Break the mold, Cupcake

Apple blossoms. (All photos are random photos from last week. No particular order. No particular meaning.)

As an almost-daily blogger, I have never ever suffered from writer’s block.  OK, mostly never ever.  You just sit down at the computer and let the fingers type.  They say what they want to say.  They report your thoughts in the moment, what’s happening outside the back window, perhaps what the photos want to say.

In other words they share of themselves.

There is little pondering, editing, thinking, pontificating, carrying on, wondering, yes, no, maybe so.  You simply let the words out of their cages and they express themselves.

No fuss, no hassle.

One of the days it snowed last week. Sigh. Yep. Snow, blossoms, snow, blossoms...

A couple of weeks ago I decided to fulfill a life-long dream (until June 2oth) and become a temporary (or who knows–permanent?) weekly blogger.

No problemo, right?


Thill's Fish Market, Marquette, Michigan

The first thing that happened was that my mind now decided it needed a topic worthy of a once a week blog.  No more nonsense writing.  No more funny-for-the-sake of-being-funny posting.  No more blogs simply of photos–the writer part would be sad for the entire week.  No more blogs mostly with words–the photographer would be whimpering until Thursday.

One must write an Important Blog.

Fine.  OK.  (We must try to placate our silly minds, right?) But what’s an “Important Blog”?  A philosophical blog.  A serious blog.  A blog about, say, Trees and their Importance in our World.  Fine.  Maybe a spiritual blog about Peace and Quiet.  Certainly not a blog about cupcakes.

Fishin' supplies by the Quonset hut

This week, however, appropriate philosophical and spiritual blog topics threatened a veto.  I tried a different approach.  A scrap paper waited at-the-ready by the computer.  Upon its blank page I wrote daily interesting happenings, from which to cull possible blogs.  Here is my list:

1.  Earth Day–picked up garbage from road.

2.  Brother sells childhood cottage, sob, sob.

3.  The woods next to the secret morel mushroom spot logged.  Devastating.

4.  Walker Boy improves three and a half weeks after total knee replacement.  Leg straight (extension) and flexion (bend) now over 104 degrees, how exciting, hurray!

5.  I took an entire 36 hours off the computer!

6.  Wild leek article quoting yours truly now available on Lake Superior Magazine.

Oh, you wanted to see the fishing supplies up close?

All somewhat interesting/sad/amusing topics possibly worthy of a blog post.  Each of those posts could have been shared with the world, right?  Heck, I could have written 1,354 words about each topic without thinking.

However, if you have a week before writing that blog, guess what you do?


Next to Thill's Fish Market. Lake Superior.

You start thinking about why such-and-such a topic is good, bad or ugly.  You think obsessively. You imagine a title during your meditation.  How about:  Step right up!  Six mini-blogs for the price of one!  (No. Too many exclamation points.  What an idiot you are.  You’ve been an idiot before.  Yes, but I don’t want to be one for an entire week.)  How about:  The six blogs you didn’t read.  (Is that interesting enough?  Would that attract six readers?  Never mind.  You don’t care about blog numbers any more.  Six readers would be lovely.)

By Thursday you’ve abandoned all topics because none of them are right.

Another day, another swamp

On Saturday, after drinking a glass of Chardonnay, your husband begs you for a column idea for his newspaper.  (How dare he!  You can’t even think of a blog idea for next week.) However the glass of Chardonnay replies, “How about memories of the cottage my brother sold?”

Said husband loves the idea, absolutely loves it, and now requests wife to search through ancient family photos for the beloved cottage.  You agree.  You think–yes, that would make a good blog.  How many people have sold a beloved house, cottage, camp?  Everyone could relate.  Yes, I’ll blog about the cottage, too.

Another swamp reflection, just because

When the Chardonnay wears off you decide your husband can commando the cottage topic. You’ll do something else…but what?…this is SO HARD.  Blogging has never been THIS HARD before.  And why?  Because you have time to use your noodle.  In other words, think.

Writer’s block hath now arrived in full circle.  You can’t think of anything to write.  But you want to write.  You can’t think of anything worthy.  OK, you’ll write unworthy.  Wait a minute, everything is worthy, what are you talking about?  The pressure, the pressure, the blogging pressure!  Maybe you will just post photos…?  But which photos are appropriate for a blog that will run for a week?

Beaver dam in the swamp

In meditation Sunday morning you suddenly receive a complete topic and title in between thoughts.  It’s called “Break the mold, Cupcake.”  Oh yes!  It’s all about how society and culture attempts to keep us from becoming individuals.  We are urged–sometimes shamed–into staying in a mold of copy-cat behavior.

I love it!  I rush upstairs toward the computer and begin to type.

Dear Cupcake,

It’s OK.  You don’t need to be a round sweet cake in a muffin mold pan.  You don’t need to be like every other cupcake in the world.  Feel free to break out.  Sprawl across the baking pan.  Swim in the batter.  Don’t let the pan determine who you are.  Be yourself.


The Eternal Baker

Flicker in swamp

382 words later I am staring at the stupid words, the awful words, what a terrible idea, this isn’t working, I hate weekly blogging, there is too much pressure, writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block!

(My daughter calls a couple of hours later with news about cupcakes; I swear this is true. Obviously I channeled cupcake thoughts.)

Finally, thankfully, another blog about blogging (“How original!” a sarcastic commenter once snipped, shame on him) starts to internally write itself.  It’s obvious to me now that thinking too much about writing or blogging is the reason so many suffer from blogging block.

Ruffle them flicker feathers...

The answer is clear!  People, we must end unnecessary thinking.  End the need to write something “important”.  End the propensity of the Mind to yak, yak, yak about what should be shared, what shouldn’t be shared, the price of wheat in China.

I have no idea how next week will go.

But I refuse to let the mind hijack this once-a-week blogging dream with too much thinking. And editing?  I am afraid to let the mind edit.  It would reduce these words into maybe six paragraphs and then I would be weeping, simply weeping, because I truly LOVE each and every one of these 1,426 words.  They are like children.  I am an unmolded cupcake and proud of it!

Here's lookin' at you, kid

If any of you have a mind that thinks too much and holds you back from sharing yourself fully, you’ll know what I mean.  We’ll have to form a support group meeting:  Bloggers who Think too much.  We’ll say things like “My name is Kathy and I think too much.”  Wait a minute.  I think I said that in the last blog.  Or something like that anyway…perhaps I should just ditch this long-winded blog…

Oh no!  It’s starting up again.  The mind is already judging that this blog was a)  not serious enough–you DARED to put the word “Cupcake” in the headline and you will live to regret this! b)  needs editing and c) simply can’t survive a week of viewing without the writer appearing half-baked.

Worse than that, they’ll think that this obsessive thinking REALLY comprised most of my week, when, shhhhh, astute reader, I’ll whisper to anyone still reading 1,452 words later **it only bugged me maybe 8% of the time.  The rest of the time I didn’t even think about blogging and never ever thought about cupcakes until this morning, I solemnly swear.  (But wasn’t it a good topic?**grin**)

Hello, caterpillar

It obviously shouldn’t be written…or should it? I will turn off the computer and think about it.  If this appears on Monday morning then it wasn’t hijacked by a calm, thoughtful philosophical blog.  Stay tuned, you sweet-toothed dreamers.  In the meantime–forget the mold altogether.  Be yourself.  Break the mold, Cupcake!  You won’t regret it…

Wishing you a lovely blossom-filled week with not-too-many thoughts

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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125 Responses to Break the mold, Cupcake

  1. forestfae says:

    Hi Kathy,

    just watched the following program whilst I was having my lunch and immeadiatelly though of you, a must see really 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      That does look fascinating, forestfae. Wishing we had a TV…every once in a while there is a good program I would like to watch.

      • forestfae says:

        They do not have any bits of it out on Youtube yet, I looked, but I’m sure there will soon be, and they might publish it in a journal somewhere?
        You really do live in a beautifull part of the world 🙂

  2. I love your blog and I loved this blog about blogging because your take on it is original and your personality comes through so nicely in it (I remember that comment- Mr. Snippy McSnipperson was jealous he was not freshly pressed that day)! Thank you for your refreshingly honest posts!

    • Kathy says:

      So happy you liked it, Michelle! It was fun to write, but my goodness, the Mind can second guess everything, can’t it? If we listen to half of what our minds say, we would never write a word, would we? Snippy McSnipperson…funny!

  3. My name is Lisa and I think too much . . . but I really think that changing habits (ie breaking away from blogging for a while) is good for the soul. However, it may give me too much time to think. One never knows.

  4. Brenda Hardie says:

    Good Morning Kathy. Yet again I discover another thing we have in common…..I also think too much. It gets in my way so often. It can derail the best laid plans. It sucks the excitement out of wonderful ideas. It keeps me up at night. And if the obsessive thinking turns into worry, which has been known to happen more than a few times, it causes that irritation in the tummy. sighhhh Guess I better join that support group….”Hello, my name is Brenda and I think too much.”
    Love the pictures Kathy…The “reflections” shot is beautiful!
    I have a funny picture to send to you…will do that now…:)
    So glad to hear about Barry getting better!! Woohoo!

    • Kathy says:

      Good morning–no, Good Afternoon, Ms. Brenda! No wait! It’s still morning in Minnesota. Thank goodness I thought of that. tee hee. I was so surprised–and humored–that this “thinking too much” took over for a while last week. It felt like LOTS of people might resonate. Laughed long & hard at the pic you sent. Boobs, indeed!

  5. Reggie says:

    Oh Kathy. Dearest Kathy. You are thinking waayyy too much. You write BEAUTIFULLY. No matter how often you blog, or what you write about, or what photos you choose – or discard, it is always lovely to read what you write.

    Why do you feel you *may* only write once a week? Or that you *have to* write once a day? Does there have to be a pattern? Each of those topics you mentioned could easily have been a blog of its own too. When a topic arises, write about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s Monday-and-you-shouldn’t-blog, or if you have two or three topics that demand to be written today-today-today! Or if you have a whole *week* without feeling the urge to blog. It’s all good.

    So ease off some of that pressure, dearest friend, and be at peace. We love you and we’re here. ((Big hug!))

    • Kathy says:

      Ha ha, Reggie, the thinking thoughts hijacked Kathy! You ask why I feel I *may* only write once a week? I, don’t, of course, have to. I want to try it. It’s not necessarily easy or comfortable for me, but I love attempting to break out of habits and routines and try different things. The pressure may arise for a while, perhaps, but I have already discovered wonderful things I love about once a week blogging. The bestest way of all is to blog-when-we-feel-like-it. But the second bestest is to blog when and how our deeper self suggests. Thanks, sweetie.

  6. Susan D. says:

    I love each one of your words, too. They’re precious and sweet; they’re crumbling and dropping everywhere so that there is always enough for everyone! Thank you, thank you! Love the photos, too. They are stunning.

    • Kathy says:

      How these words adore your words, Susan D. They adore your heart, too. You are one of my bestest friends in the whole world! (Mind interjects: Must quit using the word “bestest”. Silly mind!)

  7. bree1972 says:

    I think too much too! But I totally “get” just sitting down and letting your fingertips go where they will. Happened just last night.

  8. bonnie says:

    Kathy, have you been in my head, reading my thoughts this past week, as I considered my next blog, and what I would say?……I think you are a fantastic person, with wisdom and soul, who can capture words and pictures that set the heart to singing. No matter how often you blog, or the title of the day, I will quickly click to it when I see you have posted a new one. Blessings.

    • Kathy says:

      Bonnie, thank you. I sensed there were fellow souls out there in the blogging world with these concerns, listening to their minds and not writing because the minds can totally limit and confuse at times. We can’t let our minds sell us short, can we? You write beautiful blogs. Thank you for your kind words.

  9. Joanne says:

    “My name is Joanne, and I taught myself to stop thinking a couple of years ago now.” Kathy, admit it, you KNEW you shouldn’t think, really, didn’t you? Thinking never, ever, gets anyone anywhere!!

    Feel, Kathy….feel…..flow freely with the wind…..sprawl across that baking pan….you know that is “who you really are”….

    Your random photos are perfect for this post; your words are perfect for this post, and I too enjoyed every single 1,400 and whatever-it-was words.

    Oh, and I’d love to hear about the old family cottage, if you “feel” inclined to share. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Joanne, I’ve learned to witness the 5,606,484,433 thoughts in meditation but have not learned to stop ’em yet. Sometimes they do stop on their own and there are luscious beautiful spaces, clarity of Original Mind, which arise, oh so sweet, so beyond concepts! I do know who I really am…but cannot live it all the time yet. Glad you liked the random photos and million words. Will think about the family cottage post, but Barry is already in the process of writing it for the newspaper and it feels kinda like stealing his thoughts now. Except, of course, we’re all One…so maybe it would involve exchanging thoughts? **smile**

  10. In the words of Mother Thersa, “What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.” I too have the voice in my head that endlessly worries about what will go wrong. It destroys my creativity and tries to smush me into an acceptable mold. Thank you for loving that part of me. Thank you for the smiles.

    • Kathy says:

      Littlestoryblog, oh what a lovely quote! Create anyway… I should print this out and enlarge it and put it on the wall. Most of us have those voices in our head, attempting to smush us into that mold. I LOVE the creative free part of you–and me–and want to hug it before baking at 350 degrees. tee hee.

  11. P.j. grath says:

    Kathy, I am putting my two cents in for the other side today. You have found the answer for you, but it is not the answer for everyone. There is room for spontaneity in the world, and there is also room for thoughtful, careful deliberation. I enjoy your off-the-cuff responses to your world. I also enjoy structured essays, and the latter require more thought. Unnecessary? A waste of time? I don’t think so. Are you equating thought with anxiety? That does not have to be the case. Neither does writing once a week necessarily mean obsessively fretting about it every day.

    My own main blog sometimes takes one direction (spontaneous) and sometimes another (deliberate and structured). It is not unusual for me to try out topics between postings and to go back and edit and rewrite them. Am I thinking “too much”? Not for me. Thinking and writing my way through a topic is something I find very satisfying. I also write book reviews for a publication with a 400-word limit on reviews. There my approach is to write everything I WANT to say and edit downward in terms of length, paying attention to main points and progression of the thought, as well as to number of words. For me, this is very satisfying work.

    The work of two of my favorite essayists, Adam Gopnik and Tony Judt, exhibits the beautiful structure of a polished essay which I can only admire and never match, but I make no apology for the effort that goes (sometimes!) into my writing–any more than you should apologize for your own free-wheeling approach. We are all different! Isn’t that a wonderful thing?


    • karlapr says:

      Agree! I enjoy the rigor of trying to craft a well-written essay for my blog. Within that, there is room for many tones and topics. I like to follow my topic/ idea and see where it goes, but I also try to adhere to the idea that any good story has a beginning, middle and end and usually ties together at least two disparate but, ultimately, connected ideas. Sometimes I feel I have succeeded, and it’s very satisfying! Sometimes, not so much — but I consider it a worthy exercise that pushes me both to experiment and to improve my writing.

      • Kathy says:

        Karlapr, that is a beautiful paragraph. Happy writing! P.S. I always try to make sure my beginning and ending tie together, too. It only seems fair to wrap up the readers. 🙂

        • karlapr says:

          When I responded, I was thinking, I hope this doesn’t come across as sounding as though I don’t think you do that! : ) I’m not as good at spontaneous expression as you are! Sometimes the words just flow, but other times, I puzzle over what I’m trying to say and how to say it. However, I do find some satisfaction in the process of reaching a final product which, hopefully, does not appear too labored to the reader!

          • Kathy says:

            Oh we humans are so funny! It’s good to know you a little bit better, Karlapr. Isn’t it weird how we’re always comparing ourselves with others? I know I am. And I think I should know better. I have been at that place of puzzling over what to say and how to say it. Mostly when I was working as a journalist. It was so challenging! Probably why I love blogging so much… Thank you for responding back. I always feel happy when people engage in a conversation!

    • Kathy says:

      Pamela, my goodness! I never once thought of it from the other angle–from people who love to edit and deliberate. Instead, I was thinking of the dozens upon dozens of bloggers I meet in the blogosphere who hesitate to write or share too much because of the thousand critical voices in their heads. For once, I resonated with them and wanted to share from my heart so that perhaps, just perhaps, others would not be afraid to deconstruct their own inner critics.

      Now, if I had THOUGHT and edited deeply, perhaps I would have realized that I had neglected to cover the other side of the issue and praised those who loved to think deeply about their blogs. Difference is a wonderful thing!

      P.S. One of the reasons I opted NOT to be a journalist or published author is that I never felt the love of editing and polishing. It was always too much work when my spirit would rather be doing otherwise. I have two books sitting here atop a shelf because of this challenge/gift.

      • karlapr says:

        Ah, I think that’s it — I love to edit! (oh, and I’m a lawyer, so that probably explains a lot. : )

        • Kathy says:

          You probably need editing skills in your profession, Karla. (Hoping your name is Karla,) Thank you for reading and understanding!

          • P.j. grath says:

            I love to edit and polish, too. And of course there’s that philosophy background, demanding “rigor”! Kathy, I do understand your perspective, also. Do you know the book WRITING DOWN THE BONES, by Natalie ??? She recommends writing first without judging the writing and then giving letting the mental editor have a turn. The editor can definitely get in the way of the writer if it’s always scolding and frightening.

            • Kathy says:

              I do love that book, Pamela. It’s right here on the bookshelf behind the computer. P.S. I say I don’t edit, but I do. Minimally. Just enough to satisfy the journalist in me.

  12. lisaspiral says:

    LOL I have SO been there! I love your silly posts. Important is great but so is daily life. I do want to hear more about the cabin, you’ve peaked my interest. Here’s a thought for you: Blogging once a week doesn’t necessarily mean writing once a week. It means posting once a week. So, some weeks I have a couple of drafts going and end up writing something entirely different when it comes time to post. Some weeks I can’t think of anything “important” and pull out one of those old drafts. Some weeks I ramble, and it’s funny I often get more comments than when I write something “important” hmmm

    • Kathy says:

      Lisa, so GLAD to have resonated with another blogger! I am glad you like the silly posts. I am not sure if I do. Part of me adores them; the other part wants to axe ’em. I like your idea about writing when I feel like, and then having multiple drafts available when the beginning of the week comes around. I was using the scrap paper in a similar way. It’s funny how many people seem to love these stream-of-consciousness humorous blogs. I can’t figure anyone out, let alone myself!

  13. karlapr says:

    Lovely photographs! I love the deer in the budding spring snow.

    • Kathy says:

      Karlapr, thank you. I took the picture through our back deck window. Love those words “budding spring snow”. It was budding. And the deer were so sweet. Thank you for commenting!

  14. Carol says:

    Kathy, Kathy, put away that thinking cap and let the mind and the fingers flow together wherever they might go, freely and joyfully. Here comes THAT question again: Are you blogging for the joy of it or for plaudits? No matter, truly, the plaudits will come your way because of the beauty of your writing and your photos – with or without thought.

    • Kathy says:

      First of all, I had to google “plaudits”. What in the world are plaudits? It says: Praise or applaud of the audience. Am I blogging for praise? No, I don’t think so. It’s lovely when it comes–and I want to hug folks–but am not blogging for praise. I don’t think so. Am I blogging just for myself? No. I feel like the reader/blogger is in an intimate relationship and it’s a 50/50 relationship. OK, maybe it’s a 60/40 because the blogger appears to be the one who is writing. I don’t just think of myself. I think of my audience, too. Which is really kinda crazy, because the audience is huge and diverse and continually surprising. Yet I think sometimes: Grandma is going to hate this, daughter is going to love this, Carol is going to think this, Brenda is going to think that. However, what fascinates me the most is that our worst critic or best praiser is usually the thoughts in the head. And satisfying them is virtually impossible. One day i will learn this lesson.

  15. Elisa's Spot says:

    OH God I just wrote this morning on the Noticing place about how I was angry and miserable over trying to keep up and not to keep up with something that wasn’t hard before, it was a joy! THAT thinking too much, that withholding what to say, even to myself. The organizing, the plotting, the beating to death, the missing of all of the joys in between all of those moments all becomes, for me a GIANT WASTE. And I get ANGRY! Sits wearing grumpy face and grumpy hat.

    • Kathy says:

      Elisa, yes. I understand. It does feel like a giant waste. I’m not sure it is in the bigger picture. But our human selves (or maybe our human selves connected to our larger selves) feel that. May we break out of any and all molds we create for ourselves, dear friend.

  16. cderozier says:

    Oh, Kathy, you have delivered me from my cupcake mold! I kinda like the mold, but it just isn’t my shape anymore. The other day (do I think too much?) I realized that I was making a very concerted effort to be more…whimsical. I put my hair in pigtails (I’m 47) and make a headband of paper flowers and wore a silly shirt with a Japanese cartoon on it. Hey, now I’m whimsical! Thank you as always, and the photos of the fish shack made me so happy. Missing Miss Lake.

    • Kathy says:

      I LOVE that you put your hair in pigtails, made a headband of paper flowers and wore a silly shirt. I love that you’re whimsical, Celeste. I love that you understand the feeling of being a cupcake in a mold and that you know you can be something different if you choose. Miss Lake says it misses you, too…

  17. Not only is this an enjoyable, fun and very readable post with outstanding photographs to boot, it is precisely what I needed to hear! My writer’s block is stemming in part, I think, from getting to know my readers. Some, like you, are new friends; others live right here on Beaver Island. I’ve had a couple “important things” – meaning only that they have a greater depth and philosophical bent than my day to day activities log – that I’ve been rolling ’round in my head for a few weeks now. When it comes right down to writing, I’ve taken the easier (that is “coward’s”) way out. I don’t want to look like a “know-it-all” or appear to be putting on airs or, “who am I, anyway, to have an opinion and feel like people will want to read it”?!? Well, thank you, Kathy, for opening my eyes! Honestly, my favorite essays to read are those that speak from the heart, whether the subject is large or small. Yours, Kathy, are always some of my favorites!

    • Kathy says:

      Oh Cindy, I am fascinated by the voices in our heads! Yes, I have heard a thought express that similar opinion: that it will be judged as a know-it-all. This has actually happened in spiritual circles where I have remained silent because it felt like too much judgment would ensue. You are a wonderful blogger, Cindy, and you are someone who deserves to have an opinion with many dedicated readers! Heck, we might even learn about Tender Hearted Tommy or garden planning on Beaver Island. I like that this essay spoke to your heart. I was nervous about sharing it. Scared that people would try to judge or change or “fix” me. Thank you!

  18. Loved the way you shared the path your thoughts took, Kathy! Thanks for letting us in. Also loved the swamp pictures. When it comes to “thinking,” I myself have a sort of Yoda Philosophy. “Know or know not. There is no think.”

    • Kathy says:

      To know or not know! Patty, I love it. (Shouting: Thanks, Yoda!) I know what you mean. But those thoughts are persistent, you know. Glad you liked the swamp photos. I spent a long time sitting in the swamp when I turned off the computer for 36 hours.

  19. Still high from my swamp adventure so I’m LOVING your swamp pictures! (I’m newly aware of the mystery of swamps…) Still being my blog-self, matching up quotes and images, with an occasional batch of picture memories… Your deer visitors are so lovely, Kathy. What kind of fish do the fishers catch from Lake Superior? Cheering on your blog-self, my friend!

    • Kathy says:

      High-five for swamp adventures, Barbara! Your blog-self is lovely, indeed. It doesn’t appear like you experience blog-angst. The fishers from Lake Superior (the humans, not the animals) catch lake trout, salmon, whitefish, brown trout, burbot…probably lots more, but no more come to this spur-of-the-moment mind.) I have loved the peace & quiet of less blogging (OK, with a minimal amount of angst added in just to make things interesting.)

  20. Kathy – I thoroughly enjoyed a hot cuppa tea while following your blogging mind through lovely words and photographs — a dynamite combination!

    • Kathy says:

      Gosh, Laurie, could you drink a whole cup of tea while reading these zillion words? tee hee. You are my favorite Zen blogger in the blogosphere. Your deepest self seems to love simplifying. If I get a future job as an author or journalist, my manuscript is headed your way. Thank you, lady.

  21. susanblake says:

    Hi Kathy,
    Oh my goodness, I can just feel you fidgeting in your head! Can you not schedule blogs on WP? I find that sometimes I have a dozen things in my head that I want to write about – so I do, I write them ALL, then schedule them as blogs. I have a huge “Draft” pile of blogs to choose from at all times.Then I have time to do what comes up daily, plus a lot of reading and studying cuz I’m not blogging daily. It so works for me! I have a great sense of peace and organization, which is absolutely the ONLY area of my life that feels this way, haha 🙂

    Maybe what keeps me doing this, and still writing daily is my “morning pages” where I journal (I’m definitely a journal junkie) so I dumb my personal frivolities, angst, dreams, whatever, into this wonderful place first thing in the morning. Been doin’ this for 40 years now so it sure is a habit I’d be hard-pressed to ever give up.

    Well, whatever you decide is best for you just give it time. Whenever we attempt to change something that we have an emotional attachment to, it tugs and bugs, and itches our brains.
    Just breathe. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Oh yes, Ms. SuZen, you can indeed schedule blogs on WP. I just have been so much time off computer than I haven’t time to write them! You know, the swamp calls…

      I like your idea, though, about drafting blogs. Very cool. Gosh, if I were still doing Morning Pages I probably wouldn’t be blogging. These blogs are kinda my Morning Pages. There are gifts and challenges with doing Morning Pages publicly. #1: sometimes people don’t want to be present with what you’re saying–they want to change or fix you or make things better and #2 you have to be really strong to stand behind your momentary passing thoughts because the mask of our personalities want us to look all “together”.

      I love what you said about giving things time. I know that’s the truth! And I know that’s what is going on this week. I am trying to change an established pattern and internal forces are fighting against the change. Love that you see that. Breathing with you.

  22. Karma says:

    Love it Kathy. I love how you can twist and turn words and make them yours. I had no idea what to expect when I read that blog post title. But here’s a question for you: aren’t you going against your own advice by forcing yourself into the “once a week” mold? I still say the “when you feel like it” way is the way to go. 😉

    • Kathy says:

      Karma, “when you feel like it” is the best way for you to go! Don’t ever stop, girl. You write the best when-you-feel-like-it blogs. Perhaps I am wrong and trying to make myself into a molded cupcake, tee hee. Who knows? But I WANT to try this so much. We’ll see what happens come June. ANYTHING could happen!

  23. Lori DiNardi says:

    I’ll share what I do and you can toss it right aside if you so wish. I write down a blog in a draft when it comes to mind. I leave it sit and look at it again later to see if it’s still something I feel worth anyone’s while, let alone my own. You know what, in 4 months of blogging, I’ve only deleted two out of my drafts. All the rest have been posted. I post about 3 times a week, give or take 1 or 2 some weeks. Just let it flow when it feels like flowing, and let it go when it doesn’t. Good to see a new blog from you. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Thanks, Lori~ I like what works for you! Flowing is good. I’ve flowed for almost four years–now wanting to try something a bit different. It’s OK. There’s room & space for flowing and other kinds of creativity. I love that you paused and shared your perspective. Glad you enjoyed a new blog. I was ready for one, too!

  24. john says:

    Be obscure clearly. – e. b. white

    Just be yourself and write what you like. Start channeling eb white or Dr. Suess. (wait … forget Suess … he was tanked when he wrote) . Very happy to hear about Barry! I tried cupcakes once without tins. Realised those are called pancakes.

    I believe living with an editor makes you look at your blog differently. You’re concerned with circulation and sales. You don’t have those issues. We come here, because we enjoy spending time here. Here is Kathy, the blog is just the medium.

  25. Kathy says:

    I love e.b. white, john. what, he was tanked? ok, i won’t try to imitate. that would not be good. i love that cupcakes without molds are pancakes. ha, ha! you are funny! i’m not sure it’s living with an editor that makes me view this blog like this…it’s my journalism degree. i love that you see beyond degrees and momentary feelings into what’s beyond. glad you are a new friend in real life. (p.s. i am trying to behave out of cupcake mold by not capitalizing.)

  26. lucindalines says:

    Oh I hope it is June 20 soon so you will be free to blog whenever you choose. I miss your blogs. I also love your pictures.

    • Kathy says:

      You are so sweet, Lucinda! Even though I am choosing to blog like this right now, it feels good to know that folks like you enjoy to read more frequently.

  27. thewitchspromise says:

    I love the idea of just writing what, when and if. I feel inspired to loosen up a bit or even a lot. What a lovely post!

    • Kathy says:

      Glad you enjoyed this free-form blog, Witchspromise! Here’s to new kinds of cupcakes… (and thank you for visiting Lake Superior Spirit.)

  28. Colleen says:

    Kathy, maybe this is just a pregnant and fertile pause (not to use the WB word) before a blessed birth. And please don’t ask where that came from, talking about wayward thoughts 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      What a lovely way of phrasing it, Colleen. YES! A pregnant and fertile pause of don’t-know-what-to-do-next. I love your wayward thoughts. Share them any time!

  29. God, can I relate this this. I, too, think too much–way too much. I say–write whatever you want however often you want. Yes, there maybe value in switching it up, but not if it silences you. Then you’ve accomplished nothing. Forget about “worthy” topics. Just write. You always do so beautifully. Just be you. I love you just the way you are, my friend.

    • Kathy says:

      Kath, I love what you say. Thank you for your support. I am trying to find out what–who–I am when not a writer, not a blogger, not a photographer. Trying to relax into open space. Feeling this heart open up. Who is there inside that doesn’t need to share? These are the kinds of questions that are ripening now. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. Asking these questions can be emotionally challenging. Hugs back…

  30. Dawn says:

    My name is Dawn and I think too much too. Plus I really need a cupcake. Funny, a couple of nights ago I was craving a cupcake…none to be seen. Just an hour ago I told my husband who was taking the dog out that he better come back with a cupcake. Then I found your blog! LOL! I think we need to have a cupcake brunch! And I agree a cupcake doesn’t have to fit in the little paper thingy.

    • Kathy says:

      Dawn, I swear it’s a cupcake kinda week! Smiling. We’re all channeling cupcake thoughts. It’s funny, I am now having a not-crazy-thinking-week. OK, at least a day of relaxation! Love when you visit.

  31. Kala says:

    Gorgeous image of the apple blossoms! I tend to over-think things and it gets in the way of my actually DOING something. Gah!

    • Kathy says:

      Kala, I sure suspected that lots of people might have this challenge at times. You know, I loved the apple blossom image so much that I made it my desktop background. Thank you for pausing here. Let’s make a pact and not over-think today.

  32. Claire says:

    Oh Kathy I so enjoyed this post and I too suffer from the addiction of thinking too much and ‘in a random and un-channelled way however it stays where it started. and does no get converted into words anywhere just bounces around in my brain. I wonder if I’ start a new blog whether it would be an outlet for this over thinking or if it would be a pressure too much. I better just think about that. Your post today has got me thinking about your dilemma weekly or not? I have no answer however I love all the photos cupcake. X

    • Kathy says:

      Dear Claire, thank you for sharing about your resonance. I was convinced that many of us experience this at times. Understand your idea about wanting to start a new blog–and that it might be too much pressure. Sometimes I think that there is a “knowing” or guidance underneath it all that will help us cut through our mind’s propensity to look at all possible options. When we ask our deep inner knowings, sometimes, just sometimes it provides the best possible answer. Good luck, Cupcake! xxoxo

  33. Stacy Lyn says:

    Love this post – any writer (blogger?) would understand. We love our words; we ARE our words. Don’t cut a single one – let the mind do it’s thing. I certainly enjoy the ride. You are in my Versatile Blogger Award Nominees, which I think you know by now! ❤

    • Kathy says:

      Stacy Lyn, I am glad that you understand. Very glad! And delighted that you know that the mind just needs to do its thing and we don’t need to be derailed by its yak-yak-yak. I think your versatile blog is great and I do appreciate that you like Lake Superior Spirit.

  34. jeffstroud says:

    OMG! I should have gotten my coffee first! Really are you kidding, stop thinking and get to work, stop foolin around. I came looking for your blog because I had not seen one in awhile, I thought your were getting like me, the reluctant blogger! But alas no, just goofin off again.

    Than I was like is this blog going somewhere, is it ever going to end, because I needed to get me second cup of coffee, and I was in hurry. Ha ha.

    This is all too too funny really. You capture the mind of many of us who write or don’t write or are creative, and when we have to think or in a thinking mode, creating and writing either doesn’t get done or what we are doing is unsatisfying !

    so get the heck out the way! I believe all those above topics can be great blogs, and they may or may not be expressed. I think I could go on too but I will save it for my own blogs.

    • Kathy says:

      I thought you might relate, Jeff. I wrote this post because there are an awful lot of reluctant bloggers out here in the creative world…and none of us can let our patterned thinking mind prevent us from creating. I hope the mind will listen to you and get out of the way! I am loving posting once a week. Feeling much more present and connected with Spirit again.

  35. sonali says:

    I love your blog. I so love your thoughts, your words and all the pictures & I don’t want to wait longer than a weeks time. I get your message right & I must say “I am Sonali and I think too much”. Why do I? I don’t know. Perhaps the consciousness, the fear or lack of confidence? Anyway, I’m glad you posted. *sigh*.

    I love what the baker has to say to the cupcake. You don’t need to be like every other cup cake. be yourself. dear little cupcake.

    I also admire the first picture in this post, of the snow. Wow so many deers there! Quite admirable. I like the white everywhere.

    • Kathy says:

      Sonali, it feels like this blog has touched a nerve with many folks. We must remember that we are not our minds…and not to let the judgmental or worrying or scared minds interfere with our creativity. Fear and lack of confidence can not keep us from sharing our most precious selves! Create away, my dear unique Cupcake.

  36. Dear Kathy, I know you said you don’t want awards and I will understand if you don’t do anything with this. But how could I possibly nominate bloggers for The Sunshine Award and leave you – the blogger I am most inspired and encouraged by – out?

    Your blogging friend, Patty

    • Kathy says:

      Awww, Patty Cupcake, you are the best! I probably won’t write about this, but always feel a little Happy Dance in my heart that people like this blog. Thank you for being inspired and encouraged. Will travel on over to your lovely blog & read your sunshiny words.

  37. Sybil says:

    87 comments ! You’ve got 87 comments !!!

    Wow Cupcake, you rock !

    And not only that — you are very wise.

    • Kathy says:

      Cupcake, I don’t feel like this was a very wise post! But, once I wrote it, what the heck…push the publish button, you know you can do it, don’t be a sissy. (I like it that people feel like my blog is a living room or kitchen. They come in and yak. Sometimes we’re wise and sometimes we’re silly and sometimes we’re funny and sometimes we just sip tea.) I like you. More tea?

  38. rehill56 says:

    Buenas tardes, Kathy Kupcake. Just stopping by to smell the “blog flowers”. I am usually late to the discussion. I enjoy it all. Great photos as usual. Hope all is well with you! Got my staples out yesterday. Are things returning to “normal’?

    • Kathy says:

      Buenas tardes, senora Ruth! Glad you enjoy it all. Thought about you this morning–thought, gosh darn, haven’t talked to Ruth in DAYS! So happy to hear you got your staples out. And guess who got una carta from you today at school? The kids were happy to hear from you! Yes, things are returning to normal. Whatever normal might be. Barry had a wonderful 4 week checkup yesterday. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

  39. Heather says:

    I’m sure you’ll get the hang of this. I simply write blogs when the mood strikes me, and rarely worry about how worthy of being read it is. I figure if folks want to tune out partway through, then that’s okay. You are a writer – write for you and we’ll follow for fun 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Oh, Ms. Heather, you are so right–I am getting the hang of it. Last week the thoughts mentioned in yonder blog did feel kinda confused, but that was probably just from the stress of changing my routine after a long spell of near-daily blogging. This week feels much more relaxed with less worries. I’m often envious when people say they write just for themselves. If that were the case, I’d still be writing in a journal. I am always figuring we’re a partnership–the reader and writer–and I’m writing for both of us. Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by.

      • Heather says:

        I think you nailed it on the partnership thing – that’s a truer way of saying it that I did! I guess I just try not to worry about it too much. And since I don’t ever feel like you’re writing your stuff *just* to please or cater to your audience, I imagine you don’t usually worry about it TOO much either. I hope this new blogging adventure turns out to be fun, regardless of how you choose to blog after the solstice 🙂

        • Kathy says:

          Heather, I just wrote a response to bearyweather (down below) that kinda describes (in the best way possible that I can put it in words) the challenges of writing/sharing this post. I have been feeling incredible peace 92% of the time, but chose to write about this 8% low-level ego-stress in order to bring it into awareness/consciousness more and thus dissolve it. Then I got a little frustrated because–duh–people were concentrating on the stress instead of the peace. Now I’m laughing. Funny people we are!

  40. bearyweather says:

    I blog when I feel I have something to say. I try to post once a week, but if I don’t … I don’t. Sometimes I feel like writing so I sit down and write … it might end up as a blog post … it might not. Sometimes I think I think too much about the content as I will edit, rewrite and sometimes tuck it away for another day (my perspective can change after more thought). However, that is why I enjoy this. The freedom to write when ever the mood strikes, posting what I feel is most meaningful to me, and hoping that others will stop by and add to my thoughts. I just know that I can not abandon my blog for very long or people stop coming by to visit. However, this freedom from time limits also gives me the time and the freedom to visit other blogs and write comments there … sometimes they lead me to my own topics. Blogging is about reading and commenting around the blogging world as much as it is writing new content for it.

    Maybe you need to give yourself a break and not set time limits for yourself. If you feel like writing 3 days in a row, fine … if the mood only comes around once a week, that is fine too. Throw out some of you scheduling structure and write when the mood strikes.

    • Kathy says:

      Bearyweather, please don’t take this wrong–you’re not the only person who has suggested I not set limits for myself. Read some of the above comments–others have suggested the same thing. Yet, I feel strongly that I am doing the right thing–and have been feeling much more peace and happiness after setting some limits for a while. I shared here some confused thoughts & feelings which arose during the first week. Very common, I should think, when someone is breaking an established pattern. Everyone is hopefully doing what their inner selves are urging them. I know you are! I am looking forward some day in the future to not having limits again. Yet right now this feels perfectly the right move. I feel I am honoring what my deepest self is urging, and appreciate everyone who is supporting this. Thank you for sharing your own thoughts about what works for you.

      • bearyweather says:

        I agree … we are not all alike and we have our own ways to handle our blogging. I shared my thoughts and how I am dealing with it as others did in their comments (i did read them, I found them very interesting).

        Reading your post left me with the impression that you were/are very frustrated and stressed out about blogging. Your blog is a fun place to visit. So I suppose, when you present us with one of your struggles like you did here, we all try to make suggestions so that you do not burn out and quit.

        As you point out, changing habits is difficult for us all (I have blogged about it many times myself because it is tough). I believe all of the comments here are personal ways each of us are supporting you, helping you with your change of pattern. As a result, you started an interesting conversation with this post.

        Obviously, you are the one who decides what works best for you. I wish you success in finding your own personal blogging, feel good “groove”

        • Kathy says:

          Thank you, bearyweather, for your response! I am happy you came back to continue the conversation. You put your finger on what is challenging me here. I obviously did leave the impression that I was frustrated or stressed out about blogging and maybe that is what folks are responding to. However, I later made a comment that people were going to think that I was stressed out and attempted to say it was really only about 8% (or whatever silly number I used) of my feelings & psyche for the week.

          What I did with this blog is notice a very low-level feeling of stress while trying to break the pattern/routine of daily of blogging. So turned attention on that low-level of stress and wrote about it, attempting to illuminate it by attention. Several people then offered suggestions about how to “fix” it when I simply wanted to allow it to be in “presence”, kinda smiling at the silly inner thoughts that are obviously not true or even helpful. That is often enough to dissolve any stress. I guess I thought people might smile at their own inner confused voices and relax and think–yes, we all experience this. It’s OK.

          Perhaps I could have blogged about the peace I felt during 92% of last week, the open spaces, the deep relaxation of not spending as much time on the computer.

          My spiritual practice this week is simply allowing any repressed or anxious feelings to arise and being with them. This seems to be creating more peace.

          Truly, thank you for sharing yourself! You truly helped me attempt to express this in a new “groove”, my friend.

  41. Elisa's Spot says:

    This morning already, I am clay and I am the sculptor. No one left me a cupcake to eat. I suppose the lack o’ cupcake is a good thing, I shouldn’t have the sugar and the not being able to have gluten anymore keeps me away from the sugar. That sculptor is a very funny thing!

    • Kathy says:

      To be both, such a marvelous knowing, Elisa! I truly have a really funny cupcake story to share about my daughter, but not sure if she’ll give permission yet. And the even funnier thing about this–shhhh, don’t tell–I don’t even like cupcakes! Joining with you and eating very healthy today, promise. Have a good day.

  42. Robin says:

    Sometimes I think thinking is highly overrated. 😉 I’m afraid that attitude probably shows in my blogging and my comments on other blogs. Perhaps I need to think more… and make some muffins. I’m not big on sweets, but have this wonderful oat bran and apple muffin recipe.

    • Kathy says:

      Muffins sound lovely, Robin. Please pass one of those oat bran & apple muffins. I would love one right now. Not even thinking about it…wanting to enjoy one with a cup of tea. Thank you!

  43. Dana says:

    Too funny, Kathy! I’m in the same boat, often thinking more than doing. My self-censor is surprisingly adept at filtering out things I *think* I’d like to share with others, or parts of me that want to reach out. Who knows who I would be (or seem to be) if that filter worked a little less well? (Then again, I’ve still published inane posts about Gore-tex and Ikea before, so maybe my self-censor isn’t *that* stringent.) 😉

    I love all of your posts– deep or frivolous, spiritual or humorous, word-heavy or photo-heavy. Just keep being you, my dear.

    • Kathy says:

      My self-filter tried to filter this blog out and I wouldn’t let it, Dana! I said to the filter, “Sorry, we spent all this time writing these 1,400 words and we’re going to live with it.” The filter sighed and said, “You’ll be sorry.” I said to the filter, “We’ve been sorry before.” The filter said, “Well, I suppose we’ll always learn something from stepping outside the filter box.” I said, “You’re a good filter box.” The filter merely shrugged. (Ha ha, Dana, I swear you can write mini-blogs in the comments!)

  44. Christina says:

    Kathy! You’re an amazing blogger. Don’t stop doing what you’re good at—you should continue to write when it moves you. If blogging only once a week doesn’t suite you, don’t do it. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Christina, the “trouble” with blogging whenever it moves me is–I am moved to blog every single day. I never (OK, hardly ever) run out of things to share. What’s been amazing about blogging once a week is that once the inner thoughts stopped panicking it’s been really peaceful and open and relaxed with more time for spiritual Presence. Thank you for pausing here with your good words.

      • Christina says:

        That’s wonderful that you’ve relaxed into your once-a-week blog and that it’s been so freeing for you! I guess I didn’t realize that’s why you were making the change.

  45. Sheryl says:

    A wonderfully humorous post! I do a daily blog and I think that you might be right–that it’s easier to select a topic and start writing on a daily basis than on a weekly one. What I write some days is probably better than other days; but I don’t think much about it and just put put my fingers on the keys and start typing.

    • Kathy says:

      Sheryl, thank you! I am thrilled that you understand about that ease of daily blogging. Once you get in the rhythm and let the fingers do the talking, it’s really a cinch. Yes, indeed, about writing better on some days than others. My inner thoughts panicked at the thought of having to pick one topic a week! But, as usual, thoughts tend to over-react and now, by the third week, I am relaxing into easily picking one topic.

  46. Marianne says:

    Absolutely hysterical! I love it! “Swim in the batter” ILMAO. Thanks for the belly laugh today. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Marianne, I am SO glad you loved it! I thought it was funny, too, and then people started responding so seriously and I thought “so much for writing a funny blog…” Glad you belly laughed. I am belly smiling as wide as the room right now. 🙂

  47. dearrosie says:

    What a fun read and great photos. You raise a very interesting point that a daily blog can be blah blah but a weekly one must be full of wisdom.

    I find that I can barely keep up with all the blogging (ie writing reading and commenting) I’m doing that I could never manage a daily blog as well.

    • Kathy says:

      Rosie, glad you enjoyed this! What I am loving about this once-a-week blogging (although I did love the near-daily blogs, too. Kinda like different children. Each one has a personality.) is the open space of time. I didn’t realize how much the daily blogging–while being creative and exciting–also depleted my energy. Not because of the writing itself, but because of the reading, commenting, coming back to check on comments and hits and staring mesmerized at the blog to see what was happenin’. This feels like such a relief of open time and space. I miss parts of the daily blogging, but am feeling such peace trying this new blogging pattern for a while. Thank you for your comment.

  48. May I please join your support group? My name is Sarah and I definitely think way too hard about my blogs, which is why there are so few of them. “Is this idea good enough?” I fret. Turns out, AN idea is better than NO idea though. We’re about to go through a big transition/move here at our house, but when we settle down I’d really like to get a schedule going so I can plan posts in advance and have a more regular rhythm. As for you, I am confident that you’ll churn out high-quality material whether it’s daily or weekly. But I’m glad that, as you told Christina above, you have found a pace that is spiritually “right” for you. That’s important.

    • Kathy says:

      Sarah, I am smiling that you understand the blog-challenge. OK, I should be frowning because we sometimes fret. Let us fret no more! That will be our support group: Frets No More! I am loving my new schedule. Later on I will drop the schedule and post when I feel like it–probably–honoring both the space of silence and creation. I do so enjoy reading your blog when you post.

  49. ladyfi says:

    You’ve got some great shots here! I post 2-3 times a week otherwise it’s unmanageable…

    • Kathy says:

      Yes, Ladyfi, I understand about the “unmanageable” part now, especially since this new space between blogs feels so spacious. Glad you enjoyed the photography.

  50. All this talk of cupcakes is making me hungry!
    Lovely post, as usual–the colour on your photography is just lovely, truly!
    Thanks for sharing your perspective–I always enjoy it 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Good morning, Ms. Anne! I am hungry right now, but waiting for lunch to indulge in–possibly–a Chinese lunch. Am at a coffee shop in a “city” 45 minutes from our house right now sipping java and just being kinda Zen like you. In a quiet space right now and having trouble even getting the camera out to take pics–let alone write stories. But just “being” is good, too. Glad you stopped to share of yourself here.

  51. Where is the support Group?

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