Waking up to five inches of snow…

Our Little House in the Big Woods

This post is for our children who are far, far away.  May you enjoy the walk around your childhood home.

This post is for you southerners who dream of snowflakes but rarely see them.

This post is for you northerners anticipating the bright beauty of new snowfalls.

Please enjoy the scenes outside our little Upper Peninsula house in the Big Woods.

If you get cold, how about a cup of hot chocolate to get your winter started off on the right foot? (I mean boot.)

Our little (uncovered) grill in the Big Woods in the First 5″ snow.


Our little shed (and propane tank) between two snowy spruce trees


Barry’s snowy 1949 Studebaker pickup truck beside snowy garage.


If you look closely in the Stude’s mirror you’ll perhaps see a vision in her grandma’s 1969 snowmobile suit taking pictures of snow!


Snow behind garage.


The way snow hangs heavy.


Looking behind the garage at the old water tank we built to help water the garden one summer long, long, ago.


Stude again. I like it because it’s red and shines brightly in winter time.


Tractor–which plows driveway (not needed in today’s storm) shines brightly red and yellow, too.


Autumn leaves frosted in snowflakes.


Mother Nature decorates her Christmas trees in snow.


Oh look, the tractor again!


Hark! See ye in the woods? ANOTHER old Studebaker! This time it’s a car. (Wife doesn’t recall the exact year.)


Let’s admire the wood pile that husband and wife split and stacked through rain, snow, heat waves and two knee replacement surgeries.


Oh c’mon, don’t be shy, get closer and really admire that wood pile!


We guess it’s Thyme for winter…(or is this Oregano? Hard to tell beneath the snow.)

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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60 Responses to Waking up to five inches of snow…

  1. Oh how I love the first snow of the season! ❤

  2. jeffstroud says:

    You certainly got busy! Lovely photos of 5 inches of snow!

  3. AnnieR says:

    Thanks for the tour. I must say that is the most awesome woodpile ever! I had a few small granules of snow on my deck this morning down here in Ypsi…Big change from Sunday’s 70 degrees!

  4. CMSmith says:

    I love the snow. I know a lot of people think it’s a bother, but I think the way it transforms even the grungiest inner-city setting into a beautiful postcard is worth it. And of course, when it graces a beautiful place such as yours, it is simply irresistible.

  5. hakesplace says:

    Loving it! Thank you so much for sharing your winterwonderland with this Southern Florida bird who would love to fly on over to your place and help chop some more wood! I’m originally from North Jersey–miss winters so much.

  6. I love snow–we probably won’t get anything like that for another month, living in the bananabelt of Canada!

  7. hakesplace says:

    Reblogged this on Welcome to Hakes' Virtual Cafe and commented:
    Very thoughtful to share this with us. When you have not seen snow for over five years, well, you miss it. Love the tour of winterwonderland!

  8. Who knew that snow could be full of spice? Love the shots – you got this Californian in the mood for the holidays.

  9. Susan D. says:

    Oh, yay! The first snow! Your photos are charming and capture it so perfectly! Thank you for wading in it and getting these shots! Love them and you, Snow Babe!

  10. P.j. grath says:

    Your snow is lovely, Kathy. We don’t have as much, but ours is lovely, too.

  11. Celeste says:

    Having moved to San Antonio last year from Wisconsin, I am so happy to see this post! I miss snow when it is so pretty and fresh — March slush is another matter! 🙂

  12. Lovely photos! I think pictures of the first snowfall are so nostalgic. They were so much more fun when we were kids! Here’s what my Friend-With-the-Same-Name (who likes to go for early morning swims at the local indoor pool) had to say about our first snowfall, which pretty much echoes my thoughts on the subject:

    “Things I like about winter: I like Sunshine Swims where the light dances in the water as I gambol about; I like all of the accessories; and I like the quality of brightness at night when it just does not seem so dark and there are sparkles everywhere; and finally, baking things with cinnamon and apples. Shoveling does not make the list.”

    Your red Studebaker does look stunning with a white dress and I think your snowy spice resembles a stamp I have for scrapbooking, minus the snow! 🙂

  13. Colleen says:

    I’m thinking you might have snow roses on your cheeks after a morning like this. Lovely photos Kathy!

  14. Elisa's Spot says:

    I hope these are pictures NOT from this winter meant to trick me into moaning noooooooooooooooo! We had harder rain last night than we did during Sandy and wind oh my wind, and the temps dropped. I went out for sunrise walk this morning in my jammies! REFRESHING! I think that means I am having hot flashes. ha

    Bright blue sky and shiny sun today!

  15. Heather says:

    Hooray for Kathy for venturing out for snow photos! Are you out sledding now? If not, I do hope you’re enjoying the first true, beautiful snowfall. We’ve only got an inch or two, and I am so happy to see yours. (PS – with the taller, AWD car, I think we’ve got a Keweenau trip in our winter plans!)
    Off for some honeycrisp and cinnamon oatmeal. (Much healthier than those cookies I invited you down for!)

  16. Susan Blake says:

    Hi Kathy,
    I am seriously NOT Suzy Snowflake. It’s beautiful———-once. Then I’m over it! Last night watching the weather, the news lady asked the weatherman when we would get warmer temps back — I yelled at the tv – “Oh about FOUR MONTHS, honey!” I think my soul was meant to live in California or someplace. Hmmmm

  17. Wonderful snow photos. Beautiful setting where you live. Do you feed the birds?

  18. dearrosie says:

    Thank you for going out in your grandma’s snowmobile outfit to photograph your beautiful garden for us. I used to live in a frozen part of the country and always loved this kind of soft thick snowfall, and remember how hushed and quiet and clean everything is after a snowfall like this.
    Oh and before I forget, goodness me what a lovely woodpile – my congratulations!

  19. Christine says:

    Very peaceful photos. We have yet to have anything more than 2 inches and it’s all gone right now. Back to raking leaves… I love the tractor and truck. Snow dampens the sound so wonderfully. That’s what I love about it.

  20. Karen says:

    We had our first snow while traveling in Austria and then arrived home to our first snow in New Hampshire. Yesterday, it was 66 degrees…but I know more snow is inevitable but it is always beautiful.

  21. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    *sigh* I am one of those Southerners …I dream of snow like this
    thank you for sharing…! Beautiful….!
    Take Care

  22. So pretty! Looks like a fairy tale to me!

  23. Fountainpen says:


  24. bonnie says:

    Absolutely beautifull pictures of your home and the surrounding snow scenes. There is always something very moving about snow covered trees, and tractors and, well, ok, trucks. It is nice to see your home, and I would give you gold stars for your excellent wood piling. Should I tell you that it is 68F here today? Weather is so weird.

  25. I enjoy looking at OTHER PEOPLE”S SNOW! Lol

  26. John Kuttenberg says:

    OMG, I was supposed to be leaving Crystal Falls right now heading for L’Anse. I was delayed due to a missing Rx. Was under the impression that it would be a light snow that would melt off in the morning.

  27. lucindalines says:

    Beautiful photos. Lots more snow than we have, thankfully. I am looking forward to sledding with the grandson, but not ready for it quite yet. Enjoy!! Makes me want a wood burner and hot chocolate.

  28. Hoping northern MN sees snow like this soon — and throughout the winter (given the lack of snow we had last year — if it’s going to be cold, may as well snow, not to mention the local businesses who rely on recreational snow sports activities were really hurting). Our local schools’ nordic skiers are already practicing — dryland training gets old in a hurry, so it’s definitely “think snow” time! ~ Kat

  29. Barb says:

    I think you got more snow than Breckenridge! I saw an elf in the. Stude mirror – was that YOU? Did you make a snow angel, Kathy?

  30. Brenda Hardie says:

    Ohhhh Kathy!! You have me dreaming of White Christmases in the northwoods now! ♥ My knees hurt just thinking of the shoveling and slow, cautious walking but oh my heart yearns for a little cabin in the woods. ♥ Lovely, lovely pictures!! Thank you!

  31. Oh me, oh my! We got a few flurries (a wee bit even stuck), but nothing like what you got. I’m impressed!

  32. Karma says:

    Oh dear, so not ready to be covered in white! We had a dusting last week, and my dogs rejoiced, but I was happier when it melted the next day!

  33. lisaspiral says:

    AAARgh! I haven’t signed the shoveling contract yet!

  34. Kathy says:

    So fluffy… I really love the new snow with the nostalgia machinery. Classic calendar shots. Thanks for directing me over here.

  35. How gorgeous, Kathy. Tell ya what–I can’t wait till we get some. Hopefully it won’t be like last year–we basically gone none.

  36. Pingback: Busy Beavers of Skegemog Swamp | Adventures in Michigan's Up North

  37. me2013 says:

    Oh Kathy, I am sitting here turning green (with jealousy), I so want to live it your wood.

  38. Lovely images, Kathy. A few flakes (of snow) around here but nothing to photograph yet. I was all geared up last winter and we all know how that went. Here’s to a good winter of snow and fun!

  39. dorannrule says:

    You live in a magical place for sure. And the photos of winter in your wood are the stuff of fairy tales. In Virginia we get one or two snowfalls like this in a season and I do look forward to forced solitude for a time and the peace that comes with a newly cleansed world. Love your post and your photos and your writing.

  40. Stacy says:

    This Southerner dreams of snow in winter, and always has. For her 10th birthday, Mom asked what she wanted. “I want to see snow.” (December birthday) So they loaded up the car and drove north until they got to the snowy north, which happened to be in St. Louis, Missouri.

    I still dream of snow every winter! ❤

  41. There really is nothing like the first snowfall! We just got flurries down here–still waiting!

  42. Munira says:

    Looks so…..quiet…..all blanketed. Like there’s a sudden hush.

  43. I don’t often comment on blogs, but I happened to see yours via the Lake Superior Binational Forum. Beyond the beautiful pictures of snow, I enjoyed scrolling through your previous posts. As a fairly new blogger, also focusing on life and the outdoors in the Lake Superior region, I greatly enjoyed your beautiful photography and candid perspectives. We bicycled through the Keweenaw peninsula this summer and just loved the area (and blogged about it, if you’re interested). I hope to return soon!

  44. Kathy says:

    I am glad everyone enjoyed the snow day! Fortunately–or unfortunately–depending on how you look at it–it’s almost all melted now. We’ll have to wait for another day to enjoy the snow again. Thank you for all your comments. They are much appreciated.

  45. Dana says:

    Lovely tour, Kathy! I like seeing photos of snow but don’t really miss being stuck in it for half of every year. 🙂

  46. Connie T says:

    Beautiful snow, I wish it would snow like that here. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  47. Stacy says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy! We will be waiting here for you when you return to cyberspace. Enjoy your song while you’re away! ,<3

  48. Karen says:

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your blogging break.

  49. Kathy says:

    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving (and snow, if that’s what your heart desires!) Thank you for stopping by and for your well-wishes and thoughts.

    • Elisa's Spot says:

      OOOOOOOO I liked the new blog version from this morning, and now it it different! In the event that there are many new blog tests approaching, it was the one with the red building, and town, hmmm trying to remember the copper thing or a town? Going out to the tree place and/or a movie in a bit, I think!

      • Elisa's Spot says:

        doh i hit enter by accident! Happy Do Whatever Floats Yer Boat Day!

      • Kathy says:

        Oh goodness, Elisa. Every time I put one up I have a different person saying they like a different version! So you liked the first one best? (Not just the header, but the way it looked as an entire theme?) Kiah and I have been back-n-forthing about these themes and she finally said she’s backing off and can’t do it anymore! 🙂 Happy day to you!

        • Elisa's Spot says:

          yes, it was soft on the eyes and I liked the quips to the side with the widgets, i prefer being drawn to the posts but also having the side be very easy without in my face getting my attentions(it tricks me this new way)

          Just tell her I said, well you can do it too…go…Blullullullulla! a LOT 😀 I should have known better about noticing one of your blog changes before you announced that it was committed 😀 I am very very sorry. (kisses)

  50. Robin says:

    Yay for snow! It’s beautiful. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Yay for snow, Robin. Well, sometimes. As I experienced in my last Wolf post. Hey you’re almost caught up! Only four more posts to read til your finish line. 🙂

  51. Reggie says:

    Stunning pics, Kathy. There’s a kind of magical freshness and newness about these November snow images…

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...