Ducks, doctors, geese & gravestones

Duck reflections

Yesterday (or was it the day before? Or the day before?  We’ve spent three days in a row in Marquette and we have no idea what day it is any more) we paused by the cemetery between doctor appointments for a brief respite.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  We weren’t being morbid. 

The cemetery in Marquette is a very lovely place to pause, to walk (or to limp if you have knee surgery scheduled next week) and to perhaps attempt to photograph ducks, geese or graves.

Geese among gravestones

The ducks proved semi-cooperative.  At first they refused to comply to the photographer’s wishes and lingered in the shade.  They played hide-n-seek.  But finally–finally–one or two of them approached the sun and posed in the reflected autumn colors. 

The geese, on the other hand, refused.  They played in among the headstones.  They scattered as the photographer approached.  They were not compliant.  (Geese rarely are, are they?)

Exquisite autumn beauty at the cemetery

Barry had  good news from his last appointment on Friday, the best that could be expected.  (Kathy’s opinion.)  The electrocardiologist specialist has decided he has a low risk of stroke, and will let him stay in A-Fib (irregular heartbeat).  The docs have taken him off the Coumadin and put him on a daily aspirin.  They are keeping him on his heart medication, designed to slow the heart beat, but are simply going to continue to monitor him for the long-term, unless other symptoms develop.

Duck in autumn

FINALLY, more than two months since he tried to have his arthroscopic knee surgery, he’s ready for the next procedure.  Phew…  (Except, of course, the additional two months of limping and over-using his left knee now probably necessitates left knee surgery, too.  But we won’t say that for sure until he’s talked to his knee doc.)


The cemetery was a nice place to visit.  Neither of us are ready to stay, though.  Not for another 30-40 years, wouldn’t you say?  If we’re allowed to decide, that is.    **smiling**

Thank you for all your kind wishes after Barry’s heart catheterization.  We both hope the blog might put a reader at ease if they must have a similar procedure.

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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26 Responses to Ducks, doctors, geese & gravestones

  1. abichica says:

    beautiful pictures.. :-).. Its a very lovely place..

  2. holessence says:

    HOORAY for the GREAT news about Barry – I’m thrilled for you both – WHOOHOO!

  3. Susan Derozier says:

    Cheers on your wonderful news! That really has to be a huge relief for you both and I am so glad he can finally move on to get that knee taken care of. I think we’ve spoken before of what a wonderful place “lack of pain” is! (after your own surgery) Hopefully, the other knee will recover when it is no longer stressed from doing the work of two.

    Kathy – what a lovely place that cemetery is and I can almost hear the crunch of leaves beneath your feet. Right now we have howling winds that sound perfect for Halloween and my cat is freaking out. No rains as yet but I hear they are on their way. Am on my way out to babysit my “granddog” for two days while his “folks” are at Disney.
    So glad I got your good news before leaving! Celebrate!

  4. Gerry says:

    I am very glad to hear that. Bless aspirin. Also geese, ducks, peaceful old cemeteries and October, not necessarily in that order.

  5. Good news! And the cemetery–beautiful. My mother’s family are there! Had the good fortune to spend an afternoon with my mom as we visited family and friend residents. A day I’ll never forget!

  6. Robin says:

    It looks like it was a beautiful visit. Your photos are lovely. 🙂

  7. bearyweather says:

    Love the pictures of the ducks. The ducks never cooperate with me .. they splash and quack on the far side of the lake. glad all the medical news has been good.

  8. P.j. grath says:

    So, so glad to hear the good news about Barry! Duck reflection is gorgeous. All good wishes for the next round and a speedy recovery! xxxooo

  9. sonali says:

    Pretty pictures, Kathy. I liked the second one the most – so peaceful. For atleast once I wish I could visit the place too and have a blissful autumn, everything looks so colorful and pretty! You both take good care of your health.

  10. Sybil says:

    Oh what a lovely post and such good news. I am happy for you both.

    I love cemeteries ! If you’re ever in Halifax, make sure to visit the Old Burying Ground.

    The photo of the stone building and the lovely tree is super. It’s my favourite, but they are all quite lovely..

  11. Elisa's Spot says:

    I love the duck in autumn image!

  12. Carol says:

    The news is good, the weather is perfect, the pictures are great – except for the first one, which is WOW! What more could one ask?

  13. Marianne says:

    Looks like a beautiful day and place for a walk. Nice to hear the news about Barry’s progress. He is a trouper for sure.

  14. Love the ducks….and good news.

    I have to say I loved a cemetery in Monona Iowa. mike and I had bought plots there before we were married. We used to go there and visit the graves of family members, and I would just bask in the place I would be some day, under a great oak tree. Oh how I thought I would there more years than my life on earth, and at peace.

    Well, flash to today, Mike has the certificates. On one hand I would rather be buried near my parents, however on the other hand, at least Mike and I would be close for our kids to visit, even though we are not together any further…..

    Thoughts to ponder about that big oak.


  15. KathUsitalo says:

    Peaceful, beautiful.
    All the best to Barry and to you!

  16. Colleen says:

    Such good news Kathy! Our Dad lived with the same heart issue. He was diagnosed when he was in his late 50’s, no reason ever found with the technology available at that time. He lived the rest of his life with no related problems or restrictions. Barry will be so pleased with his “new knee/s”, ready for the next 40+ years of life and all of the wonderful adventures to come.

    Love Colleen

  17. Marcie says:

    What beautiful autumn scenes and colors and images. And – great news!!! :-)!

  18. Kathy says:

    Thank you all for stopping by the cemetery, and maybe wandering among the gravestones, shoooing the geese hither, and watching the ducks splash in the pond. I appreciate your good wishes and thoughts about Barry’s health issues. I appreciate you reading. I appreciate you walking among the virtual headstones, appreciating the gifts of this life… Thanks, again.

  19. penpusherpen says:

    HI there Kathy, many thanks for the visit, you caught the middle of a storyline, but I mainly have poems posted every other day… (or not, depending how I feel really 😉 )
    Your title here called to me, I have good memories attached to my love of Ducks, I love walking thro’ Graveyards . olde ones usually, where the dates and information almost tell of the life of the memory held below, and Drs…(I hate visiting but what can you do without them?) … I do hope the good news continues with regards to your Barry’s health… Have a good day… xPenx

  20. Kathy says:

    Thank you again…we’re hoping the good news with regards to Barry’s health continues, too. The hospital just called for the tenth time in a month wanting updated information re his records.

  21. So glad the dr. had good news for Barry!
    Beautiful photos, especially the third one.

  22. Kathy says:

    It’s always so interesting how different people like different photos. I am still not used to it, even though it’s logical that would be so. Barry had his right knee surgery yesterday and–believe it or not–he’s already at work! We’re hopefully out of the medical world until his follow-up appointment in two weeks. Thanks for everyone’s caring.

  23. Brenda Hardie says:

    Yay for Barry! 🙂 What great news! Thanks for the update Kathy. I bet you both are so relieved.
    The pictures are lovely, I don’t think it’s morbid to wander around a cemetery, I do it myself on occasion and always find peace while there. And the fall colors are so vibrant, providing a beautiful background. I love it.

  24. Kathy says:

    Barry has mentioned several times how enjoyable our “wander” through the cemetery was, during our week of procedures. On one of the last of autumn’s warm days.

  25. flandrumhill says:

    I never would have expected to see ducks or geese in a cemetary. And why not? Glad to read all is well with your beloved.

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