It was a Lulu of a night…

The world looks different through a wine glass, so they say.

 Let’s back up.  I’m downstate (550 miles from my home in the Upper Peninsula, back in my childhood bedroom where I used to perch before a manual typewriter as an elementary student, writing short stories). 

You will be interested to know that I have banned myself from taking ANY MORE photos until the current excess of pictures  has been posted. 

 Therefore, let’s back up.  Back to Thursday night when I arrived in Bellaire. in the northern Lower Peninsula.  My brother and his wife drove up to the cottage from their home in the Thumb and we decided to go out to dinner.  At 8 p.m.  Which is a little late for this blogger.   

It was a lulu of a night. At Lulu's.

 They suggested we dine at Lulu’s Restaurant in downtown Bellaire.  It’s a gourmet yummy place, although we only sampled soup and salads and appetizers and wine.  Some of us sampled wine.  I am not going to reveal who.  I shall leave it to your imagination.

 It was a lulu of a night for some of us.  The rest of us behaved ourselves.   

My brother, Tim, and his wife, Michele

 It was so good to spend time with my brother and his wife.   We caught up on Everything Under the Sun…and more.  My daughter, Kiah, and I saw them in Florida earlier this spring…and Barry and I saw the whole family when we drove downstate at Christmastime, so this year we’re feeling mighty connected with the extended family.  

Note to self: Must stay out of the bathrooms with camera.

 I couldn’t quit taking pictures.  It’s really a challenge at times.  Especially when one goes into the bathroom and decides a photograph must be taken.  Must leave the camera at the table next time.  How many other people in the world think that bathrooms are fair game photographically?  None of you?   

After Lulu's...let's go to the grocery store and photograph...creamer?

 After our Lulu of a time (don’t you love these headlines?) we adjourned to the grocery store.  (Do you know how much I giggle when I write these crazy headlines and actually put them into print for people to read?  With very little embarrassment?  My mom just walked by the bedroom and heard me laughing so hard I almost fell off the chair.  A Lulu of a time!  Silly, isn’t it? You all have heard of the cliche, haven’t you?)

 Perhaps some of us had sipped too much wine because someone–we shan’t say who–took out her camera and started snapping pictures of things like milk cartons and apples and creamer and grocery carts.  Surely it wasn’t me.  Must have been one of the other two.  

Pablo waits patiently for us back at the cottage. He's 15 years old now!

 When we finally arrived back at the cottage, their dog Pablo wondered what took us so long.  He knew I had another 4 1/2 hour drive early the next morning. 

 He said, “Next time don’t have such a lulu of a night and get back home sooner!”

 I’m sure he said that.  I’m sure.   😉

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
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19 Responses to It was a Lulu of a night…

  1. I request that you sing”””’I”m a traveling girl, made a lot of stops…..

    As for the bathroom, I really thought that was really an odd one. It looked like you were setting up a sting operation or something worse…..

    Happy Tails to you.


    • Kathy says:

      A sting operation, Kim! LOL! I am laughing so hard I’m sputtering with both your comment and Laurie’s. I will try to behave in bathrooms on the way back home. Will try… 🙂

  2. holessence says:

    Kathy – I’m ever so grateful you didn’t take a photograph of the inside of the porcelain throne during/after the OTHER person got sick from their Lulu of a time!

    We know it couldn’t have been you. Just look at the photograph of Pablo — it’s not fuzzy in the least. Your hands were steady as a fortress. Nope — it had to have been one of the other two …

    • Kathy says:

      Laurie! The photo of dear Pablo was fuzzy because we had LIMITED LIGHT in the cottage. Not because of my unsteady hands. I am totally convinced of that. Totally convinced! Totally… ha ha ha….

      • Kathy says:

        And I HAD to post a photo of Pablo, fuzzy or not, cuz he’s gettting sooooo old he may never have a chance to appear in a blog again. 😦

  3. barb says:

    Kathy – I only hope you didn’t have a Lulu of a headache to drive back home! As for your self portrait – well – enough said.

    • Kathy says:

      I didn’t have a headache so it COULDN’T have been ME, Barb! Must have been one of the other two. By the way, did I go over the edge with the self-portrait????

  4. Yesiree – I’m convinced it was the lighting too. Not a chance it had anything to do with a Lulu of an evening. Nope, not a chance.

    Pablo’s a doll — and 15 — whew!

  5. Kathy says:

    I finally caught up on your last three bogs. They were wonderful. How’d you come up with that one on the daisies all being different? And you got the “wierd food” signs along the way–not to mention the feet in the sand! And, yes, it it must have been a lulu of a night. (PS–Pabloe the god (sorry, dyslexic), I mean Pablo the dog, must have had the shakes–not the photographer. –great stuff, love, Barry

  6. Zara says:

    Always enjoy your blogs!
    Keep them coming! ^_^

  7. Kathy says:

    Barry–it’s always weird when you comment because it looks like Kathy is commenting. Kinda like we’re one person. Thanks for going back and reading the blogs even when you’ve been so busy. I miss you!

    Zara, I am glad you enjoy them. (I can’t seem to stop writing. It’s my passion!)

  8. Dawn says:

    Great blog! Loved the first photo of your sister-in-law through the wine glass. Also loved the pup, 15 is a long time! I hope he gets to be in another blog someday!

    Lulu’s looks wonderful! Maybe someday I’ll get over there.

    Meanwhile, safe travels!

    • Kathy says:

      Dawn, I loved that shot of Michele, too. Amazing the images you can get through wine glasses. I do suggest you visit Lulu’s sometime. It was wonderful! And Pablo is the best doggie too…

  9. Susan D says:

    Howling … you KNOW I am … ouch, howling ….. hee hee hahahahahaha .. ouch … help me … ouch … hoooowwwwwlllllingggg………..

    • Kathy says:

      OK, Susan you are WAY TOO FUNNY!!! I think you should write a blog, too. You would write a funny blog. You would laugh yourself silly, too. You might even howl. (Although I haven’t howled yet….although this blog it came close… tee hee…)

  10. Reggie says:

    What a beautiful bathroom that must have been! With a mirror like that, and such a luxurious colour scheme, I would have tried to take a photo too.

    Just a tip: it’s always best to wait until everyone else (particularly strangers) has LEFT the bathroom before you whip out your digicam and zoom in on the selection of colourful liquid soaps reflected in the gilded mirror or the pile of fluffy clean hand-towels with the pretty flower ontop, or whatever luxurious beauties are laid out.

    You are sooo brave to take photos in shops! I’d love to, particularly if it’s an eye-catching or unusual display, but I’m nervous. Is one supposed to ask for permission, Kathy?

    • Kathy says:

      Reggie, laughing, I would NEVER take pics with someone else in the bathroom! That would be forbidden. Sounds like you have snapped a few photos in bathrooms yourself. We never see nice fluffy hand towels though. Do you have those in bathrooms in South Africa?

      Hmmm…what a question about snapping photos in shops. Good question! If it’s a small shop, I would feel more nervous. If it’s a BIG shop–like our supermarkets–it doesn’t feel wrong at all. If it’s a small shop, maybe it would be good to ask permission. You have made me think this morning!

  11. Cindy Lou says:

    Do you have a file on your laptop of just wine glass shots? You’re getting quite creative with them!! 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Gosh, I hope people think I don’t drink lots of wine! (It’s just that whenever I get near a wine glass I have an insatiable urge to take pictures through them. LOL!)

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