Patient Barry & Nurse Kathy: Round 2

Barry and Kathy

It’s been fun posting so frequently again during July!

However, Patient Barry and Nurse Kathy soon begin Round 2 in the Knee Replacement Surgery World.  (Left knee replaced in April.)

May not be posting as steadily  I solemnly swear not to pre-post three more blogs today! (WordPress allows such blogging fun.)

Our daughter in Marquette

You will be proud to know I learned to drive the new riding lawn mower yesterday!  Fulfilling mowing “driver’s training” for post-surgery weeks when a certain right knee might not cooperate.

Diaa swimming beneath the Slate River Falls

Garden brocoli and basil and onions and lettuce and cilantro grow profusely.  (So do weeds, unfortunately.)

Huron Islands at the Mouth of the Huron

Barry returned from his annual four-day fishing tournament at Isle Royale yesterday.  Glad he survived the trip this year… I was a little worried.

I spent almost four days soaking up lots of Kathy alone time.  The nurse is now ready to re-appear.

Hazy skies from Canadian wildfires

Will write again some time after Barry sports a new right knee.

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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35 Responses to Patient Barry & Nurse Kathy: Round 2

  1. rehill56 says:

    We’ll be with you in spirit!

  2. My best to Barry for a successful surgery!

  3. John says:

    Two hours into our game, two more to go. You would think taking things out would be faster than this. I hope Barry’s recovery goes smooth. Would like to get together while up there with my patient.

  4. Best of luck with the second surgery!! ♥

  5. Steady hands are wished for the surgeon; patience for you and Barry. And, as much as I like reading your blog, I pray every day that folk will only post one blog a day or even just one a week. I finally deleted all those when I got far behind. I do not like doing that, however, life does not lend itself to reading so many blogs…for me that is.
    I must watch my rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks play, you know!

  6. Carol says:

    My best wishes for Barry’s surgery, and for your caregiving during the recovery period. I think it’s a good thing that each of you had some alone time beforehand. I too have learned to drive the riding mower, operate a string trimmer, and clean out the pond filter and pump this summer. There are some things I’d rather not know how to do, but sometimes that’s not how it works out.

  7. Susan Derozier says:

    Kathy – my thoughts are with you and Barry. I so feel for him but know that the worst of the pain is behind him. I hope he takes it a bit easier than he did the last time as it seemed he jumped back into things pretty quickly. When he recovers, ask him for me if it feels like walking on stilts sometimes. I never seem to trust either leg as before. How lucky he is to have you for his sweet nurse and such a beautiful healing place to recoup. Hugs to you both and prayers for a successful surgery.

  8. I don’t mind you pre-posting. I do it all the time and with some travel coming up soon, well be doing a lot of it.

    Looks like you both got some pre-surgery rest in. Good luck to him!!! I know my sister was a new woman after her replacements. Got her back on the dance floor.

    Now that you know how to drive a lawn mower, you should think about racing it. (see my blog today for details)

  9. Good luck, Barry! I hope the surgery goes well. 🙂

  10. Brenda Hardie says:

    I’m so glad Barry got to go on his fishing trip! Maybe while he is recovering he can be a guest here and tell us all about it! 🙂 I will be praying for a successful surgery and recovery for him and I will hold you in prayer too Kathy as you nurse him back to health and tend to all the house and yard duties. Wish I lived closer so I could help you out. I’ll be heading up to my sister’s later this week, along with my son Alex for a short visit but will be back a few days later.
    Love the picture of you and Barry ♥

  11. bonnie says:

    May all go well with Barry’s surgery, and wishing him all the best. Strength and patience to you Nurse Kathy.

  12. lisaspiral says:

    Best wishes for the surgery, your patience, and your patients recovery.

  13. OM says:

    Best wishes for comfort and speed of recovery, and ease of care!! Holding you both in my heart. What an utter delight to see you both in such a good photo at the top there!
    So much love,

  14. zzzzzzzzip, zip, zipping Mr. Barry (and his dear nurse) in the pod!

  15. Heather says:

    Good luck with the second surgery! I hope it goes as well as the first.
    Also, I wish I could swim in those falls, and that tomatoes grew as well as the rest you’ve mentioned. I only have 1 ripening. But lots of basil and some green ‘maters 🙂 🙂

  16. Good luck to Barry for another successful surgery and speedy recovery. Good luck to you, Kathy, because nursing is not easy! My thoughts are with you.

  17. lucindalines says:

    Best wishes to the patient and to the nurse. I will be praying that all goes well and that the time spent on the mower works out also. Will also look forward to hearing from you when time allows.

  18. Dawn says:

    Sending best wishes and healing vibes to Barry! And patience to you Nurse Kathy! 🙂

  19. Good luck to Barry on his upcoming surgery! You are such a good nurse, Kathy!

  20. Chris Roddy says:

    Personally had one TKR last yr. on Aug.31, and 6wks later, another TKR. It’s a pain and a lot of work, but well worth it.painfree and can actually walk again! Goodluck to both of you.

  21. Colleen says:

    Kathy, please give Barry our best wishes! We’ll be thinking about you.

  22. Karma says:

    Best wishes to you and Barry. I certainly understand about the weed situation! It has been too darn hot to want to go out and do anything about it however. I’m harvesting more cucumbers than I will ever eat, so I guess the weeds aren’t doing too much damage!

  23. sonali says:

    Good luck with the surgery Barry! May you recover soon 🙂

  24. P.j. grath says:

    We can add to the list of things we have in common: taking over the riding mower responsibilities! I’m doing that, too, this summer, and thank heaven for a breeze from the Big Lake, I say!

  25. sybil says:

    Glad he’s smarter than my mom who had both knees done at the same time !!!

    All the best for patient and care-giver. Come back to us soon Kathy.

  26. AnnieR says:

    Hope the surgery goes well-Recovery from TKA is pretty grueling. I’m not sure if it’s better to have experienced it before and know what to expect or not.
    I’m currently wearing my temporary nurse’s cap these days as my husband has broken the tip of his thumb. Not fun at all especially since he’s training for a huge triathlon in September and has gotten behind in his training plan.

  27. Tammy says:

    Best to your husband for a quick and complete and pain free recovery!

  28. Christie Eagan says:

    Hopefully Barry’s surgery goes well and his recovery is speedy and as pain free as possible. Good luck Nurse Kathy, please be careful on that lawnmower.

  29. Karen says:

    Good luck to both patient and nurse. Hope the surgery and recovery go well.

  30. Robin says:

    May Barry’s surgery be smooth and successful, his recovery speedy and without incident, and may your nursing duties be as easy as can be. 🙂

  31. Hope Barry recovers quickly after a flawless surgery. 🙂

    I love the picture of the waterfall. It reminds me of one I saw in the Lake of the Woods when I was a teen. 🙂

  32. Elisa's Spot says:

    UGH! I missed this post! Good Luck with Knees, yay for recharge time!

  33. Kathy says:

    Sneaking in a comment: Just wanted you all to know that Barry’s got his second knee replacement and that everything is going well. He’s headed home today. I was home yesterday and it looks like we don’t have Internet. 😦 Our modem blew out in a storm while we were gone. We’ll see if it can be fixed before the weekend or have to wait until next week. Thank you ALL for your good wishes and support and love. Really, truly appreciate it.

  34. Dana says:

    Here’s hoping that Barry is recovering steadily from the second surgery, Kathy. Healing thoughts coming your way! 🙂

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