“Twizzle twazzle twozzle twome”

Our woodpile

Our woodpile

How many of you know the incantation “Twizzle twazzle twozzle twome”?

Think carefully before you answer this rather innocent question.

If you know the answer, it may date you.

Pretty snow with blue skies

Pretty snow with blue skies

Hint:  the line comes from a long-ago TV show.  A fellow named Tooter Turtle always calls on his friend “Mr. Lizard the Wizard” who lives in a tiny cardboard box at the base of a tall tree.  He wears a wizard cone hat, robe and pince-nez eyeglasses.

Tooter always has another favor to ask as he knocks on the Wizard’s cardboard box.    The wizard dutifully shrinks him so the turtle can enter the tiny cardboard box.  He then proceeds to send Tooter on all sorts of magical adventures.

The snowy woods

The snowy woods

Just when Tooter’s life gets very catastrophic in his new locale (often in the past) the Wizard will chant the magic incarnation and–wa la!–Tooter will return home.

Do you remember what comes after the Twizzle twazzle twozzle twome?

Yes, you do, what a wonderful memory you have!

Time for this one to come home.

Note the size of the snow bank by the bird feeder.

Note the size of the snow bank by the bird feeder.

For those of you who don’t know what the heck this Twizzle-twazzle nonsense is about:  this TV show aired in the early 1960’s!  Can you imagine all of us impressionable youth gathered around our black and white TVs just after we watched The Little Rascals or The Mickey Mouse Club?

Note the snow bank obscuring the view of the tractor.

Note the snow bank obscuring the view of the tractor.

Of course, I did not remember a lick of what was just shared with you until Googling the magic incantation.

I DO remember the incantation.

I awoke this morning mumbling it.

Looking at the snow and muttering, “Twizzle twazzle twozzle twome.  Time for this one to go home!”

I meant:  it’s time for the snow to go home.  To return to whence it came.  It’s time for winter to depart.

Do you think the incantation will work?

Note the snowbanks around the house.  Imagine when they'll be gone.  Are you thinking May?

Note the snowbanks around the house. Imagine when they’ll be gone. Are you thinking May?

But I’m not complaining!  Simply chanting childhood spells.

Complaining would probably keep the snow coming until May.  (That’s been known to happen.  It seems we always get a ten inch snowstorm in May, but spells usually work when you’re that close to June.)

You will score bonus points if you remember the advice Mr. Wizard always gave our turtle.  Search your memory banks.  The answer shall be revealed later in our episode.

See Barry plow.

See Barry plow.

See Barry plow up close.

See Barry plow up close.

See odd view of plow that Kathy likes.

See odd view of plow that Kathy likes.

Last night after work Barry had to plow the driveway in preparation for another winter storm.  They’ve been wildly predicting anywhere between two and twenty inches through tomorrow night.  So far we’ve seen a couple inches and it’s hardly snowing at all.

Perhaps the spell is working.

Some roofs are collapsing from snow overload.  It's time to shovel the roof...

Some roofs are collapsing from snow overload. It’s time to shovel the roof…

One must keep the heavy wet snow off roofs here in the Northwoods.  Roofs have been known to collapse.  Last winter, when Barry couldn’t walk due to his ailing knees, the snow cooperated and the roof never needed shoveling.

He’s been avoiding shoveling this year, thus far.  Last night–after we heard of a collapsed roof–he tied the ladder to the front porch, pulled himself up, and proceeded to shovel the roof for an hour.

I am SO proud of him!  It is a miracle that he can do this less than a year after his first knee replacement.  (And only eight months since the second knee replacement.)

Barry shovels snow for an hour.  He rests his back sometimes.

Barry shovels snow for an hour. He rests his back sometimes.

The snow looks like craters on the deck this morning.  Imagine Kathy shoveling.

The snow looks like craters on the deck this morning. Imagine Kathy shoveling.

I sat on the couch this morning with a cup of tea and imagined photographing the Christmas cactus lined up “just so” with one of the moon-crater snow balls on the deck.

However, the cactus started shivering from the cold–and one doesn’t want to kill one’s Christmas cactus, does one?–so the photo shoot lasted exactly three minutes with me issuing apology after apology to the poor beleaguered plant.

I took it inside before properly finding the “right shot”.

Christmas cactus in the snow (the cactus was appalled at the photo shoot idea!)

Christmas cactus in the snow (the cactus was appalled at the photo shoot idea!)

Pink bloom in snow

Pink bloom in snow

Apparently Mr. Wizard must have heard the spell and decided to send this lovely capture of a pileated woodpecker sent from my friend, Doris, who lives across the Huron Bay out in Skanee.    Nice picture, eh?  The woodpecker, unlike the Christmas cactus, has no qualms being out in mid-winter in the Northwoods.

Bonus photo!  The pileated woodpecker Doris saw in her back yard.

Bonus photo! The pileated woodpecker Doris saw in her back yard.

The advice our wizard always gave our turtle?

“Be just what you is, not what you is not. Those that do this are the happiest lot.”

About Kathy

I live in the middle of the woods in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Next to Lake Superior's cold shores. I love to blog.
This entry was posted in March 2013 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

50 Responses to “Twizzle twazzle twozzle twome”

  1. Before my time 🙂 but very sweet blog, thanks!

    • Kathy says:

      Nicole, I expected it to be before most people’s time. Heck, the only thing I remember about it was the spell. Do you suppose people in nursing homes in a few years may be chanting those words? tee hee.

  2. Karma says:

    I’m home on a very silly snow day today. Barely 3″ but the powers that be worried about the freezing drizzle predicted for later in the day, I suppose. I’d love to twizzle, twazzle the snow away – I’ve never heard of that show. How funny you woke with the words in your head.
    I saw a pileated woodpecker for the first time last spring. I did not have my camera with me. I was astounded at the size of that bird, having never seen such a large woodpecker.
    I hope the snow leaves you alone for a while. You’ve had more than your share, it appears. I applaud your effort to bring us some lovely pink in the middle of all this white.

    • Kathy says:

      Karma, I am not surprised that the “powers that be” cancelled your school. Seems like those powers are cancelling school a LOT this year! Surprised that we have school today. But I think they’re getting wary because they have to make up days at the end of the year. Doesn’t a pileated kind of look like a prehistoric creature? Methinks so!

  3. Heather says:

    I do not know the show or the incantation, but I will finally support you in your pleas regarding no more snow. I don’t want it all to melt yet, though, because I do not want everything to freeze when it isn’t protected by snowpack.
    Hooray for Barry’s knee success!!

  4. not before my time but I was not allowed to watch much TV when I was a kid– or it was not shown in Canada–but I love the wizard’s advice — we could do no better than to follow it
    we are rushing spring I think – last year it was warm for a while and then got cold again–ruining a lot of orchards–I do not want that to happen this year so I am trying to be patient
    we never get snow in May here though

    • Kathy says:

      Maybe, LouAnn, hardly anyone on the planet watched this show. Which is OK, because now I can tell a bit of TV memorabilia which may otherwise have been lost. (yeah…right…lol) Good advice about that patience. It’s awful when things bloom too soon and they’re endangered.

  5. I sort of remember that cartoon, for the catchphrase “Help Mr. Wizard!”, but my memories are all tangled up with the other super hero turtle, Touche Turtle.

    • Kathy says:

      Mygosh, Solo Pursuits, I remember that line, too! Can’t you just hear him shouting “HELP, Mr. Wizard!” with such a plea. Perhaps the reason I remember this show is that Barry and I have talked about it. Maybe it was a show that was just on in Michigan. Did you grow up in Michigan?

      • I remember the line because a friend and I would use it often when we were stumped as to how to fix a problem at work back in the 1980’s. Actually, it’s a long story that I won’t bore you with. I think that the show ran nationwide, and possibly internationally, but since I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, I do know it ran here.

  6. Kathy – We’re basically the same age (give or take a few weeks) and I can’t for the life of me remember that television show. When we raced home from school we saw: Dark Shadows, followed by The Wild, Wild West, then The Flinstones (at least I think that was the order). Then it was time for dinner (while mom and dad watched the evening news with Huntley and Brinkley). Then we got sent to our rooms to do homework (because they watched Peyton Place and it was to risque for us)…

    I love the photos!

    • Kathy says:

      Laurie, Laurie, Laurie! You are describing TV shows that played more at the late end of the 60’s. I know, having been an avid Dark Shadows fan. But did not watch the Wild, Wild, West. Maybe the boys did. Did you ever watch Lost in Space? Your memories of TV shows are much more vivid than mine. (Thank you for liking the photos. Wasn’t going to show them but then decided maybe some would like to see what it looks like here.)

  7. Elisa says:

    Ok, if I were two, the GIANT piles of snow would be more magical. No i do not know the show. I like the pink flower. My one gramma used to have that plant. I cannot recall if it ever bloomed. There was talk about things to do to get them to bloom. It is amazing how routine putting in a new joint is. But this is putting in a non human and shouldn’t be taken for granted, I think. The thing fades, the bad the what came before. It doesn’t seem possible for him to be doing normal type things. And yet,sooner or later they become the normal. I hope that there is no pain at all for him now. I never really knew anyone that had them to ask. I did notice some, who stopped limping and got back to doing things they enjoyed. The red of the woodpecker always gives me a jolt when I see it. How did God pick JUST that shade?!? and maybe whhhhhhhhhy did He choose it?

    • Kathy says:

      Thanks, Elisa, I like the pink flowers, too. This plant didn’t bloom for years (it was on top of the frig) and someone said to put it in the light. So we moved it and it was soon covered with blooms! It’s weird how quickly Barry seems to be forgetting the pain. We’ve commented more than once that it’s like childbirth. You forget it… (His pain is not always 100% gone, but so much better.)

  8. The trick, I think, is knowing what you is…
    Thank you for this post, it is filled with the everyday kind of magic. The kind that I forget to be awed by, thank you for reminding me.

    • Kathy says:

      Littlestory, I love that you say this. My deepest self wants to share everyday kinds of magic. And am never sure if that succeeds. I love that this ignited your own magic heart.

  9. sonali says:

    You both have to do so much of work when the snow is all around. I wish I could come over flying. That pricking urge to come over and help you clear all the snow from every place, roofs, road sides, and every place and fill all the snow into big big sacks and bring it all to India!!! I wish I could, gather all of it, eat some of it, throw some of it high up in the air and what not. I love the winter cactus too. Thank you for the lovely pictures, for tonight’s dreams 😀

    • Kathy says:

      Awww, Sonali you are the sweetest! We would love the help. (I can guarantee that snow doesn’t taste all that good. It just tastes cold. And wet. The natives used to mix it with maple syrup. That would be tasty!) You would have to fall in the snow and do a snow angel. You would like that. Glad I posted the pics–just for those of you who (still) love snow…

      • Elisa says:

        We put maple syrup the real kind that we made on snow too!
        I dunno if that one was native or amish or just cause we were dirt poor but YUM!!! What a treat!

  10. Susan D says:

    oooo, such pretty, interesting pictures! I am still liking the look of snow but I’m getting tired of moving it … every time the plow comes by it causes another bout of digging the banks away from my little car with my little shovel … I enjoyed the exercise for quite a while. Now, not so much.

    Darn it, I have never heard of Tooter Turtle and Mr. Wizard! We must have been living in Florida by then and it wasn’t shown down there. I love the incantation! Since I’m compelled to “sing my life,” I was singing: “There’s a snow storm goin’ on” … to the tune of The Doors Riders on the Storm … whilst I was flinging snow with the little shovel. Ha! It does make Life more fun (or manageable) and definitely magical to invoke incantations and songs and all those wonderful things … Thanks for the fun, Kathy Sue!

    • Kathy says:

      Snow IS so pretty, Susan Dee, but the exercise can get wearing after–how many months? Am smiling at your Rider’s of the Storm impersonation. My daughter also loves this singing/chanting nonsense. The daughter now known as “K”.

  11. Brenda Hardie says:

    Hi Kathy–
    We didn’t watch much TV when I was growing up but I do remember Captain Kangaroo (and those silly ping pong balls!), Mister Rogers (a wonderfully calming show in the midst of noisy and sometimes hysterical foster kids, *some had come from very harsh and abusive homes*)and I remember Hogan’s Heroes, and yes, the Wild Wild West. When we visited our grandparents (Mom’s side) we watched Lawrence Welk, Emergency (my Grama thought Dr. Gannon looked like my Dad 🙂 ) and my Grampa liked All in the Family. But I think most of these shows came later than the time you mentioned. I have no memories of the show with the wizard lizard and turtle. Sure enjoyed seeing your pictures though!! Looks like a winter fairy wonderland! Your Christmas cactus looks lovely….my Mom’s was so very old it didn’t look very pretty anymore. Our blizzard was very lame….had some new snow but not more than about 3-4 inches and a lot of wind (which probably made for very poor visibility out in the open areas) but that’s it. I hope the storm doesn’t leave you stranded up there. Although, I can’t think of a better place to be snowed in! ♥ Oh! And I love love love the pileated woodpecker!!

    • Kathy says:

      Brenda, how could we EVER forget Captain Kangaroo with those ping pong balls and Mr. Green Jeans and Grandfather Clock! I also remember all the other programs you mentioned, some more fondly than others. My grandparents always had us watch Lawrence Welk too! I’m thinking our blizzard was kinda lame, too, but am sighing a big thank goodness!

  12. lisaspiral says:

    We’re all antsy because “spring” comes at the end of the week. Sadly, I suspect with that much snow it could be spring for quite a while before you’d see grass underneath. Us too. Here’s hoping for robins rather than woodpeckers.

    • Kathy says:

      I think today is the first day of spring, isn’t it, Lisa, even though it’s almost impossible to tell! Do you think that grass exists under all this snow? That may be a leap of faith. 😉

  13. Dana says:

    I can’t say I had ever heard the incantation before, Kathy. I am sending good vibes to the Mother Nature office in Michigan to align itself with what the calendar says should be the First Day of Spring tomorrow. Good luck!

    • Kathy says:

      I am really getting into this ancient incantation, Dana. When you wake up chanting something, it must be a good sign, musn’t it? Thanks for the good vibes. Maybe you helped us make it home safely today!

  14. wanderingseniors says:

    As soon as I saw the title of this post, “time for this one to come home” popped into my head. I’m amazed I remembered it! I had forgotten about that cartoon. I told my husband to complete the chant and he immediately did, too… in the cartoon voice! Haha, what fun.

    I love your snow! Wish I were there. We got about 5 minutes of snow this year; some years we get 6-8″ and go absolutely crazy-happy. I don’t know if I could handle it for a long period of time, but I’d be ecstatic for a couple of weeks.

    That pileated woodpecker is a very strange looking bird. Looks like he’s been carved out of wood. Someone else said it looked prehistoric; I could agree with that, too.

    I signed up to follow your blog only a week or two ago and I’m so glad I did. It’s a great blog.

    Ah, hubby just found Tooter Turtle and Mr. Wizard on YouTube. How funny to hear them again, just as we remember. Thanks for the memories, the great snow photos and for introducing a new bird to me.

    • Kathy says:

      I am SO pleased a few of you remembered this, Wandering Senior! And your husband, too. Give him a high five! You know, I do understand that one could be ecstatic-happy with a little bit of snow Really understand that. Too bad we don’t get to pick & choose how much we get. SO delighted that you are enjoying my blog! Thank you, thank you–for visiting and for commenting!

  15. dorannrule says:

    I love your house and can picture you inside with that cup of tea! I don’t think we had television in the 60’s since we were living in remote areas of California. So I missed the Twizzle thing. Either that or I am very very young! 🙂 I hope your spell works and the snow is over…..

    • Kathy says:

      Glad you like our little house in the woods, dorannrule. It is small, but it’s just big enough for us. I suspect you don’t remember the Twizzle thing because you’re very young. However, if you were born before 1957 you have no excuses!

  16. Chris Roddy says:

    Well Kathy, I am totally clueless as to what show you’re talking about. I am certainly old enough to remeber, but, I draw a blank. I do like the moral at the end.
    The woodpecker is beautiful. Like you, I can’t wait to see some color. I’m so tired of white.
    Am so glad you learned how to care for your Christmas cactus. They’re so pretty.
    Husband with fake knees on the snowy roof? Yikes!

    • Kathy says:

      Chris, it’s totally OK. I understand now that it wasn’t a “wide spread” TV show. That’s probably why it only lasted two years! Not enough people were watching it. Glad you enjoyed the color on the woodpecker. Me, too. They can stay around as long as they don’t peck on our house. As for Barry’s knees, apparently folks can do most things with artificial knees after that first year. I am so impressed!

  17. Oh Kathy! I’m so amazed! I am posting something about Christmas cactus tomorrow too! We’re on some kind of similar wave length. I don’t remember that cute little incantation but for the wrong reason — I was probably already in 4th or 5th grade. Darn! And I have a question: what kind of weather prediction is that — 2 or 20 inches? I could predict that!

    • Kathy says:

      That is the coolest Christmas cactus synchronicity, Patty! Love it when that happened. Gosh, you could be my older sister. I have some adopted older sisters already, but no real ones. As for 2 -20 inches, wasn’t that stupid? Crazy prediction! But it makes sense, considering our Upper Peninsula is four hours from east to west and some areas probably got two and some twenty…

  18. Robin says:

    Gosh, look at all that snow! I do hope your spell works because your weather keeps making its way east to us, and I would like it, too, if winter went home. Not that I’m complaining. As you mentioned, complaining just makes winter dig in its heels and stay a while longer.

    I’ve never heard the incantation, or of Tooter the Turtle and his pals. It seems like I should have since it’s not before my time.

    • Kathy says:

      Robin, the spell is still going through my head. I am actually looking at it in a spiritual way… “Time for this one to go home…” Know you’ll understand.

  19. Sybil says:

    Usually I remember all this old TV stuff, but not this one. I mean I remember “Tom Terrific and his Mighty Dog Manfred” !!
    And the quote: “Be just what you is, not what you is not. Those that do this are the happiest lot.” Well I thought that sounded like something from Pogo… Boy, you’ve got me wandering down memory lane.

    • Kathy says:

      Syb, now really, was there a TV show called Tom Terrific and his Mighty Dog Manfred??? And someone called…Pogo…? Tee hee, makes you wonder the different shows from different parts of the country/world…

  20. Pingback: Dark Reality and My Writing Journey | Woman Wielding Words

  21. bearyweather says:

    I have no memories of ever seeing this tv show, but I am definitely ready and willing to try that incantation. Blizzard on monday dumped another foot on us and those wicked winds some amazingly deep drifts. There is so much snow here (and it has been a cold week with 18 below thursday night) it is hard to believe we will see grass until June.
    BTW .. my birdfeeder is not visible any more … there is just no where to plow the snow in my very woodsy yard.

    • Kathy says:

      Oh bearyweather, I am hoping our snow (both of our snow) melts very quickly. We hardly have any place to put our snow in our driveway, either. It’s been many a winter since this has happened! Hopefully this week will be simply melt, melt, melt.

  22. Reggie says:

    We didn’t have that show in South Africa, but it sounds delightful. I think I missed out!

    Can’t believe you guys have soooo much snow! And that roofs can collapse from it – YIKES!

    Love the woodpecker shot!

    • Kathy says:

      My GOSH do we have a lot of snow! Fortunately it’s melting now. Glad you liked the woodpecker shot. It was so nice of Doris to share.

  23. highlanderinfinity says:

    I watched this as a kid. my brother always called for Mr. Wizard for Help. Of course he was and is older,( Thank you God.) As we all know Perfection comes with practice, ( well older siblings are , well prototypes. Perfection , my parents reached and broke the mold. You know, gold, to well, humbly, a Diamond… We have all experimented. Thank you for the memory.

Thank you for reading. May you be blessed in your life...may you find joy in the simple things...