Blowing bubblegum with ya

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on

If you trotted over here this morning expecting a deep dive into emotions and thoughts and spirituality–you may be disappointed!

Life wants to talk about ordinary stuff today.

Such as?

Such as our Christmas present to each other. Here is our new CharBroil grill decorated appropriately with three bows atop.

Ho Ho Ho!

We never surprise each other with holiday presents anymore. We just think of some bigger item we need and purchase it. Wa la! No fuss, no muss, no regrets, no surprises, no returns. It works for us.

We spent a couple or three long hours putting Nut A in Washer F and so forth. We didn’t argue or fuss. It proved a lovely holy-day construction project.

Yesterday WordPress sent notification:

Happy Anniversary with! You registered on 12 years ago Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

You are welcome, WordPress, and thanks for the reminder. Has twelve years passed already? I had already blogged for a couple years on another site before settling down here to pass more than a decade. I have not always been regular, but kept coming back after months in offline world. (Usually the disappearing acts coincided with private deep spiritual dives.)

What else?

Sometimes in the mornings, our coffees in hand, Barry mentions a song from long ago. He used to play bass in a local band–and help with the sound system at our local Aura Jamboree–and sometimes a song will make appearance at our coffee-klatch.

This morning he mentioned “Storms never last”. It is not a song he particularly likes, but he remembers local musicians singing it during the Jamboree. I looked it up on YouTube. After thirty seconds he said, “OK, that’s enough…we can move on…” but I was mesmerized. Maybe some of us need to sing this in 2020?

For any of us weathering storms right now

I poured unsweetened peppermint creamer in my coffee as we continued to chat. That brought up a slogan from childhood chewing gum: Doublemint, Doublemint, Doublemint gum! So we wandered in the hallowed halls of Google and looked at photos of old chewing gum. Does anyone remember chewing “Big Red”? Or “Black Jack”? Or “Bazooka”?

What does any of this have to do with spirituality? the die-hard among you may be asking, shaking your holy-loving heads.

Everything can be spiritual, says I, smiling back. Everything. Simply everything. Blowing bubblegum with ya, snapping it, and walking away into the day with a grin. Until tomorrow!

Day 59 of a seventy-five day journey to connect more deeply with God, Spirit, Holy, Love…to explore “What the Heart Knows” during the waning days of 2020.

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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28 Responses to Blowing bubblegum with ya

  1. rehill56 says:

    I agree! Life is physical and spiritual! So everything in my life is spiritual too! 😊 Have a good day! Storms do eventually pass…

  2. leelah saachi says:

    i still remember the ecstasy of my first pink bubbelgum …and the first bubble blown – I think I was 5 – it was like the FUTURE was here 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      You must have an incredible memory, Leelah! What a sweet bubble-blowing little girl you must have been. I remember selling it in my dad’s drugstore for a penny.

  3. LaDonna Remy says:

    I think our spiritual experiences are intertwined in every moment. Congratulations on 12 years and Happy holidays to you.

  4. Carol says:

    Doublemint, Spearmint, Juicy Fruit, all part of growing up. And Bazooka – Oh my! Those big pink bubbles, gum stuck to your nose, or your chin, be careful you don’t get it in your hair! Memories are made of this.

  5. Susan D. Durham says:

    Yes, the seemingly ordinary, songs, gum, sharing coffee with one’s spouse every morning and always having something to talk about. Wow .. how spiritual and Holy is that? “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Singing and laughter and lovely chats … God loves that stuff.

    Had never heard “Storms Never Last.” It’s a sweet tune. Thanks for sharing! I double laughed over Doublemint gum. Andrea and Sonya used to pretend they were the Doublemint Twins! Riding their bikes around with Doublemint t-shirts on. They were certain they’d get picked to be on one of the commercials. They’d have been adorable, of course.

    I am smiling as I type. Love this sweet, poignant, funny, Holy offering. And love you!

    • Kathy says:

      “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” As we go through our ordinary days. Love that, my friend! So happy to have shared the Stormy song. And, you know, I think I can remember you telling about the twins being Doublemint twins before. Sweet story! By the way, not sure if you noticed. The picture of the grill? Please look at plant in foreground. I shared this view just for you!

      • Susan D. Durham says:

        Yes!!! I DID notice!. And forgot to tell you. The rubber plant/tree is beautiful. She loves her home there. Thank you for adopting her. 💓💓💓

  6. Larissa says:

    ❤ ❤ ❤

  7. Debbie says:

    I think it’s great that you two have chosen the practical route on your Christmas gifting. Especially during this COVID-time, when it’s next-to-impossible to do any shopping inside a store OR to return what doesn’t fit or please. And just think how enjoyable that grill will be when summer arrives!!

  8. Spirituality is much like life because both involve perspective – so yes – anything can be spiritual. Cheers to the new grill. Just remember to put it outside before using it.

  9. Your grill is lovely – what a handsome boy. I hope you create fantastic memories with it, just as I am sure you have done in 12 years in WP. Crazy. And I agree about the sprituality in the mundane. One could argue we have maybe finally begun to understand it when we see the holy in throwing the trash out.

    • Kathy says:

      Holy trash, Markus and Micah–I love that! Or the toilet. Adyashanti–I believe that’s who it was–tested out his awakening experience by looking at the toilet to see if it was “this” too. And it was!

  10. Yup, everything can be spiritual. 🙂 I love your gift to each other! (Says she who enjoyed grilled swordfish — it was on sale — last night…) We also don’t do holiday surprises anymore. I remember the days when chewing gum at school was a major transgression that would get one sent down to the principal’s office. Seems like such a minor crime these days…

    • Kathy says:

      Mmmm, grilled swordfish. That sounds heavenly, Barbara! I am not sure we can get grilled swordfish around here, even in the frozen section, but am going to check today. And now I’m remembering the awful chewing gum punishments. Walking on memory lane…

  11. Stacy says:

    Bubblegum brings back fond memories, which are, indeed, Holy.

    That’s a great grill just waiting to create memories! XOXO

  12. Memories of my foray with the Big League Chew, which I kept in my little purple purse in the 1980s.

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...