthy or unworthy. They happen, perhaps, because the person’s life path is meant to be a different. Perhaps there are other lessons to be learned. I certainly couldn’t guess. Perhaps they happen just at random.”

    • Kathy says:

      It’s so interesting to think that even the word “miracle” can mean different things to different people, Laurie. I am glad you liked that response. It tried to summarize what I meant a little bit more.

  10. Lori D says:

    I can never read a story about a dog or a soldier without crying. Yes, even the happy miracle ones make me cry. Yay, Chopper. Wonderful story. Oh, I haven’t read Anita’s book, but I have heard her miracle story.

    • Kathy says:

      You cried, Lori? Awww, my inner little girl is sniffling right along with you. To think that amidst all the sorrow and pain of life–not everything need to be lost. It’s maybe not ALL hopeless. May we keep on crying and being uplifted and inspired!

  11. Susan D says:

    Thank you for this wonderful blog today! You are a miracle!

  12. lisaspiral says:

    I talk about “Miraculous Presence” in Manifest Divinity. I do think the miraculous happens in all our lives. I think sunrise in the morning is miraculous, and I don’t think a “scientific explanation” diminishes that. The categorization of what is or isn’t a miracle is based in our own perceptions of the Divine. I do think being open to miracles happening, like the faith of a little girl, makes it much more likely them to occur.

    • Kathy says:

      Like you, Lisa, I don’t think a scientific explanation diminishes a miracle. Sometimes it even enriches it, doesn’t it? Really resonate with your statement about the categorization of a miracle. You’re right, it is based on our perceptions of the Divine. Never really thought about this before. Kind of always assumed everyone thought of miracles the same way–how interesting to discover this isn’t so. And, yes, that innocent faith of a child may make miracles more likely to happen. We adults might sometimes interfere with that innocent trust. Thank you.

  13. Yes, a wonderful blog; two life changing events have happened in my life. My son lived when he was given only a year to live; an angel found me stranded beside the road; not knowing where I was; very ill; called 911 and disappeared and all the searching for her turned up nothing.
    Finding Chopper qualifies in my book as a true miracle and both of you deserved that miracle! A little girl believed enough…that intensity can move the “plates” of the universe.

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you for sharing your miracles, Linda. How amazing that your son lived! And that you were discovered on the side of the road when it could have turned out so differently. Thank you for enjoying this little story. It certainly shaped my life.

  14. Joanne says:

    Gosh Kathy, where to begin? I was taught by my parents, especially my father, to expect miracles, so I have experienced many throughout my life. I heard the story of Anita Moorjani through Marianne’s blog too and although I haven’t read the book, it gives me goosebumps when I think of the experience she had! She could have just gone home after leaving the hospital and lived her life, but she chose to share her story, to tell the world that miracles do happen and that she is the living proof, therefore helping others to believe. Imagine the lives this woman has touched! Your miracle story gave me goosebumps too as my mind’s eye saw you as a ten year old girl, finding your missing friend that you longed to have back in your life. I can see how this event would impact on your life, just as my father’s words shaped mine. ❤

    • Kathy says:

      Joanne, it’s interesting to contemplate the difference between those taught to expect miracles and those who view them as improbable or impossible. I think you will enjoy Anita’s story. And I am smiling thinking you enjoyed the small miracle of a little girl who so wanted her dog to be found. Bless you, my friend! (Guess what came in the mailbox today? Greetings all the way from Australia! I hope you find your own greetings from Michigan soon.)

  15. Gotta get that book. And, I do believe in miracles. I have seen some of them a few times in my life. I was a part of two of those miracles. Maybe some would think otherwise and “we” who are mere mortals will never know why some things happen. I just accept that there is a higher power somehwere that decides about life events. Fervent prayer does not hurt. And, who are we to judge when some of us are shown mercy while others are not.


    • Kathy says:

      Let me know what you think about the book, Yvonne. I am SO GLAD you were part of two miracles. As for mercy–it’s interesting to see that even within ourselves–sometimes we’re gifted with that mercy and other times it’s a little harder to see. Thank you so much for pausing and sharing your thoughts.

  16. Gosh, I LOVE that! That’s an amazing story about Chopper. I fully and completely believe in miracles. Interestingly, I just downloaded a sample of Moorjani’s book to my Kindle a couple of days ago. Haven’t had a chance to take a look at it yet. Good to hear you’re enjoying it.

    Hugs from Ecuador,

    • Kathy says:

      Kathy, thank you! I am so glad you liked the story. I wasn’t sure whether to tell it this morning, or not. Wow, how amazing that you just downloaded that sample to your Kindle. It’s a fascinating read. I’m keeping my eyes out for miracles every second. Might even find a miracle in Ecuador one of these days!

  17. Chopper – what a fun miracle!

    Dying to Be Me sounds like an interesting story. I believe in the everyday miracles of life (butterflies, sunsets, love). I’m also the sort of girl who gets excited about empirical evidence, so my belief is tempered by a healthy dose of skepticism with regard to miracles of the more outrageous sort.

    • Kathy says:

      Lunar, I am so glad you enjoyed the story from my little-girlhood. Chopper was certainly our beloved, except during thunderstorms when he wouldn’t stop shaking and we couldn’t convince him that he wouldn’t die. I am smiling about your excitement in empirical evidence as well as love of everyday miracles.

  18. Such a sweet story, Kathy ♥

  19. Holly Kreag says:

    I absolutely believe in miracles. Some are blatantly obvious, others take some time and reflection before they sink in. My father passed away 12 years ago yesterday from colon cancer. Of course, we immediately started praying for a miracle when my dad got the awful diagnosis and the bad news that it was incurable. Our family, friends, his caretakers, even complete strangers joined us in praying for a miracle. And a miracle did come. But not in the form of a cure. The miracle was that my sister was able to come home from Japan and my husband and I were able to get a quick flight home from our vacation in Puerto Rico (over Christmas when it wasn’t easy to get last-minute flights) in plenty of time to spend the final days with my dad, to tell him we loved him and how much he meant to us. And he passed away at home with his family by his side, knowing how much he was loved.

    • Kathy says:

      Holly, it is so interesting that we can’t always predict how our miracles shall come. How wonderful that you were all given the great gift of being with your dad before he passed away. That is a miracle, indeed. Thank you for sharing this story. And blessings as you remember him a dozen years later.

  20. Barb says:

    I believe that Moorjani did a Ted talk – I have her book on my Kindle sample list. I think miracles are in the way we interpret life’s happenings. I have experienced a few turns in life that seem miraculous to me – others might find a more scientific or common-sense explanation for them. For instance, I think the Lady of the Lake is a miracle – others might just say it’s a wet reflection on a stone. Kathy, I’m having trouble viewing my entire comment to proof it. Am I doing something wrong? If there are mistakes, I apologize.

    • Kathy says:

      Barb, this is so utterly fascinating. I had never thought there might be so many different thoughts and opinions about miracles. I tend to think that every darn thing is a miracle–like the fact that we’re breathing!–and, yes, that Lady of the Lake seems a huge miracle as well. It makes me happy that you view her that way, too. Others kept searching for a rational explanation. I am so sorry you couldn’t see your entire comment to proof. How annoying. Hopefully it will be fixed next time you come miraculously bopping by. (tee hee. just kiddin!.)

  21. Christie says:

    I remember Chopper he was a cool little dog. Funny I actually remember his dislike for storms but I don’t know if I ever knew about his little adventure. So glad you were able to locate him that day. On a side note I feel like I am in the U.P. down here, more snow, ice, and cold temps than we have had in many years.

    • Kathy says:

      Christie, it’s a miracle to me that someone who remembered Chopper came by and stopped to comment!! Thank you. I am surprised you weren’t biking with us that day. Wonder why not? I’ll bet you do feel like you’re in the UP after this cold spell. Heard you guys had more snow than we did last week. Stay warm!!

  22. Elisa says:

    lol sometimes they put holes through your roof
    i think I should be sorry but the joy of the thought and the giggling are amazing–a miracle for me after yesterday and last night..and even earlier this morning

    • Kathy says:

      Let’s hope we don’t get holes in our roof, Elisa!! That would be the opposite of icing on the cake, lemme tell ya. Glad you are feeling Life’s ups after their downs.I am really cheerful today. What a Yin/Yang trip. 🙂

  23. Stacy says:

    I don’t know, Kathy – do I believe in miracles? I have never really been able to answer that question. I would like to believe in them, I would. Maybe when “miracles” happen, they are created by the very people who believe in them. ❤

    • Kathy says:

      Stacy, you know, I was thinking about this today while shoveling the deck. Maybe the prerequisite is believing in miracles. Then they happen. What a thought!

  24. Munira says:

    It’s a miracle alright that so many small seemingly random events aligned themselves just so, making it possible for you to find Chopper again. You could have set off a little later, taken a different turn, but you didn’t. The Universe conspired to re-unite humans and doggy! 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Oh, I’m glad you see it that way, Munira. That’s what I thought, too. There were dozens upon dozens of roads where we might have bicycled that day. So many different possible turns. To think that, for some unknown reason, the Universe conspired that day to answer a little girl’s prayers. To think that it’s possible for all of us…

  25. Reggie says:

    Looove that story of Chopper! Yayyy! So glad you were miraculously re-united! My heart is singing with you.

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