Lion, get thee out of our backyard!

Our snowy little house in the woods

Unfortunately, we Upper Peninsula folks have a lion hangin’ around lately.

You know the old saying, “March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb”?

Well, we have an awful unruly lion carrying on in these parts.  We surely must.

Remember our late February snowstorm last week?

Now wasn’t that enough?

OK, we only received six new inches here, after the weather-folk blew ominous predictions so convincingly that they cancelled almost all the schools last Wednesday.  (They did have a snow emergency down in the southern U.P., so, OK, maybe the weather-folk were justified in their Magic 8-Ball weather guesses.)

However, this weekend, our ho-hum weather predictor gabbed on about 1-3 inches, blah, blah, nothing much, just a little snow, don’t get all alarmed folks, but don’t you dare travel east to Marquette because there’s a Winter Storm Warning over there.

We yawned and didn’t think much about it.  One to three inches of snow is par for the course in our neck of the woods.  Barely enough to plow the driveway, and besides, isn’t it March now?  And isn’t it supposed to be 43 degrees (6.1 Celsius) by next week?

It started snowing Saturday morning.  And then it snowed on until lunch-time.  By mid-afternoon, I could hardly reach the mailbox without straining calf muscles plowing through deep snow.  By dinner time Barry and I lifted our eyebrows and repeatedly said, “Really?  Really?  It’s STILL snowing?”

Our snowy little 1949 Studebaker in the woods

By bedtime we were Truly Amazed.  It had not let up.  The wind pursed its March lips and blew and the March lion paced outside the window.

In the middle of the night, it still snowed.

Most of it was lake-effect snow, which everyone knows comes from a warm lake and a chilly weather system.  We hardly ever get lake-effect snow come March, because usually our Keweenaw and Huron Bays are frozen solid and ice fishermen lure silver-finned trout from the depths with long wires baited 270 feet deep.

Not this year.  The bays remain merrily bobbing with waves, driving Lake Superior ice fishermen to despair.  It’s been an odd warm winter, even though snow still fills our woods.

By Sunday morning it was still snowing.  We stared at one another in disbelief.

Would that March lion please, please, depart our woods and find some other forest in which to prowl?

By 9 a.m. the lion decided to slink off among the spruce and maple trees, headed over that yonder hill–probably toward your house.  He dumped at least twenty seven inches on Ishpeming, a town an hour away, growling as he passed.

Since he’s reputedly gone, and hopefully we won’t get another foot or more of the white fluffy stuff, I am going to present one last series of snowy winter photos.  Once again, don your winter clothing.  Don’t forget your mittens and boots.  I have an extra pair or two of snowshoes.  Strap ’em on and let’s go explore this enchanted winter wonderland.

Don’t be nervous about that lion.

I’m sure he’s gone.

I’m pretty sure he’s gone.

I’m sure…

He’s probably off and hunting that March Lamb for dinner.  Let’s hope he doesn’t find it…

Looking out our window at the snowy woods--wait! Do you see that Lion?

Some snowy maple branches

By the Shores of the snowy Silver River

Three small Spruce Children

Do you see lion tracks on the river? Do you?

Look up! Is the lion hiding among the cedar boughs, clever Lion?

Let's travel down a small woods road sheltered by pines and snow...

Evergreen Paradise. (The better to hide crafty lions)

Red fences, designed to keep lions out.

Don't keep glancing in your mirror, looking for that lion amidst the snow. Let's keep our eyes forward...

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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36 Responses to Lion, get thee out of our backyard!

  1. clever, Clever, CLEVER! Lovin’ this post!

  2. lynnekovan says:

    Here kitty, come over to England and do your worst…..You should see what happens to US when it snows! Tee hee!

  3. Heather says:

    I see the lion! It’s a good thing you have a fence to keep it caged 😉

  4. Wish I could walk “down a small woods road sheltered by pines and snow…”

  5. lisaspiral says:

    Ours is threatening to melt today. I put photos from last weeks storm on my blog. We could use another.

  6. If you want to send the March lion roaring our way too, I wouldn’t mind. I would enjoy one last chance to build a snowman or make a snow angel.

  7. Carol says:

    Your pictures are, naturally, beautiful – but. There’s something about snowstorms like this that make them much more beautiful in December of January or even February. Not March! March is supposed to be the preparation for the appearance of the spring flowers, the daffodils and hyacinth and tulips which follow the crocus. How can the spring beauties make an appearance when they’re blanketed with so much snow?

  8. Love your photos Kathy! Down here in N.M. our lion comes in the form of high winds, though I’m still getting some snowy weather alerts for the lower southwest side of the upper northeast mountains!

  9. I can’t believe how much snow you’re getting up there – and down here, we have NOTHING! It’s supposed to be near 60 degrees tomorrow (but windy). Your snow photos sure are beautiful, but I hope you don’t have anywhere that you have to go!

  10. Colleen says:

    Oh Kathy, what magnificent snow and snow pictures! This is what I remember, growing up in Alberta, mountains of white under blue winter skies. Hope it goes soon though and that spring finds it’s way. We went from record snow packs in the Sierra’s last winter to almost historic lows this this year. Down here, not a trace, even on the top of our Mt. Diablo.

  11. P.j. grath says:

    David and I are calling it “in like a lion,” too, even if the storm didn’t hit until the evening of March 2. Close enough! Four days snowed in, we were! Now we’re “out and about,” expecting temperatures up in the FORTIES today! I couldn’t believe it and am still wearing tights under my jeans and carrying the big gloves in my pocket, just in case. Recent lessons in preparedness are hard to lay aside. Don’t you find it so?

  12. Claire says:

    This is a wonderful post with a combination of delightful text and beautiful photos. Today we have grey and cold – SWAP?

  13. Sybil says:

    Just you wait.

    You’ll be walking in the woods, brush a branch, and the lion will plop on your head and slide down your neck, its icey claws chilling your spine …

    It’s waiting for you ….

  14. Gosh, Kathy, these photos are lovely! As you know, I have been longing for snow here in Kentucky–so after a weekend of tornadoes, we got 5 inches Sunday night. It was gorgeous, and I was thrilled. But today, it’s almost gone already. Alas.

    Love the lion/lamb images in this post. Well done, my friend.


  15. Brenda Hardie says:

    How can I possibly follow up Sybil’s clever comment?? 😀

    Guess I’ll just say the pictures are wonderful….your lion looks so grand! But everyone is right….kind of late in the season for that much snow. Would have been perfect for Christmas though 🙂

    There are no lions here…we’ve been graced by a sweet and gentle lamb. It’s already up to 47 degrees F and heading to about 55. We have no snow. Lots of brown, crinkly grass…lots of drying out mud and sand all over the roads (I’m amazed there is anything on the roads after the HEAVY rain we got last week!)

    So, you snowy woods look much prettier than the barren sticks and grasses here but I’m happy with what I’ve got! Planted my tomato seeds and they’ve sprouted already! Getting all anxious for my garden now 🙂

    Watch out for that pesky lion!

  16. john says:

    Jealous, as always 😉 Just a little concerned about the lake level. No ice means plenty of evaporation. Bet the shoreline will be down nine inches to a foot from last year.

  17. Dana says:

    We had the opposite saying when I grew up in Calgary: in like a lamb, out like a lion. March was always the worst month of the year. All of us would be waiting, praying for spring to finally save us from the icy clutches of winter. March would roll along, and signs of spring would start peeking out all over town: red-breasted robins here, melting snowbanks there. Just when we were lulled into the gentle embrace of a new season, the lion would roar in and make winter stay that much longer. No respite from the bitter cold until April… sometimes May.

  18. Elisa's Spot says:

    rrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow….baa rp

  19. susan says:

    Hi Kathy,
    Love the post, love the pictures, love the Kathy-ness. Sending spring vibrations up yonder to you!

  20. Kala says:

    These are beautiful wintry images. But boy does it look cold!

  21. wolfsrosebud says:

    we looked like that around here until the temps rose in the 50″s yesterday and today… I’ll blow a little north for you… it’s coming, it’s coming

  22. SusanDerozier says:

    Beautiful pictures and peaceful moments. I can close my eyes and pretend for a moment that I’ve back in the north woods. Wind howling outside right now but bright skies and comfy temps. Wish we could share a cup of tea and gaze out at your trees!

  23. Oh Kathy, this is soooo pretty!!
    Please tell that lion to hurry down to my house, I’m waiting! 😉

  24. Beautiful red gate; beautiful spruces…

  25. The Hook says:

    You have an absolutely gorgeous home – and a great blog!

  26. lucindalines says:

    OMG, first, I love the pictures, but I am sooooo midwestern naive here. I kept reading to make sure you weren’t attacked by that lion on your way to the mail box. See every now and then, we worry about mountain lions out here. Joke is on me. Loved this post.

  27. Dawn says:

    Oh my! HOW much did you get over the weekend??? I remember some days like that. I lived only a couple blocks from work…so one storm in particular (and you have to know they didn’t close up there for much of anything) that dumped several feet caused most people to be unable to get to work. Except for us in town that could walk. And since we were the headquarters and ran everything for all the branches downstate, SOMEONE had to work. So we in town walked in and did all the essential jobs to keep the bank running. Was sort of an adventure, and we got an extra vacation day out of it! 🙂

  28. It may be a lion, but it sure is a beautiful one!

  29. bearyweather says:

    I felt the same way recently. Winter came too late to the party this year. If Winter wanted to be a part of our lives he should have showed up on time … going all winter without snow, without plowing … and now plowing a couple of times in one week … shame on him. Sorry, he is just too late this year to be welcomed.

    But … don’t despair … the warmth is going to beat the lion back any day for you. We just had a 48 degree day and more for the weekend …. The lion can not hold back Spring for very long … Spring is stronger.

  30. forestfae says:

    Wanna trade? lovely white fluffy snow for soft grey drizzling rain 😀

  31. Irene Lefort says:

    We don’t have a lion here. Ours is more of a wild cat. (read: Cold minus the snow.) But I am allergic to lambs. (I suffer from terrible hayfever.) So I am mourning the lack of a lion here. 🙂

  32. Kathy says:

    Thank you for leaving all your lion and lamb tracks here, everyone! A weather update from the shores of Lake Superior: the lamb is now predominating. It is 55 degrees right now. The driveway is an icy shushy mess, but that’s OK, because it feels like spring. Hope you all continue to have spring-like weather in your neck of the woods. Once again, thank you for dropping by.

  33. Christine says:

    I just adore the photo of the old red truck buried in the snow. It’s just perfect. What a big storm you had! That is major. All ours is gone… the lion sleeps here.

  34. Kathy says:

    Christine, interesting that you liked that photo. I put it on as our desktop background yesterday. Our lion started up again last night, but he lamb is approaching tomorrow, they promise.

  35. Marianne says:

    Nice snow fall photos, Kathy. I love the snow when I don’t have to travel anywhere. 🙂

  36. Kathy says:

    Snow is melting! Snow is going! I am celebrating!

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