You never know…


Weekend blessings to all of you!

I am still off-line, as all birthday girls should be.   🙂

Soon shall return to you, dear blogging friends.

Just had to share the photo of this flower!

Look how the spirit of the lily reveals itself to us so unexpectedly.

The pistols and stamens rise shimmering from the orange petals.

When we walk leisurely allowing our eyes to alight here, there, here, there, without allowing the Thoughts to direct the show–what mysteries life shares!

I have walked thus down the road marveling at Queen Anne’s lace, oh look a fawn, a shiny stone, over here that floating cloud, oh my a thought passes like that cloud, feet clap against gravel.

You never know what miracles shall be revealed next.

I am convinced at such times that we live in the Garden of Eden.  That our thoughts and busyness and opinions obscure the moment by moment delights.

We commit so much violence and pain on ourselves and others when we live by  mind alone.  (OK, maybe you don’t.  But many of us do.)

The spirit of flowers and humans shimmer when we surrender to the harmony that we are.


About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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20 Responses to You never know…

  1. Susan Derozier says:

    Happy Birthday sweet Kathy. This was lovely! Wishing you a new year of peace and continued beauty. Thank you for sharing the treasures around you with all of us!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kathy! Very nice thoughts about living in the moment. Thank you!

  3. john says:

    Wishing I was in Eden also. Hope Barry had a good time on his fishing trip and wish him the best this week.

  4. “The spirit of flowers and humans shimmer when we surrender to the harmony that we are.”

    amen, Amen, AMEN.

  5. Karma says:

    Lovely lily! Nicely done! Thanks for the always thoughtful reminders to be “here”.

  6. Elisa's Spot says:

    I would like to attend to some cake…

  7. bonnie says:

    Hope your birthday is a wonderful, peaceful and joyous occasion. We share the same birthday month. Blessings.

  8. sybil says:

    Damn you’re good !

  9. Bobz says:


  10. lisaspiral says:

    Day lilies taste good too, and they say that each color has a slightly different flavor. 🙂

  11. sonali says:

    Blessings to you too Kathy 🙂 That’s a beautifully captured flower picture. You know, my new camera is on its way – its coming from the US. Eagerly waiting for its arrival. Meanwhile, you have fun and take care.

  12. Ooooh. Ahhhh. (reaction to flower picture)

  13. Dawn says:

    Happy birthday a little late!!

  14. I thought I had already wished you a happy, happy – so if I did, I am doing it again–if I did not then Happy, happy

  15. bearyweather says:

    Happy Birthday Kathy … hope it is a memorable one.

  16. Carol says:

    Happy birthday, happy views, happy walks, happy days, happiness should prevail! But Kathy, dear Kathy, you cannot be offline if you are posting online. Unless you have some sorcery skills about which we know nothing!

  17. Hope your birthday was lovely! Thanks for sharing your Garden of Eden with us, Kathy.

  18. Heather says:

    Hope you had a great birthday…and celebrated it with presence 🙂

  19. Robin says:

    Peace to you too, dear Kathy. 🙂

  20. Dana says:

    Amen, Kathy! Gorgeous photo and insightful words. 🙂

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...