Not about me


Sweet readers,

A confession!

Often these posts are not about me.

Even though I use the word “I”.

Here’s what happens.

I’m meditating.

The Universe announces the day’s blog.

(WHAT? You want me to write about THAT?)

Yesterday during meditation, the Universe announced:  Readers come and readers go.  Since I’d experienced this before, I leaped toward the computer all excited.

It’s fun when the Universe writes your posts.

You sit with poised fingers and wait to see what It will say.

(That’s why I love writing.  The Universe says the most unexpected things!)

Sometimes I’m puzzled when people think it’s about me.  They think I lost readers recently. Or that I’m upset.  Even though the Universe explicitly used the word “you” over and over again.


It’s often the Universe, sharing a message someone needs to hear.

Sometimes I need to hear it!

The Universe speaks to all of us.

Please never assume these posts are about me.

They are about all of us.

(Example.  Today’s post.  The Universe decided.  I had no intention of writing anything.  The Universe said: “Give me your fingers.”  What’s a blogger to do?)


About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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29 Responses to Not about me

  1. Kathy – Thank you for being a wonderful channel for grace, the immediate presence of Spirit.

  2. Susan D. says:

    A resounding YES!

  3. sybil says:

    You gave the Universe your fingers ?!!! Isn’t it hard to hold a cup of tea now ? Do you type using your nose ?

    Universe — give Kathy back her fingers !!!

  4. Wow!!!!!!!! Very up lifting Kathy. I pray that the universe continues to give you fingers, in fact that the universe gives all of us fingers to help each other, followers,guest and so on. Blessings!

  5. lisaspiral says:

    What a fabulous exercise in trust. You’re doing a great job with it. You can tell by the comments that you always seem to hit home with some of your readers. It’s nice when we get gifts from the universe.

  6. I love those moments when you know that you are not doing the writing, something else is writing through you, and you are just the conduit. It happens occasionally to me, and is such a powerful feeling. I think that you, Kathy, are an amazing conduit in tune with the energy of th eunverse.

  7. bree1972 says:

    Perfectly said!

  8. susan says:

    Thank God for your fingers! 🙂

  9. Oh my, what a wonderful echinacea photo!!! The Universe is full of surpsises, isn’t it? I treasure the listening…

  10. Heather says:

    It’s good the Universe uses you as a conduit to spread wisdom 🙂

  11. Brenda Hardie says:

    Thank you for listening with your heart Kathy ♥ I LOVE the last picture with all the lush greens!! Have a happy happy day dear friend!

  12. Susan Derozier says:

    Loved to hear this Kathy. I wrote my entire book the same way. An idea for a chapter would appear and I’d head to the computer, put some music on and let it flow. When I’d finished the book, I realized that nearly all the chapters were about the same pages long and each of those chapters had been written in one sitting…..message delivered. I receive so much from the universe when I am willing to open my eyes and see what is given. Your entries always touch me in that way. I agree….it isn’t just for us personally…we are all just drops in the wave of life.

  13. Lori DiNardi says:

    WordPress changed some of its formats on how people find and read blogs. On the main wordpress board, people can read much of the blog without even clicking on it. Many of my blogging friends have been noticing this. One photographer’s blog I frequent used to get over one hundred likes a day. Now he’s getting half of those. I started blogging 7 months ago, and I just started getting a good amount of clicks for a newbie. Now, they are cut in half. 😦 Anyway, just thought I’d mention it in case you weren’t aware. I look forward to what the universe has to say on your next blog. 🙂

    • dearrosie says:

      I didn’t know anything about this. Good grief! Where does one find the main WP board?

      • Lori DiNardi says:

        I’m doing this blogging thing for 7 months and I’m still learning myself. If you go to your stats page, or to Freshly Pressed, that is the WP main board. The tabs up on the top are the different pages you can check on the main page. The Reader page will bring up all the blogs you follow. You can “like” them right there without even clicking on the web page. It takes away a lot of clicks to our pages. Also, the topics page is kind of hidden, so new people can’t find our blogs as easily. You can click on the topics page under the Reader tab where it says ‘explore topics.’ Like I said, it’s hard to find.

  14. sdunnebacke says:

    Is that how it works? That explains a few posts of mine that afterward had me scratching my head!

  15. lucindalines says:

    Thanks for posting the picture that I wasn’t able to get off my phone. Love the flower, now that I know it isn’t a weed.

  16. dearrosie says:

    I’m glad you gave your fingers a break. Love the photo.

  17. Carol says:

    I do hope the Universe only borrows your fingers. I read my blogs through Flipbook on the iPad and some of them require I got to the site to read the whole thing, others give me all the text and photos without actually going there. Comes down to, I might be visiting but you might not know unless I come in and “like” or comment. Is that like stalking?

  18. Munira says:

    You are the cutest blogger in the world!

  19. Colleen says:

    Amen to Laurie’s comment 🙂

  20. Dana says:

    Bless your fingers, Kathy! I love that you have opened yourself up like a channel. I’m always curious to read what the universe has to say. 😉

  21. Joanne says:

    Loving all of the words that you and the Universe come up with. 🙂

  22. “Give me your fingers.”

    …and we can only waggle away.

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...