Snowy window synchronicity

From side window overlooking deck

From side window overlooking deck

The oddest thing just happened!

I sat upon the couch, meditating, not thinking about much of anything.  My gaze settled on our windows.  Quietly peered through the windows, noticing how they act as frames for nature.

A house filled with snow frames.

Little frames for window art.

Windows unto the black and white soul of winter.

Our grill.  Through deck window.

Our grill. Through deck window.

Next thing I knew I careened from the couch to find the Canon Rebel.  Now where was he hiding?  I rarely even think of him unless the Universe nudges and insists.

With insistence the Universe demanded that these photos be taken–now! Even though it’s barely light here in our Little House in the Big Woods in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Another view through side deck window

Another view through side deck window

Snap, snap, snap.

Admiring the snow, the frames, the windows.

I’ve taken similar pictures in the past five years, but not recently.

OK, this isn't really through a window.  But you do see the natural frame, right?

OK, this isn’t really through a window. But you do see the natural frame, right?

Once one snaps photos, one must upload and see if they’re worth six cents of viewing pleasure, right?

So off to the computer I come.

Yes, yes, these are worth showing my dear readers, some of whom rarely view snow.

Close-up of teeny wind chime through window

Close-up of teeny wind chime through window

On a whim–just because it’s a photography blog–I search for the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge.

And here’s where it gets utterly amazing!

Guess what the Weekly Photo Challenge is?

Weekly Photo Challenge:  Window

I kid you not.

Through bathroom window

Through bathroom window

Don’t you love when synchronicity happens?

When Life moves serendipitously?

It makes me believe in miracles, it does.  🙂

Kitchen Window 1

Kitchen Window 1

Kitchen Window 2

Kitchen Window 2

The only other photos from the past week proved also to be taken from windows.  A car window during our trip to Houghton this week. Might as well show you these, as well.

Don’t be blinded–you’re about to see some COLOR in the next shot.

The old Lode Theater in Houghton

The old Lode Theater in Houghton

Tis amazing what one views through windows.

Three evergreens through car window

Three evergreens through car window

As Cheri wisely shared in the WordPress Photo challenge:  “They are portals into the world’s stories.”

Car window snow

Car window snow

Thanks for looking through windows with me.

Enjoy the world’s snowy stories!

Another Little House in the Big Woods between Houghton and L'Anse.  Through car window.

Another Little House in the Big Woods between Houghton and L’Anse. Through car window.

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
This entry was posted in January 2014 and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

43 Responses to Snowy window synchronicity

  1. Think I liked the car window snow photo best!

  2. Elisa says:

    Makes me think of the ted talks thing with the author you are reading…her little flashlight views. Thank you for sharing awe-full glimpses of soft and fluffy feeling nature. We have rain at the moment. I am really glad for the snow, rain, peeking grass cycle here.

  3. lisaspiral says:

    I love it when synchronicity happens. What a great excuse to get out that little cannon Rebel. I love that early morning light this time of year.

  4. These are all lovely photos of the – mostly – black and white landscape through winter windows. I’m enjoying them here, too. I love synchronicity…it makes it seem like there is some kind of order in the universe! Thanks, Kathy!

  5. Reggie says:

    I *love* your window photos, Kathy – and such a happy synchronicity! I am glad that you listened to the helpless cries from Miss Rebel, as you and she take such beautiful photos together. Now please stay warm in your polar vortex, don’t go traipsing about in those sub-zero temperatures!

  6. john says:

    You are in tune, you’re open and receptive. That is a wonderful thing. It is almost like a musician at the Aura Jamboree who can walk up to a group playing outside and join in without missing a beat and fitting in almost like it had been reherst. I want to say it is a blessing, yet it is as much an achievement. Listening is a lost art which you excel at after many years of practice. I respect your practice.

  7. Dawn says:

    Well darn. Typed a big long comment and lost it. SO anyway, I saw that photo challenge and am all excited because I LOVE windows! Love your Lode shot, the composition of the red ladder and the red the rest too.

  8. Heather says:

    I love your window photo synchronicity 🙂 And the tall piles of snow! We got rain last night and our roads are slipperier than I’ve ever seen them. Cannot begin to consider driving on them. Can’t even walk safely on them – even slowly. Hope no one in the neighborhood has an emergency today! Hope you’re faring better up there 🙂

  9. Karma says:

    I saw the WordPress photo challenge this week and thought it was a cool idea if I actually had something nice to look at right now. Our snow is nearly melted and we are brown and mushy here for the most part. When I saw the title of your blog in my email I thought you must have decided to do the WordPress challenge – how funny that it turned out you took the photos before you even knew.
    PS when I read “I kid you not” I was reminded of another blog you did a little while back – My mother’s phrase similar to yours goes, “I shit you not!” – lol

  10. Brenda Hardie says:

    Oh my gosh Kathy! I love photos taken through windows…and especially snow photos!! Yours are breathtaking to me and I wish I could be looking out a window and see those majestic evergreens heavy with snow ♥ It’s even more amazing how you stumbled into the synchronicity of the photo challenge. Sounds like a perfect day!
    Stay warm and cozy in your little house in the woods and enjoy the beautiful view from your windows ♥

  11. Carol says:

    Our world is much like Karma’s now – brown and mushy, with rain coming out of the gray skies this morning. Your enormous piles of snow make beautiful artwork and your frames are perfect.

  12. Susan D says:

    I love it!!! And such captivating photos, too. What a cool end-of-the week synchronicity treasure!

  13. Lori D says:

    Awesome. I felt like I was looking into snow globes, even with the window frames. 🙂

  14. sandiwhite says:

    Thank you, Kathy! I so appreciate you showing us the World of Big Snow! Especially when here in N. Georgia, 18 snowflakes indicate a rush to the store for Bread and Milk. Lord only knows why.

  15. shirley khodja says:

    I love your snowy woods photos & I hope that you shared them for that challenge!

  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Window (3) Pub Christmas Drinks | What's (in) the picture?

  17. P.j. grath says:

    It was fun to see your world through your windows today, Kathy. It’s a beautiful world.

  18. I love your snow frames. I love your serendipitous life in the big woods!

  19. Snow, snow everywhere and and the windows of a wonderland were yours to know. How you wished the forest could speak of images in your imagination and ideas for you to seek.

    Lovely photos Kathy. Again, I ‘m so glad the snow is yours in reality and mine to see through your eyes.

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Window | The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  21. Susan Derozier says:

    Stunning Kathy! Makes me wish I were there looking out with you. I love synchronicity as well. It always seems the universe is singling me out with wondrous gifts. Keep seeing for us and sharing. LOVELY!

  22. I remember talking with someone from H-H many years ago. They told me their puppy had chewed the end off their garage roof the previous winter. I’ve never forgotten the story. Having visited friends in the past and encountered the snow piles in mid-May I understand how it happened.

  23. Stacy says:

    Love your snowy windowscapes, Kathy. I get my black and white winter fix from you, you know. ❤

  24. Joanne says:

    I had a similar synchronistic moment when I read the WordPress email Kathy. The day before the email arrived I had been going through photos taken at the Byron Bay lighthouse and there were so many photos that I loved. The light on the day I had visited the lighthouse was amazing, and I came across so many window photos! I have never, ever, ever had the opportunity to see snow piled high on my balcony or the white, bare branches on the trees through my windows, so absolutely loved these photos of yours! I’m so pleased that The Universe became so demanding that day. 🙂 You should drop by and see what I saw through the windows at the lighthouse!

  25. lucindalines says:

    Amazing how the universe lines up some days.

  26. Beautiful pictures! I have become like that with my cell, and the scenery the whizzes by the semi window on my side of the truck. I have collected so many sunrises and sets from different states. 🙂

  27. Sid Dunnebacke says:

    I remember the Lode! I’ve missed your photos and your stories, Kathy. All is well?

  28. sybil says:

    Can’t believe how much snow you have ! Lovely views through your windows …

  29. Pat says:

    Nice snow photos, Kathy. Yup I remember the black and white of winter – unless there is shades of brown.

  30. dorannrule says:

    All great shots and I love their stories of winter in the big woods….. Thanks! 🙂

  31. I love how snow transforms the ordinary into the beautiful. Great shots, Kathy!

  32. Pingback: Windows on the World # 2 | Through the Eye of Bastet

  33. Love your window shots. I have one particular window that I have always thought would be a great painting. I should start paying attention to the photo challenge–it sounds like a great way to start looking differently at the world.

  34. christinelaennec says:

    Beautiful photos of fairy-land scenery. Yes, it’s amazing when things like that happen and it seems to me the biggest thing about it is that we dare to follow our instincts in the first place!

  35. penpusherpen says:

    Ooooo I do so love portals. Kathy, and so true about synchronicity , ’tis a compelling force methinks. Sending warmest of hugs over the airways. xxPenxx

  36. What wonderful winter window images!

  37. Dana says:

    I love synchronicity and definitely believe in miracles. Thank you for the smiles, Kathy!

  38. elxroflife says:

    Hi Kathy! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog today, to witness your joy when playing around with pictures, and finding it actually fits into a bigger picture. Each picture is as beautiful and magical as the synchronicity that becomes evident on the way down through text and images. Brilliant! Yes, brilliant, Kathy! True brilliance is effortless. Playful too.

  39. A little piece of snowy heaven though your windows, I love it! 🙂

  40. Munira says:

    Beautiful natural frames…I want them all on my living room wall 🙂

  41. Great response to the challenge, Kathy. The snow is beautiful! So clean and bright. I kind of miss it!

    Hugs from Ecuador,

  42. Robin says:

    Serendipity and synchronicity are two of my favorite words and you used both in this blog. 😀 Your snow looks lovely, and I’m so glad both serendipity and synchronicity paid a visit to your little house in the snowy woods so I could enjoy snow on this rainy day. Thank you.

  43. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Window | Joe's Musings

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