This week my to-do list lassoed me around the neck

Creative Story #1.  This week my to-do list lassoed me around the neck, hog-tied me, and threw me in the closet.  The to-do list looked like a demon, you know, wearing red Christmas long underwear and sarcastically humming, “God rest ye Merry Gentleman” whilst brandishing a silver key and bottle of brandy.  While I wept on the closet floor, the to-do list partied around our Little House in the Big Woods, tossing Christmas lights asunder and making snow angels on the deck.

I wouldn’t have escaped from the locked closet at all until after Christmas, except Barry found me.  He didn’t seem to believe my story about a demonic capture by a to-do list, though.  Do you believe it?

Forget the to-do list

Forget the to-do list

Creative Story #2.  This week my to-do list started chores with a cheerful Elf-like grin and smartly crossed off item after blessed item.  As Laurie over there at Speaking from the Heart shared yesterday, it sparkled like a ta-da! list.  Everything neatly finished.  (Except those last items, which shall be finished, come hell or high water before next Wednesday, I swear it!)

Creative Story #3.  This week my to-do list stared me in the face, just like your to-do list.  What is it about to-do lists?  They simply demand so much time.  They’re nit-picky.  They’re anti-Christmas-spirit, I tell ya.  Even when they couch their chores in Christmas lore:  wrap Christmas presents, mail Christmas presents, write Christmas cards…

Creative Story #4.  This week my to-do list failed to cooperate.  EVERY single thing I tried to do revolted.  It was simply revolting.  I TRIED to sign up for health care.  Let’s not even discuss it.  By tonight it shall be crossed off that darn list, please be to the heavenly accomplishment team.  I tried to do A, B and C at work.  What’s done?  NOTHING!  (Answer to this dilemma–write a creative blog. Even though it’s not on the list, it gives such a feeling of accomplishment, doesn’t it?  Especially when you make it look like a numbered list.)



Creative Story #5.  This week my to-do list acted out the old-time favorite Christmas program:  The Grinch who Stole Christmas.  The Grinch wrote the list, refused to deliver the list, burned the list as a fire-starter in our wood stove.  The Grinch grinned evilly.

Not-so Creative Story #6.  Here’s how a practical person might tell the story of their to-do list:

Person 1:  How’s your to-do list coming along?

Person 2:  Oh, pretty good.  Had a lot of things to do this week.  Got most of them done, but still have a few more to check off. I’m sure I’ll finish by Christmas.  There were a few stressful moments, but it wasn’t bad.



Creative Story #7.  This week I got so mad at my to-do list that I grabbed Rudolph out of the woods–he was munching vegetable scraps under the oak tree–I recognized his red nose.  (OK, maybe he was cold.)  “Get me to Santa,” I hissed and jumped on his back, not waiting for that sleigh.

“Santa,” said I, “all I want for Christmas is a checked off to-do list.”

Santa, surrounded by thousands of elves and reindeer, simply stared.  I started imagining HIS to-do list.  Seriously, readers, think of Santa’s to-do list!  It must be immense.

I backed away, hopped on Rudolph’s back, clicked my snowmobile boots three times and returned home to my to-do list.

In big letters wrote “Do not panic” at the top of the list and crossed it out.  Phew!  That’s done.  Then I wrote “Ta da!” at the bottom of the list and decided not to cross that one out–ever.

Creative Question #8.  OK, busy reader, I’ve offered you seven creative short stories about to-do lists.  What about your list?  Are you making your list and checking it off?

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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28 Responses to This week my to-do list lassoed me around the neck

  1. To Do lists are annoying in that they have the miraculous ability to reconstitute themselves in an instant. Sometimes I like to write things down that I’ve already Ta-done and then cross them off with a big slash so that I can feel like I’ve accomplished something, but then new marks on the list appear so that I want to run away and hide.But, I know, that everything gets done eventually, and sometime sanity is more important than a to do list. So maybe my first item on my list is Stay Sane!

    Happy Holidays, it will all get done.

  2. I decided to take the approach that to-do lists are first-world problems and every time I start to whine I try to remember to close my mouth and think of those who really have troubles and stresses today. (OK, OK, so my whining goes on a bit longer than it should, but truly, I am blessed, and if the worst things I have to worry about are getting my Christmas cards out before Christmas and trying to keep my clients happy while I am feeling that every day is one step forward, two steps back on the project list, than I am truly blessed). Merry Christmas, Kathy (although I am sure we will be “blogging” before then!).

  3. lisaspiral says:

    #1 and #3 (oh and 4 – I’m not sure if I’ve done it or not!) It’s been a long week and given that we celebrate the solstice tomorrow I’m in BIG trouble!

  4. Elisa says:

    bwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha i can’t even make a list , except for the crotchety person in my head berating me for falling down in life–not just in a task OHHHH NO.

    The foot is still fubar. Panic doth abound, while I glare at it. The laundry did get done, someone came and took it away. I did assemble the stinky tree. I did not have any fun. I wanted to shove it all back into the closet. I wanted a magic insta christmas #^&@%#@. I began to put on the lights. I had a tiny ah ha moment about the return of the light and that if I tried just a wee little try, I could think about the return of the light today in a steady manner, often beautiful, always colorful and I had a secret inside smile about thwarting the oh my foot my only foot not getting out and being powerless moments. I do not have to decorate to celebrate the light! I CAN use props and ritual if it serves me, I can toss it when it does not. IT might be going to 60 here!!!! IT might thunder and crash!!! This brings me glee!! I will be breathing it in! Happy Solstice (Alban Arthan) Kathy!
    Offers you a wee bity piece of what remains of my coal ember light from last year in a magic fireproof decorated box. May it kindle for you the reminder that the light continues to exist, no matter how we view its viability. Use it wisely 🙂

  5. Kathy your list stories are fabulous. I think I shall tell the one about the rain deer if anyone asks. For the most part, we are doing very little and much of that is going to be late. Christmas visiting started last Saturday and will not end until the weekend after New. Years. I suppose a person could say it is a long Christmas holiday this year with a dusting of wet snow this morning to tempt us into the spirit. Happy holidays Kathy to you and yours!

  6. Susan D says:

    I laughed all the way through this, K. Sue! Not AT you but because of your “creative” story telling about lists and their “evil” intentions. What a delight of a blog! I have to share it. Love and hugs from a sister list-maker who doesn’t know how it gets to be such a conundrum.

  7. I don’t do to-do lists as that is a sure way to increase stress. I keep it in my mind and if it doesn’t get done, it doesn’t get done. It’s one of the best things about getting older.

  8. Lori D says:

    Very creative post, which I read while I was supposed to be working on my to-do list. 🙂 Merry Christmas.

  9. Will the REAL story please stand up?

    Ah, number 7 – I just KNEW it was you!

    My ta-dah list, like the down on a thistle, is clean as a whistle 🙂

  10. P.j. grath says:

    List? What list? Was I supposed to make a list? OH, NO!!!!!!!!

  11. john says:

    I think some one started drinking the eggnog a little too early 😉

  12. Bonnie says:

    I have a to do list every day, you know, so I won’t forget what to do. In fact some days I write two to do lists, in case I can’t find the first one. The items on my list are not always checked off, but when I do something that is not on the list, I write it down then check it off. The first thing on my New Years to do list is not to make to do lists. 🙂

  13. Carol says:

    No written lists for me this year – other than what I need from the store. A mental list, which is not nearly as nagging – if I remember something and can get it done, it shall be crossed off. If I don’t remember it – oh well.

    Sent from my iPad


  14. dorannrule says:

    Oh, “ta da” – I am DONE with the evil Xmas To Do Lists! However, I am facing the devilish antics of my After-Done To Do List. Tried to go to the eye dr. for a check up this morning and got stuck in interstate traffic for 40 minutes. Cancel that and re-add to the After-Done list.
    Do a Blog Post:Can’t get up enough creativity. Take some photos: The photos I took are blurry. Clear up the Guest Room: Uh oh – there’s no room in the guest room closet and guests are coming. Well, you get the idea…. the “after” lists are almost worse than the “befores.”

  15. msmcword says:

    So far I do not have anything on my to-do list for this weekend; but that could be subject to change.
    And thank you for adding those wonderful photos to your to do list.

  16. Brenda Hardie says:

    I have a confession to make——-I love lists and make them all the time. What I really love, is crossings off the list so I can happily throw it away! lol I’ll even write something on the list that I had neglected to put there in the first place, just to cross it off because it’s already completed! Now, isn’t that crazy??!
    My list is jammed packed with preparations for hosting Christmas for the first time in 8 years!!! Plus my fingers are stitching wildly trying to complete Christmas gifts for my precious family members.
    Sadly this has no creativity like you many stories above or like some of the comments posted but know I enjoy reading all of them and couldn’t help but comment here because lists are near and dear to my heart (hehehehe)
    Merry Christmas Preparations Dear Friend ♥ Don’t forget to pause now and then to breathe in the glorious Christmas scents and hear the delightful Christmas sounds ♥

  17. sandiwhite says:

    Let’s just say I’m taking it one day at a time here, like minutes on a cell phone plan, it just rolls over.

  18. Tammy says:

    my 11 yo old has the perfect advice for you – just hack it. Hack the list. Hack the to-do. Hack the story.

  19. Heather says:

    I am absolutely convinced that several of those creative stories are true all at once. Yes indeed. I’m glad Barry rescued you from the closet so that you could write a blog. It should have been on the list 😉
    I try not to write to-do lists. I keep a grocery list, but try to worry only about things that seem pressing. I don’t stress so much that way. But, I have a few more things rattling around my brain to do before Christmas. We’ll see if they happen 🙂 Hope you get done enough things in a timely enough time that you enjoy the doing!

  20. You must be kidding. A “to-do-list?” Never in a million years even when I was doing Christmas which I ceased “doing” about 10 years ago.. Too much work. Never mind me- carry on please. 🙂 Great post Kathy.

  21. lucindalines says:

    Oh am I grateful that I have stopped here to read. Your post was such a delight, and really might have saved me from literally going over the edge. I even yelled at my favorite cat tonight. I totally terrorized my husband and youngest daughter, and I didn’t know what the problem was until I read your blog, it is that stinking to do list. I think now I might just be able to hit publish on my next post without being carted off to a psych ward. Thanks so much and have a very Blessed Christmas.

  22. dawnkinster says:

    I didn’t realize until I read this that I don’t have a to do list. Huh. Maybe I should write one up. Or not. I think this year will be a winging it year..and I bet it turns out just fine. Hugs to you, and Merry Christmas! 🙂 Crumple up that list and enjoy your life in the little house in the big woods.

  23. Stacy says:

    Creative Story #9: Chuck the to-do list and have a cup of egg nog (with Southern Comfort??). ❤

  24. I have a BIG to-do list for our trip tomorrow (got Christmas checked off my least this morning because we celebrated a little early. No putting “pack presents” on MY to-do list! 😉 )
    Hope you get everything checked off your list, Kathy.

  25. Well, I just moved everything that doesn’t absolutely have to be done by Christmas Eve (when I have the family over) to the 2014 list. Sound good? Alas, the list that must be done by Christmas Eve isn’t doing too well either…

  26. Karen says:

    Forget my “to do list”…it will wait. I’d rather be reading all your creative stories. 🙂

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