What doesn’t kill you may heal you and other frozen stories

1. It’s three below zero right now.  (Tree below zero according to that old Finnish joke.  Must look for photo to illustrate.)

Here you go

Here you go

2.  It’s damn cold.  I started Barry’s car this morning when the thermometer shivered at 6 below zero (-21.1 C).  It’s all thanks to Grandma’s 1969 or 1970 one-piece snowmobile suit with the orange-red racing stripes.  When and if that snowmobile suit disintegrates, he’s on his own.  He can start his own car.  The suit is ripping in one place.  He suggested I sew it.  I suggested he sew it.  Tit for tat, as they say.  (I like rushing out in the freezing cold on stay-at-home mornings sometimes, the inner engine pumping in the dark, clouds of vapor rising from the face toward stars, the fingers not yet numb.  This is not a daily obligation, so don’t any women libbers fret.  I do it because it’s invigorating and strangely fun.)

Snowmobile suit (photo from four years ago)

Snowmobile suit (photo from four years ago)

3.  Here’s a Golden Elixir to warm and heal you to the bones, I swear it’s so.  You may think it’s going to kill you but it will only kill invading viruses and complaints.  You are not allowed to complain while sipping.  It will negatively affect the positive vibes.  Boil 1 cup water.  Add 1 T. lemon juice, 1/4 t. turmeric, 1/4 t. ground ginger and–I hate to say this– 1/4 t. cayenne and you may want to make that 1/8 teaspoon unless you’re a cowgirl or cowboy.  Add honey to taste.  I added 1 teaspoon and didn’t taste it much.  Do not add 1/2 cup honey like you might desire to mitigate the cayenne.

Golden Elixir, yep.

Golden Elixir, yep.

4.  Shhh, don’t tell, but I’ve already messed with the 2013 Whole Living Action Plan from Whole Living magazine.  And it’s only the first meal!  (You may be a rule-follower, but yours truly has been known to break rules from Day 1 and here she did it again.)  This morning’s smoothie was Mango-Tahini.  Well, that wasn’t happening.  The cantaloupe and avocado were ripe and rarin’ to go.  So they got diced and blended with–hmmm, what?–oh, yes, some lite coconut milk, a couple of ice cubes and maybe something I’m not remembering.  A green smoothie to wash down the Golden Elixir!  I swear I’ve never felt better.

5.  Booked a trip to Fort Myers, Florida, last night to visit the parents and extended family in April.  It’s been 75 degrees (23.9 C) down there recently.  Let’s ponder.  Negative two degrees (-18.9 C).  75 degrees.  Negative two degrees.  75 degrees.  Which would you choose?

Now which do we prefer...?

Now which do we prefer…?

6.  It’s damn expensive to fly these days.

7.  Gosh, it’s sometimes fun to toss in the “damn” word.   It’s rather unexpected, isn’t it?

8.  The wood stove needs stoking every 6.8 seconds.  Can’t get the inside temperature to reach 70 degrees no matter what. We’ve hung blankets over the sliding glass windows.  I dug out an ancient pair of homemade moccasins made by my friend Melinda back in maybe 2003.  Warm fur stitched in the bottom!  Maybe Melinda will come from California and sew the snowmobile suit?

9.  Oh, and am also wearing a hooded sweatshirt.  Nice and toasty.

Some people don't seem to mind the cold.  Some people even jump in the frozen lake in January.

Some people don’t seem to mind the cold. Some people even jump in the frozen lake in January.

10.  Must tackle the huge pile of unwashed dishes as soon as pushing the publish button.  Writing a blog takes precedence over dishes!  One must always remember that.

11.  Am enjoying letting the Universe decide when a blog be written.  Kathy’s always convinced she should write posts daily but the Universe really is wiser, if one listens.  So we don’t know whether one shall appear tomorrow or in six days!  And Kathy is no longer going to feel obligated to explain this all to death.  She’s also going to sometimes reply to comments and sometimes not.  The Universe will decide.  Oh it’s GREAT to know there is a deeper intelligence than our thoughts which knows just what to do.

12.  Time to stoke the wood stove again.

13.  And you?  What’s your day look like?  How cold is it?  How warm?  What’s on your mind?

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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99 Responses to What doesn’t kill you may heal you and other frozen stories

  1. Elisa says:

    damn (giggles)

    • Kathy says:

      Glad you got a huge damn guffaw out of it, Elisa! tee hee…

      • Elisa says:

        Well uhm I’m still giggling but while I chatter and shiver, wind chills are getting to ten below,Yikes! I really like Broccoli soup, my tummy doesn’t. Going to make a chicken pie here after dishes done. First time using this GF flour to attempt a pie crust. Enjoy company!

  2. Brenda Hardie says:

    Gosh Kathy, you have a lot going on! It’s bitterly cold here too…-8 right now with not much wind so that’s good. yesterday was downright frigid with windchills in the -25 range all day. There’s really no snow here so that’s good, no shoveling required in this awful cold. Been going through some “changes” here too..making healthier choices regarding diet, sleep and activity. But am also in my hibernation mode so going at things slowly. Still feeling much anxiety and worry about a family member though so that is affecting the serenity of the winter hibernation mode. Your trip sounds wonderful…75 degrees would feel downright hot about now! Take extra good care of yourself and be careful during these cold winter days.

    • Kathy says:

      Brenda, that’s funny that it *sounds* like a lot is going on. I used to think that *nothing* happened here in the woods until I started writing it down. Then it appeared that *everything* was going on! Glad to hear that you are making healthier choices, too. Hope the family member is OK… It’s a long time until April so will just continue to *try* and enjoy the cold weather. Headed outside this afternoon. About the same wind chills as you have.

      • Brenda Hardie says:

        Thank you Kathy, the issue with my family member is a severe financial loss 😦 And, several health issues as well 😦 All I can do to help is pray, pray, pray.

  3. It’s 20 degrees here going up to a sweltering 35 today. I am making phone calls when I get a “roundtoit”.
    I’m posting a redbird today…that was before the blackbirds came and I took it all away.
    I will take a shower soon, maybe or not.
    The Universe has not gotten here yet with instructions.
    Please do not, and I mean not, try to make sense of this comment or comment.

    • Kathy says:

      Can’t I comment even a *tiny* bit, Linda? The Universe says it’s OK. But then you said it wasn’t OK. Kathy says it’s OK. No wonder people can’t figure out what to do in life with so many thoughts and feelings offering opinions. Please forgive this entire breach of comment protocol as well. It’s fun to be nonsensical. Would love your sweltering weather.

  4. Colleen says:

    Goodmorning Kathy. It’s cold for us, 39 degrees. The sun is shining and smoothies are on my mind. Avocado, strawberries, kiwi and Swiss chard with a handful of walnuts and flaxseed. Although the choices could change by the time I get to the kitchen. It will be lovely in Florida in April 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      39 degrees does sound cold for you guys, Colleen. Mmmm, the addition of walnuts and flaxseed to the smoothies would be good. Note: remember that. Don’t you love that you can make up your mind and then change it before you get to the kitchen? Love that it can be like that.

  5. sybil says:

    If you enjoy the power of saying “damn” you should try “f**k” occasionally. I am currently living with four kids in their early 20’s. “F**k” is an oft used adjective and I seem to be picking it up. I like using it coz at my age (62) it seems to pack more of a punch when used in public ! I’ve never felt a blog-posting schedule need. I can be pretty sporadic and then quite frequent.

    This has been the coldest winter since I moved to Nova Scotia four winters ago. Even the locals are finding it hard. We’re getting wind chills in the minus 20’s. (no point in converting to F. It’s frikkin’ cold!)

    Staying in today, ‘cept I need to head to the post office later to send off a couple of packages.

    I’ll need to put Wendy and Trey on the treadmill as they won’t be getting a run today …

    Stay warm my friend.

    • Kathy says:

      I went through a spell (maybe in college?) where the “f**k” word was really fun. But then it kind of lost its appeal, don’t know why… Some people think that a swear word would never pass this mouth. Wonder why…

      The thought of living with four kids in their 20’s…well, Syb, I’d say you need some sort of survival award. That might be worse than wind chills in the minus numbers.

      P.S. Will you get on the treadmill with the dogs? Seems a tad dangerous…

  6. I love lists and rule breakers and damn, I just hung out a load of woollies on the back porch rack and they nearly froze before I got them on the rail. Cold snap in the Berkshires and if I was closer I’d sew that dern suit. XoS

    • Kathy says:

      Damn, that sounds cold, Suzi! Please come to the UP and sew the snowmobile suit. Thank you. I’ll feed you creamy broccoli soup bright green with spinach and broccoli and love.

  7. It is darn cold here and we live in possibly the warmest part of Canada barring a few places in southern BC. Womens Libbers’ (of which I am one) would be proud that you are not a fainting flower and are brave enough to go out in the cold–I am proud of you.
    I am glad that Kathy is letting things go just a little and not being so strict with herself. I don’t know about you–but I hate sewing!

    • Kathy says:

      Pssst, LouAnn, I’m a woman’s libber, too. And would never, ever, hopefully ever, faint in the freezing cold unless it was -30 below F and hopefully not even then. As for sewing, it’s the worst. I have this little skirt that I like but it’s as old as the hills. The zipper went out. The conundrum: hire someone to put a new zipper in? Or throw out the skirt? Can’t decide…what do you think?

  8. Damn! – I’m still trying to pull my eyebrows back down from my hairline 🙂 I love the Finnish thermometer, and the opposite ends of the pole with you reading in the snow, and then with you lazing by the pool.

    We’re unseasonably cold here today at —12 with the windchill factor. It’s definitely a stay-inside-and-test-Kathy’s-Golden-Elixir kind of day!

    • Kathy says:

      Are your eyebrows down yet, Laurie? How funny! Glad you liked the pics. Went on an Expedition fishing in the files to find appropriate illustrations. That sounds awfully cold down there in the “south”, my friend. All of our local schools were cancelled today because wind chill was -27 or something ungodly. When our kids went to school they never cancelled when it was six below. What’s the world coming to, the old lady asked.

  9. Heather says:

    I tried a version of that golden elixir to “fix my cough” when I was back in Ohio with the flu. I’m not sure it made me feel better, but I did feel something!
    Just want to let you know that there are so many little things in this blog that tickled my funny bone. Grinned the whole entire way through it. Damn it felt good 🙂 Have a wonderful, cold day my friend. (PS – We *did* walk to lunch!)

    • Kathy says:

      Ha, ha, Heather, I’m sure you DID feel something especially if you added cayenne. WaHOOey! It tickled my funny bone to know this tickled YOUR funny bone. Christopher called before dinner to say how much he liked this post, too. That warmed this mama to the bone. 🙂

  10. john says:

    Do you think that there is a chance that Huron Bay will freeze this year? I think it’s a little too late to see Keweenaw freeze. I so love seeing the shanty towns on the bay. There is a heat wave down here; it has reached +8 at noon. I bought a new Carhartt hooded jacket this year and was going to get the matching insulated bib overalls, but thought I probably wouldn’t need them this year (Maybe I will drive over to Mitch’s Trading Post in Baraga next week to see if they have any in stock) That hopefully would equal a snowmobile suit. As usual when I am not … wishing I was UP there.

    • Kathy says:

      John, people are ice fishing on Huron Bay already! Huron Bay almost always freezes…there is still hope for Keweenaw Bay; let’s not throw in the towel yet. Barry says he’s going ice fishing on HB this weekend. We’ll see about that… You should buy that Carhartt and the matching overalls at Mitch’s, c’mon, do it. It won’t equal Grandma’s snowmobile suit from 1970, but you’ll fit in seamlessly here. You’ll be a true Yooper. Or on your way to it, anyway. 🙂

  11. lisaspiral says:

    Your smoothie sounds tastier anyway. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Excellent comment, Lisa! And who knows what the hands will grab for in the frig for tomorrow’s smoothie? I wrote down lots of smoothie recipes until I grasped the formulas and now the world of smoothies is wide open…

  12. dorannrule says:

    Funny from beginning to end! Getting cold here too. I hope it makes me funny for the next blog post. I love the Finnish thermometer and the lady with no jacket and your yearnings for 75 degrees – and I guess I loved the whole “damned” post. In fact, I think I will reblog it. 🙂

  13. dorannrule says:

    Reblogged this on Virginia Views and commented:
    Getting cold here now. I hope it will make me as funny as this wonderful blogger!

  14. Lori D says:

    January, February, and March are the only three months of the year I’m happy to live in Florida. Sending warm vibrations your way.

  15. Too funny–I am also in a hooded sweatshirt (something about -1 just calls for it; I’m near Chicago). And we have also placed towels, etc., along the bottom of our doors. I have too many dishes in the sink and I’ve recently decided to blog when the universe calls for it, as I’m trying to focus on editing my novel. And I ALSO just booked a flight to Fort Myers with my husband’s family, in March (when it will probably be 75 here).

    • Kathy says:

      Brrr, sounds cold where you are, too, Jessica! Hope it’s warmed up down there today. Gosh, just think, we might have walked by each other on the beach and never even known… We were going to go in the second half of March but the ticket prices were astronomical. Sometimes wished we lived closer to a major airport… Enjoy your March trip!

  16. Joanne says:

    It’s been damn hot here for the last couple of weeks Kathy….nah, just doesn’t sound right, I’m not a huge swearer and writing it does seem strange! I loved Lauries comment, I do hope she eventually has some success with those eyebrows! Hehe. 🙂

    Have you heard of Turmeric Milk? 2 cups of your choice of milk, 2 pitted dates, 1 tablespoon honey, half teaspoon turmeric, quarter teaspoon each of cinnamon and ginger, all blended together and served either warmed or chilled. I haven’t tried it myself but I know of people who swear by it (hehe, pun intended!) 😀 Stay warm, it sounds so, so, so cold there!

    • Kathy says:

      Nope, “damn hot” does not really capture the spirit as well as “damn cold”, Joanne. (Wonder why?) Have never heard of turmeric milk but now might become a great fan–as soon as I can drink almond, rice or soy milk again. Thanks for the suggestion! Really appreciate it. Writing it down now.

  17. Karma says:

    We’re getting our first real nasty cold spell of the winter starting today. There’s a wind chill advisory in effect for tonight into tomorrow morning, then we’re supposed to get a bunch of snow this weekend, when I am supposed to be driving my dear daughter to the airport to GO TO FLORIDA!!! I am quite jealous – it is a school computer class trip.
    By the way, 1/4 tsp of cayenne is a minimum for most of my husband’s recipes for anything, lol.

    • Kathy says:

      Well, Karma, I would be jealous, too. How could she go off to sunny Florida and leave her poor frozen mom at home? It’s simply awful. I hope you did not freeze tonight and that the temps turn warmer soon. We’re getting a regular heat wave–it’s 10 degrees now!

  18. judithhb says:

    Memories of that freezing cold entered my mind and I am so glad that I don’t have to suffer those temperatures any more. But I love reading about life in the frozen Northern hemisphere and that Finnish thermometer..

    • Kathy says:

      Judith, you lucky so-and-so to be somewhere warm. (But I’m really glad you don’t mind reading about our life up here in the snow and cold.)

  19. Sara says:

    Damn cold doesn’t even begin to describe it! When I left for work this morning it was -9 F. Except I don’t know if the golden elixer would suit me as well as some creamy hot chocolate. Cocoa cures everything!

    • Kathy says:

      -9F sounds even worse than -6 F, Sara. Heard it was 20 below zero in some spots. Brrr…. As for creamy hot chocolate–please do not mention chocolate for three weeks until I’m off the detox plan. OK, you can mention it. On Day 2 I’m still strong. *smile* Stay warm!

  20. Javabaybob says:

    Classy snow suit. I used to have my dads vintage 1971 arctic cat suit with purple stripe. It didn’t make it thru my teen years. But the pic if yours brought me back. :))

    • Kathy says:

      Bob, jeez, I’m half-tempted to wear it into the coffee shop some day to show you. Except it would be too embarrassing. Wouldn’t it? Do you have a pic of you wearing yours?

  21. Starting the car for your better half is always a way to make brownie points. Stoking the damn stove every 6.8 seconds is not a way to make any points except maybe to keep the extreme cold at bay. I could not survive that kind of winter. I think of prefer “flaky” Texas weather where we don’t seem to have winters anymore. The elixer/s sound terribly delicious as in I bet that will make you feel terribly good again or just plain terrible. I must write the receipe down. If it makes one lose weight then I don’t need the receipe. I think that you are pretty much out of your funk. What ever that might be or not. :-).

    • Kathy says:

      Yvonne, I kind of stretched the truth a bit about that 6.8 seconds. 😉 It’s more like every half hour, Girl Scout’s honor this time. Bet you do enjoy the more mild Texas winters. I know lots of Michiganders head to Texas every year. As for the funk after Kiah left–yes, that lasted one long weekend. Thanks for your well wishes.

  22. me2013 says:

    -1 at the moment and snowing, I have put the stew together for tea tonight, done the washing and ironing, and as soon as I have turn off this laptop i am off out to clear some snow from the paths and have a little play 😀

  23. dawnkinster says:

    Was 4 below here yesterday. Have not had courage to look yet this morning.

    • Kathy says:

      You Lower Peninsula folks were as cold as some of us were, Dawn. It’s odd how temps can vary even within a short distance. South of us they had 20 below. We were tropical with six below. If you can stretch that statement a bit toward the tropics… Stay warm!

  24. wolfsrosebud says:

    walked the dog at -10 yesterday morning… tried to capture it in a camera, but my glasses fogged up… any warm trips planned this year

    • Kathy says:

      I truly admire you for heading outside at such frigid temps, wolfsrosebud. You should get an award, along with our neighbor who has been enjoying walking his dog in the bitter cold. We’re heading to Florida in April, how about you?

  25. Karen says:

    I’m choosing not to take the wind chills into consideration today so it is going to reach a balmy and sunny ten. I’ll put off the wind chills until summer when they will sound good.

  26. As your well aware it’s bitterly cold here and grey which makes me depressed! And for some reason there is no snow on the ground and this makes it worse! I have laundry to do and fold but I am not! I have not made my bed and I don’t care! I feel slightly sleepy but I know if I laced down no rest would come! I have no idea what I am doing today hahahah!

  27. susan says:

    Hi Kathy,
    I could have sworn I commented on this yesterday – duh. Distractions? Whatever!
    I’m using “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” as my mantra right now. Since I’m not dead yet, I can only assume I have the strength I need!

  28. msmcword says:

    Here in suburban Detroit it has not been much above zero these past three days. It is supposed to be in the 20’s by the weekend. Heatwave!

    “The Looper” (a.k.a. Nancy)

  29. Stacy says:

    It was a balmy 65 degrees here today in the Bayou State. I’m not sure if I’d prefer tree below or 75 – I think there is a time for everything, including winter. And there is so precious little of the cold here, that sometimes, yes, sometimes we do wish for the tree to grow below the zero. 😀

    • Kathy says:

      Oh the Bayou State sounds lovely, Stacy. I wonder if we are ever 100% satisfied with what we have? If we can be fully present enough with either the cold or heat to simply appreciate in gratitude what arises? Someday over the rainbow…

      • Stacy says:

        Food for thought, Kathy. I’m trying really hard to live in the “now,” and appreciate every moment NOW. It’s a battle for me, but I’ve been working on changing my thought process, with a little help from a friend. 🙂

  30. notquiteold says:

    I do love a swear word once in a while. I like typing one. I like saying one.

  31. This weekend, it was 65 degrees on Saturday and Sunday. I hiked Muir Woods for 3 hours with a writing friend. We discussed how chilly it was under the big redwood trees – like, maybe 60 degrees instead of 65. I think 60 degree weather is healing. So I’m sending warm SF bay thoughts your way. xo

    • Kathy says:

      Now that sounds like the life, Pam. Hiking 3 hours in Muir Woods with a writing friend in 60 degree temps. It’s getting warmer here in the next few days so I do believe some of your warmth will arrive soon. Thank you!

  32. dearrosie says:

    I hope you’re keeping warm. What a great picture of you sitting reading in the snow – you make it look as if you’re sunbathing!

    • Kathy says:

      Hi Rosie, it hit 10 degrees today and I (mistakenly) thought it was a heat wave until venturing outside. That pic was taken in 2009 during my year-long outdoor commitment. You just had to read outdoors in winter for one outdoor session. It was a book of Rumi’s poems.

  33. Munira says:

    Well, we don’t do Fahrenheit here in my neck of the woods, but my phone says it’s 25 degrees (Centigrade)…..though it feels a lot cooler inside the house 🙂 It gets nippier in the evenings, but very pleasantly so!
    You are so very funny Kathy! Your posts always make me grin 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Munira, you are such a sweetie–and a warm one, too. It sounds like it’s 77 F at your house, around the same temp as in Florida, you lucky lady! Glad you find these posts funny. Grinning in response…

  34. Well it’s 3 here, so I guess I feel downright warm. I do, really I do (she says hopefully)

    • Kathy says:

      Inger, yep, we have to convince ourselves of that sometimes. I was trying to earlier today when it hit 10 degrees. Almost succeeded until that trip to the mailbox…

  35. Well, it was -17 yesterday morning and -11 this morning at Michigamme on the lake, but now it is a balmy 5 degrees with sunshine pouring in my great room windows….it is supposed to warm up to balmy 30’s by Tuesday, so hang in there!!

    • Kathy says:

      You in Michigamme are almost always colder than we are, aren’t you, especially on some of these winter mornings? In Herman, just south of L’Anse, they have those kind of frigid below zero double digits, too. They say Lake Superior warms us up a bit. I’m looking forward to the 30’s but my ice fishing husband will start to fret when that happens. Stay warm!

  36. bearyweather says:

    Well, since you asked …. we are suffering through the coldest week in about 4 years. The high so far this week as been about -10 on Wednesday about 1pm. -20 is about the average temp. Last night and tuesday night hit a low of -35 (some places as low as -40) .. throw some wind in there and you have “cold”… and two hour late starts to school. I don’t have a snowmobile suit, but I am very thankful for my garage .. it allows my car to star (and me not to freeze when I walk out to get in).
    Besides going to work, the weather has me in hibernation mode … going outside to do anything is impossible. It might hit zero tomorrow afternoon with some snow .. it will feel like a heatwave…. rumors have it we might reach 20 above on Sunday …amazing.
    This weather causes some to suffer cabin fever … but, since I am part bear … I don’t mind being stuck indoors so much. 😉

    • Kathy says:

      Bearyweather, you have it so cold out there, much colder than we often do. (Although some inland places around here rival those temps, too.) Glad your school started late and that you have a garage. That would be heavenly. Are you experiencing heatwave today? We are. It’s 20 degrees and feels darn balmy. I haven’t been feeling any cabin fever–so far–this year and that feels darn good. It’s so friend to have a friend who is part bear. 🙂

  37. sonali says:

    How Nice! Made me feel completely rejuvenated. Pictures show relaxation, calmness. “It’s damn expensive to fly these days.” made me smile. Thank you Kathy! I start my Friday feeling fresh & absolutely brilliant 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      So glad you enjoyed, Ms. Sonali. Glad my tongue’s slippage did not make you frown at your computer screen. It IS so expensive to fly. May you enjoy your weekend fully…

  38. Sartenada says:

    Great, yes indeed great. Although living in Finland, I have never seen such a Thermometer. Some people swim here among ice, but I do not have any photo from it. I love Your set of photos very much.

  39. I’m a few days late on this story but today, I finally feel like I might go outside. It is a whopping 1F out there now, (10:00 am) but they say its going to be 19F! That’s a heatwave! Living close to the lake certainly has it’s perks!

    • Kathy says:

      Chequamegongirl, you are never too late! Yes, it’s 20 F right now and feels like a darn heat wave. You could almost sunbathe…well, that would involve a sun, wouldn’t it? And it’s lake-effect snowing a bit right now. Enjoy your weekend!

  40. Brrrrr, that’s cold! Reminds me of those Chicago winters years and years ago when I lived in that area. But at least you have snow!!!
    Our high today is supposed to be a depressing 72 degrees 😦

    • Oh, and Sara said she likes your header (and so do I) 🙂

      • Kathy says:

        Now, now, Michaela, you can’t be depressed about 72 degrees, can you? I mean, is that possible? We’re suppose to approach a balmy 30 degrees today. There’s enough snow that everything looks fresh & pretty. A perfect NorthWoods day. Barry’s out ice fishing for the second time so we may even get fish…even though I will not be eating it… Thank you for visiting!

  41. We have another round of “it’s damn cold” on tap for later this week. And, yes, with a round of college visits coming up next month to Boston and D.C., it is damn expensive to fly! ~ Kat

    • Kathy says:

      Yep, Kat, we have that “damn” cold spell heading our way too. But today…well, it was tropical at 38 degrees! Did you have that, too? Good luck with the wallet and those college visits. Hope you find that perfect place for your young’un.

  42. Our temps were about the same as yours last week with wind chills making it feel like -37. Today things are a little warmer, up in the -teens (Celsius). I’d love to be heading south right about now but, like you said, it’s ‘damn expensive’! 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Oh withershins, sometimes I would like to travel the world–to go everywhere. But money would have to rain from the sky for that to happen. Stay warm!

  43. Robin says:

    ‘Tis blustery and cold here. Snow dancing wildly as the wind sings and howls and moans. My home, like yours, is refusing to warm up. I might resort to turning up the heat although I hate to do so because propane is damn expensive. (Yes, it does feel good to write that. lol!) I just printed out the detox recipes. I like them so much better than the recipes in two of the detox books I just finished reading so I think I will follow along with you, probably breaking a few rules along the way, too. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Damn expensive propane…smiling back atcha, Ms. Robin! You wouldn’t believe how much both Barry and I are enjoying those recipes. We are on Day 2 of Week 2 and there hasn’t been a single recipe we haven’t liked. Most of them we’ve loved. (Rule breaking can’t be helped, can it? Gotta keep life a little spicy…)

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