Blessings to all

Yesterday, unexpectedly, several online friends sent notes, emails, Facebook messages.

“Where are you?  When are you coming back to blogging?  We miss you.  Are you surviving the winter?”

My heart lurched in appreciation for friends who reappeared out of the woodwork of the Internet with such kindness and concern.

I am rich in what really matters, it seems.  Caring friends and family who send snippets of love.

Yet my heart simultaneously sank.  May I share why?

Follow your heart, my dear.

Follow your heart, my dear.

In the last couple of years this small still voice deep inside kept whispering, Turn off the computer, Kathy.  It’s time.  I need to teach you a different way.  It’s time.

We listen to that small voice, don’t we?  Yet sometimes it’s impossible to comply.  We don’t WANT to turn off the computer, thank you.  We don’t WANT to follow that impossible path for this or that reason.  Or, on the other hand, we WANT to follow yet something prevents us.  We’re not strong enough, it seems.  We can’t muster enough courage.  We try, but we cannot succeed.

Then, one fine day, it’s time.  We turn off the computer.  We take a tentative step in a new direction. We’re actually able to follow the small still voice down untrodden paths.  We follow what’s needed within for the healing of the Whole.

We surprise ourselves.  We’re trekking off in a new direction, squinting our eyes against the brightness of a renewed inner sun.

It’s been almost four weeks (ha ha, accidentally typed four MONTHS, see how time flies?)  since turning off the computer.  I weaned mostly off Facebook in January, and blogging in February.



Am now listening more intently to my interior guide, turning left or right when it gestures.  Listening, listening, gaining confidence that it will sprout in green tenderness when it’s ready, not one minute before.

I love this time in my life.  It feels so right.  Just as right and delightful as those many years of blogging.  (OK, OK, except for that case of shingles which developed about ten days ago.  We won’t go into that.  Suffice it to say it was a mild case, itch, itch, itch.  Not the severe agony that some report.)

I do feel sad that turning off the computer means saying “fare-thee-well” even temporarily to many of the dear online friends who have enriched this life so much in the past seven intense years of online flurry.

Blessings to all

Blessings to all

Yet, how can we not listen to our inner guidance which gestures elsewhere for a short while or perhaps forever?  We can only turn, and turn again, where our heart leads in the next moment.

Just wanting you to know that your blogging friend is fine (except for those shingles) and sending you all love and gratitude and appreciation for the shining gifts of spirit that you all are.

I will blog again if and when Spirit sings in this direction.  I will try to visit your blogs and posts if and when it’s time to turn on the computer again for more than ten minutes a day.  Email correspondence always welcome!

Love, Kathy

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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92 Responses to Blessings to all

  1. In this winter-time of hibernation and semi-isolation I’ve been thinking of you, farther north, more snow and colder than I. Glad to hear you’re ok, even with a case of shingles & glad your case was mild. May the force be with you.

    • Kathy says:

      Gretchen, may the force be with you as well. I hope you’ve weathered this long winter with a spark of contentment in your heart. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. msmcword says:

    I miss reading your blog and viewing your photos.

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you for saying so. It’s hard for me sometimes to listen to my inner voice when I know others would like me to write and share photos. I am so glad you’ve enjoyed this blog. (P.S. And I know you care deeply about listening to your deepest soul, too.)

  3. I too was missing you–and am glad that you are doing this purposely as opposed to other reasons–I understand–I have only been blogging for two plus years and I am finding that it does not hit the notes it used to–I am not turning off my computer (as this is how I make my $) but am concentrating on other things too–Kathy–you have been a great inspiration to me–I love your posts–they are thoughtful and smart and interesting–you put a lot into them and you do not fill your blog with angst and sorrow but instead beauty and hopefulness with a poetic turn. I would like to keep in touch – L

    • Kathy says:

      LouAnn, thank you for your encouraging and beautiful words. It has been so wonderful to blog these past seven years (actually more if you count LiveJournal) but there has been this pull toward remembering other things. You make me so happy to hear that this blog has meant something to you. Please do email and keep in touch. Your spirit is so filled with beauty and hopefulness, too. In a world that sometimes feels too much.

  4. Best to you, in whatever way you are led, Kathy!

    • Kathy says:

      Cindy, I shall think of you on your Beaver Island with all of its gifts and challenges and imagine your artistic spirit rising and shining even through all the clouds and snow and long winters. Blessings, my island friend.

  5. debyemm says:

    Interestingly, just night before last I had quite the vivid dream of visiting you in your little home up there. Then, yesterday, I realized that I had not gotten any notifications of blogs in some time, nor had I seen you at FB. Anyway, happy to get a check-in from you. Bet you aren’t surprised to discover you were on my mind rather strongly . . . . Hugs.

    • Kathy says:

      You came visiting, Deb? Did we drink tea? Did we walk in the snow? Of what did we talk? I was feeling the energy of so many friends flying this way and that in the webs of consciousness and needed to write a blog to try to explain things just a tiny bit. I wish you happiness in your neck of the woods. Love…

  6. Elisa says:

    K had shingles when she was young and she said hers was very painful. She is hypersensitive to pain, specifically tactile though…

    I am glad that I do not have a fixed enough idea of who I made you to be in my head, so that I must pine for it and miss…:)

    OOOOO a giant bird thing flew over the city today!!! It was way too large to be a heron but the neck stretched out much like a gooses. No one could figure out what it was…it was spectacular so high up and large like that!!! Made me think of dinosaurs!

    • Kathy says:

      Elisa, I am sorry to hear about K’s shingles. I am so lucky mine aren’t that painful. So many have shared horror stories. So you saw me flying over your city today? How is that for a fixed idea? A prehistoric bird that no one really knows or can see very well. I decided to fly by and see you. Or, wait. Maybe it was you high in the sky and I was a nuthatch on a tree upside down, pecking at that next seed…

  7. Heather says:

    It makes my heart glad that your heart is glad. You’re always welcome at my blog hearth and my real hearth. May your offline wanderings bring you much joy. Love and hugs from this troll 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Hey, Heather-troll (laugh) beneath that big bridge…I miss seeing your pictures and reading your stories and watching where your next adventure lies. Who knows where the heart shall turn next? Maybe we’ll be sharing a muffin in Grayling again one fine day. Hugs! And gladness to and for you…

  8. john says:

    Here is to running into you somewhere on Main Street. I wish you fulfillment and comfort on the path you pursue. You have taught me much.

    • Kathy says:

      John, how very sweet of you! Yes, we shall meet on Main Street one fine and unexpected day and perhaps we’ll gaze out at that powerful Lake Superior Spirit and feel the winds blowing in an altogether new direction. By the way, we went to the Finns last night and had a blast. Met with some old friends and made merry for a couple hours. P.S. Thank you for sharing your great bear-heart so beautifully.

  9. Gosh, Kathy, I’m so happy to hear from you today. I was one of those who was wondering and considering sending you an email but thought maybe you needed space. Sorry to hear you have shingles, my friend. Be well–and blessings to you. So glad you follow that inner voice!
    Hugs from Ecuador,

    • Kathy says:

      You know, Kathy, when we don’t follow our inner voice, don’t we usually just end up sad and confused and miserable? How cool that you were wondering and considering sending an email, but also cognizant of my need for quiet, too. It felt wrong to continue to drift away without more of an explanation. Hugs to you, my friend, and hopefully will dance to your Ecuadorian beat another day…

  10. penpusherpen says:

    It’s always best to listen to the ‘inner’ being, Kathy, I did the same two years ago and took a very long break. and then when I felt the time was right, I came back and was accepted into the ‘fold’ again. 🙂 Stay safe and be happy my friend, wherever your feet take you. xPenx

    • Kathy says:

      Pen, you give me hope that this might not be a permanent break. Perhaps there will be a day in the not-so-distant future where the fingers will start leaping on the keys once again! Glad you were accepted so generously in your return. Blessings to you!

  11. jeffstroud says:

    It is good to know you are “out there” Kathy! That I hadn’t really missed blogs by you because my life got so crazy…
    Sending healing to you (((Healing)))
    I have an new email address

    • Kathy says:

      I’m sorry to hear that your life has gotten crazy, Jeff. That’s the kind of things you miss when you’re not on-line. Wishing you the very best and putting your new email in my address book right now. Healing back to you…

    • Kathy says:

      Terrill, thank you so much! I hope you have (are having?) a wonderful time on your trip-of-a-lifetime. Thinking of you fondly and appreciating your sentiments.

  12. Kathy- we both think along the same line, I have been worried about you and your family,mostly your dad and I had intended to e-mail you yesterday, but I didn’t. I had an e-mail from Nancy and they are in Naples all the time now. Please know that I think of you all the time, we have to meet someday, we are cousins after all. Love, Marion.

    • Kathy says:

      Dear Cousin Marion, I will send you an email now about my mom and dad. Hopefully you and I WILL meet one of these days! I do love that we’ve connected over this Internet and that you’ve followed my blogging. That means a lot.

  13. lisaspiral says:

    I almost sent you a note yesterday as well. I’m glad to hear you are following that inner voice. As much as I may miss you I know that should the opportunity come again to be “blogging buddies” it will be just as delightful.

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Lisa. How nice that you almost sent a note as well! I felt the combined energy of so many people that it seemed necessary to respond. Hopefully someday we shall be “blogging buddies” again.

  14. Bonnie says:

    I was so happy when I saw a new blog from you on my reading list. I have missed you, but wish you well, and look forward to any blogs that the spirit may inspire. May your days be bright, with joy and peace.

    • Kathy says:

      Bonnie, that sounds like a lovely benediction! I wish the same for you. Knowing that you listen to the inspiration of spirit as well. Thank you for being you and sharing yourself.

  15. Alluvja says:

    Hi Kathy,
    Of course it’s great to read your blogs but even if not, I know you’re out there somewhere ans I also know you’re in here (my heart) always.
    I understand and yes you must follow that inside voice and I’m sure you’ll find a balance somehow to keep connecting with your friends even it’s just by waving to us once in a while 🙂
    I’m going through a process myself, eventhough it’s not entirenly leaving the computer, it’s being less on the computer and more reestablishing connections and activity again in my every day home life. It definitely needed a rebalancing.
    Well you globetrotster, if you ever come out this way again, you know. where I live and if you ever get reconnected somehow with your friend from Den Helder I’d love to know where that crysta;l place is, I think I’m ready for a crystal portal bath.

    • Kathy says:

      Dear Lucienne, it’s so good to hear from you. I always smile remembering our time together in the Netherlands. Yes, there will I’m sure be a balancing which will occur in the future. Right now it does feel like a re-calibration process, a turning homeward. Interesting to hear that you’re doing this as well. Yes, perhaps someday we’ll do that crystal portal bath together. Blessings to you, my friend.

  16. Karma says:

    Very nice to hear from you. Perhaps as spring emerges (some day very soon I hope – I think though the calendar says the big day is tomorrow, Mama Nature isn’t quite ready to let those spring time temps northward), the blogging spirit will arise from time to time. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Karma, perhaps you are right. We never know, do we? I was thinking about not posting this blog and just reappearing sometime in the spring, but I so intensely feel the energy of others wondering where I might be. Hoping you continue to get through this monumental year of your baby leaving home for college. Keep up your wonderful photography. See you again, hopefully sooner than later…

  17. Robin says:

    Blessings to you, too, Kathy. I thought of you this week, but sent my message out in a way that did not involve the computer. It will arrive when it arrives, which is how it should be. 🙂
    I am sorry about the shingles but so glad it was a mild case. Shingles can be rough (says me who had them a few years ago).
    Keep following your heart, my friend.

    • Kathy says:

      My goodness, Robin, your sweet message arrived yesterday just as we were preparing to leave for an overnight in Marquette. I have it propped up on a table and am admiring it now. Will write you back. How interesting (awful?) that you had shingles, too. May we never have them again. If our heart agrees, that is. 🙂

  18. Kathy – Oh how fun to see your smiling gravatar pop up in my email announcing a fresh post. A to give us all a blessing with the polished green (Aventurine?) heart!

    I’m so sorry to hear about the shingles aspect of things. Sending healing energy your way 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Laurie, I think I’ve felt some of your healing energy because the shingles keep getting better every day. Thank you, always, for speaking and acting from YOUR heart. Many blessings to you, my friend.

  19. Barb says:

    I’ve been thinking of you, Kathy, there in the snowy UP. Listen to your heart – pull away to renew. Also, feel better soon. I’d hate to lose touch, but really – that won’t happen – will it?

    • Kathy says:

      Oh I HOPE that doesn’t happen. I keep thinking that those of us who are “meant to stay in touch” will stay in touch. And we do have an angel or spirit between us, don’t we? I simply need to renew in a more long-term way. Maybe when this dastardly snow and cold cease there will be a whole new attitude!

  20. Karen says:

    It is nice to know that you are well (minus the shingles of course) . Thanks for letting us know you are happy and enjoying life.

    • Kathy says:

      Karen, thank you for your kind words. I hope you’ve never had–or will have–shingles. It always feels hard to disappear without doing some ‘splainin’, as they used to say on I Love Lucy.

  21. sybil says:

    Listen to that little voice … especially if it tells you to visit Nova Scotia !

    Have wonderful adventures, enjoy life, be well and happy (stop scratching !)

    Hugs. me

    • Kathy says:

      Sybil, I’m waiting for that little voice to send me up to Nova Scotia for a visit! (Wonder when…?) Smile. I wish all the same for you and I HAVE stopped scratching (mostly) due to your intervention. Hope to see you maybe via email now and again.

  22. sonali says:

    Thank you Kathy, for letting us know. I truly hope for the shingles part to heal away… Its of course always nice to pause and rèlax..and I hope by now the cold has sided down.. Its quite a peak summer here in India..

    • Kathy says:

      Sonali, I had to let everyone know. Just couldn’t disappear without a squeak, like a little mouse. The shingles do seem to be healing and I DO need a long relaxing pause. Thank you for understanding. No, the cold has not let up yet, but we have hope. Can you send us some of your lovely summer energy?

  23. So good to hear you’re doing well, Kathy….except for those shingles, but let’s hope the itching will go away again soon.
    Do what is right for you….looking forward to your blogging return 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Michaela, I know you’re one who stopped blogging for a long spell, and then started up again, so your example makes me think it may be possible again in the future. The itching has *mostly* disappeared. Thanks for all your good wishes!

  24. victoria ratledge says:

    can certainly relate – the heart within also called me to a winter space towards further healing of the Whole–still on fbox tho-if only for 10 minutes to post quinta photos for friends and family….great to touch base with you today, dear one ! hugs and sunny springtime smiles =) victoria

    • Kathy says:

      Victoria–it is so lovely to see you here! I like how you put it–a winter space toward further healing of the Whole. Yes, that’s exactly how it feels like. Always enjoy looking at your Quinta pics and the ones of your smiling face, too. Hugs back…

  25. Janet says:

    I’ve been wondering where you were. In fact, I just checked my wordpress editor to make sure I hadn’t accidently stopped your posts from getting to my e-mail. It’s so good to take a break and I’m happy for you. You sound content. God bless you, Kathy. I’ll be happy when I see, once in awhile, a post from you. Your California virtual friend, Janet.

    • Kathy says:

      Janet, I am amazed at how many times I am smiling really big while reading all these lovely comments. Hopefully, one of these fine days I’ll be posting again and reading about all your hikes. Have you ever run into my friend, Melinda in Mariposa yet? Keep your eye open for her. Blessings, Kathy

  26. Stacy says:

    When the universe speaks, wise ones listen. Glad you are in tune with everything around you, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t miss your words. I do. ❤

    • Kathy says:

      Stacy, I don’t know about you, but sometimes it takes me a loooong time to really listen to what the universe says. I want to comply, but sometimes can’t wrap it all up for a while. (I also love that you will miss my words. And hope to come visiting your blog one of these fine days.)

      • Stacy says:

        Kathy, Kathy, Kathy. Of course I don’t always listen right away to what the universe tells me. Hence my intense suffering during many parts of my life. So yes, I am a slow learner. I would venture to say that you’re a better listener. ❤

  27. Brenda Hardie says:

    Hi Kathy,
    I just got back home after a week with my sister. I’m so so so sorry that you are dealing with painful shingles! I hope you are feeling better now. My love and prayers are coming your way honey.
    It was a very stressful week with my sister—I am so worried about her health and am contacting family members so everyone will keep any eye on her, in case we have to rush her to a doctor or ER. 😦
    I have been missing you so much lately and hoping you are enjoying your time away from the computer, being all snuggled in a cozy northwoods home. ♥
    xoxo love you honey,

    • Kathy says:

      Brenda, it’s good to hear from you. So sorry that you’ve had a challenging week with your sister. Surrounding her and you with love to help through the ups and downs. Thank you for thinking about me in our little house in the woods. It’s sure been a long winter, and I am looking forward to the snow melting and wildflowers blooming. I am enjoying these quiet off-computer times and listening deeply to hear what I am supposed to do next. Love, Kathy

      • Brenda Hardie says:

        Kathy, thank you so much for your love and thoughts ♥ This winter has been very cold and snowy and is hanging on pushing springtime away. I have been “hiding” inside during these winter months and am not looking forward to summer because it will force me to face the losses of lifelong dreams–hiking, walking, gardening, lounging in a pool, and picnics filled with yummy homegrown foods. This year is my time to begin a new life and I am feeling so lost and all alone. And I am so worried about my sister. Everyday I send up heartfelt prayers so that God will hold all my precious family and friends in His loving arms and for guidance in this new life for me. I hope He heals your body and fills your spirit with peace and joy, knowing that many people love you and are grateful for your presence. Every time you see a shining star or tiny blooming flower, or little birdie filled with cheerful songs than know they are bringing love filled messages to you ♥ You are a beautiful blessing in our lives honey ♥

  28. All my love and big hugs to you, gentle ones so as not to make you itch. I trust you to do what is right for you and we will be here, listening for your wise ponderings and gorgeous captures of life in the Little House in the Big Woods. From your heARTner, S

    • Kathy says:

      Suzi, I had to laugh. One hugging-friend came running toward me to give a big hug and I backed up so fast you wouldn’t believe! You would have never thought hugs could be dangerous, could you? About an hour later the hugger came toward me again and this time succeeded in a bear hug that wrapped those shingles in love. Guess you can’t stop love from succeeding… Love the light emanating from your heART, Suzi.

  29. I Wilkerson says:

    Even though we miss you, you must do what you must do. Enjoy the journey…

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you, Inger! I am imagining you cooking up a storm as you make it through the long winter. Am excited to see where the journey leads now. I feel all sorts of new energy pouring in. You enjoy the journey, as well.

  30. lucindalines says:

    Good wishes in whatever you are led to do. And God’s Blessings go with you.

  31. ben says:

    Dear Kathy
    You don’t know me but I have been reading (and enjoying) your blog for quite a while. Generally said, I think people spend too much time in online appearance and it’s no wonder that there is no time for other things in life. Interacting permanently with other people is real stress in my opinion. Good that you have found out your own limit.
    All the best 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Ben, it’s good to meet you. Thank you for your kind words. It’s good to know another reader who has enjoyed the blog. I’ve been thinking lately how sometimes it’s important to reach out and share our gifts and feelings with people and sometimes it’s equally vital to turn inward and reconnect with our own love and guidance and purpose. Then, perhaps, someday, the cycle turns outward again. Wishing you all the best, too.

  32. ben says:

    Thanks, Kathy.
    Sharing our gifts and feelings with people, sounds good, but it’s very hard to find the line. Your blog has what I call the “commentities”. Beyond 10 comments per entry it’s too much.
    All the best and enjoy the Spring, which will come soon.

  33. Your inadvertent ‘four MONTHS’ must have been channeling ME! lol it has been a long time since I’ve posted anything on my blog. I keep meaning to, I do have things to say, but just don’t have the energy. Glad you’ve made your way back. It’s inspiring and maybe, just maybe, I will inch back into the blogging world, too. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Withershins, it’s always curious not knowing whether we’ll continue blogging or stop altogether. It will be interesting to see if you or inch back into this on-line world. Blessings!

  34. I must admit, I miss your blog posts very much, and just as much, I miss your visits to my posts! You and I are simpatico sisters, I believe. Therefore, I also felt a trace of envy at your choice to forego the computer for a while – for the peace and lack of distraction. Good for you – listening to that voice within and around you.
    But I still miss you!

    • Kathy says:

      Hi, Pam, I read your comment while I was in Florida last week and got big smiles on my face. It IS nice to be missed! I miss you, too. In fact, I miss so many of the online friends, darn it, and do really miss reading some of the blogs of fascinating writers and dear simpaticos like yourself. Yet it seems like something else is calling now. I am learning to be peaceful at deeper levels. Or something like that. We’ll see where this journey goes next. Love & delight to you!

  35. bert0001 says:

    wishing you great adventures beyond the digital world …

    • Kathy says:

      Bert, there are indeed great adventures beyond the digital world. I am learning some of those every day! Thank you, and many great adventures to you as well.

  36. Know that you are missed.

    • Kathy says:

      Lunar, it is SO kind that you paused to say this. I must say I am glad to be missed–even though Life seems to be pointing in a different direction right now. It feels like I’ve been a garden hose with the water of creativity pouring out for so many long years, and suddenly someone has turned off the faucet! Can you imagine? It feels so strange to have that faucet turned off. Well, when the crops get thirsty maybe someone will turn it on again. *grin* Happy watering to you!

  37. pearlz says:

    All the best I totally understand your decision and it has been generous of you to share so much with people online.

  38. I missed this post at the time, so may I say now how much I respect your willingness to listening to that wise voice. I wish you well on the journey spirit is creating with and for you. This most makes me think of a song – oh good! Just found a version on YouTube – enjoy! Lyrics: return again, return again, return to the land of your soul (x2) return to who you are, return to where you are, return to what you are…born and reborn again.

    Love and blessings, Harula xxx

    • Kathy says:

      This is a lovely song, Harula. The land of our soul is the most important place to which we can return. Again and again. Wishing that for all of us who feel we sometimes stray. (Although the side roads we travel all offer their special gifts, don’t they?) Wishing you the best, Spirit Woman.

  39. I think of you often, my friend, and hope you and your loved ones are well.

  40. Colleen says:

    I’m so glad your case was mild Kathy. We were in Australia in Nov.and I ended up with shingles in my ear, of all places. It triggered a secondary event (Ramsay Hunt). I’m still having challenges walking and talking. And thinking straight, although there have been unexpected blessings with this 🙂
    I thought about you often and am glad to see you back xo

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...